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Dictionary English German: L

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NOUN   an L | Ls
SYNO   L | l | lambert | 50 | L | fifty ... 
SYNO   [fachspr.] | Leiter | Phase
additional {adj} <add'l>
left {adv} <l.>
links <l.>
lit. line <l.> [of a poem, document, etc.]
Zeile {f} <Z.>
unit liter <l, L, ℓ> [Am.]
Liter {m} [auch {n}] <l, L, ℓ>
unit litre <l, L, ℓ> [Br.]
Liter {m} [auch {n}] <l, L, ℓ>
lit. line <l.>
Vers {m} <V.>
phys. luminosity <L>
Luminosität {f} <L>
aviat. logbook
Lebenslaufakte {f} <L-Akte> [eines Flugzeugs]
rail traffic Elevated <L> [in proper nouns]
Hochbahn {f}
art illusionism [trompe l'oeil]
Illusionismus {m}
meteo. lit. lightnings <l> [literary] [lightning strikes or flashes]
Blitze {pl}
drugs L [Am.] [sl.]
Joint {m}
biochem. leucine <Leu, L> [C6H13NO2]
Leucin {n} <Leu, L>
naut. t'gans'l [spv.]
Bramsegel {n}
unit lakh [Ind.] <L>
Hunderttausend {n}
naut. tops'l [spv.]
Toppsegel {n}
ling. print l [letter]l {n} [Buchstabe]
ling. print L [letter]L {n} [Buchstabe]
drugs L [sl.]Joint {m}
L [sl.] [blunt][aus einer Zigarre hergestellter Joint]
geogr. L. A. [abbr.: Los Angeles]L. A. {n}
geogr. LA [abbr.: Los Angeles]L. A. {n}
biochem. levodopa <L-dopa> [L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine] [C9H11NO4]Levodopa {n} <L-DOPA> [L-3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanin]
naut. stays'l [spv.]Stagsegel {n}
naut. stuns'l [spv.]Leesegel {n}
unit ton <l. t., l. tn., L.T., LT> [Br.] [long ton] [2240 lb]britische Tonne {f} <tn. l.> [ca. 1016,05 kg]
2 Words: Others
econ. law in liquidationin Liquidation <i. L.>
L-shaped {adj}L-förmig
loco citato <loc. cit.>loco citato <l. c.>
pharm. quantum libet {adv} <qu. l.; q. l.; QL> [as much as you please]nach Belieben
pharm. quantum libet {adv} <qu. l.; q. l.; QL> [as much as you please]so viel beliebt
sensu lato {adv} <s. l.>im weiten Sinne
sensu lato {adv} <s. l.> [formal]im weiteren Sinne <i. w. S.>
2 Words: Nouns
chem. (substance) concentration <c, mol/l, M>Stoffmengenkonzentration {f} <c, mol/l, M>
chem. amount concentration <c, mol/L>Stoffmengenkonzentration {f} <c, mol/L>
rail Chicago Elevated <Chicago El, Chicago L, El, L>Chicago-Hochbahn {f} [Hoch- und U-Bahn von Chicago, USA]
rail Chicago LChicagoer Hochbahn {f}
law current law <CL, C.L.> [governmental, not electrical]geltendes Recht {n}
med. death certificateLeichenschauschein {m} <L-Schein>
geogr. Kuala Lumpur <K.L.>Kuala Lumpur {n} <KL>
comp. film tech. L cutL-Schnitt {m}
dent. tools L forceps {pl} [one pair]Zahnextraktionszange {f} für die linke Seite
dent. tools L forceps {pl} [one pair]Zahnzange {f} für die linke Seite
L-bladeWinkelmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse]
chem. FoodInd. L-cysteine [E-920]L-Cystein {n}
biochem. L-fucose [C6H12O5]L-Fucose {f}
biochem. L-homocitrullineL-Homocitrullin {n}
chem. L-isomerL-Isomer {n}
med. L-kidneyL-Niere {f}
L-plate [Br.]L-Schild {n} [schweiz.]
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A 2023-03-29: M i l l e n n i a ?
A 2023-03-15: M o l i è r e
A 2022-02-05: break with Modernism i.S. v. contradiction, objection, opposition, ...l
A 2022-01-14: +l. b. c.+ bedeutet im britischen Planungsrecht einzig das gestern aus dem...
Q 2021-08-04: German abbreviation L.S.
A 2021-05-13: 21:12 ... +in humble, the h was originally mute and the pronunciation /'ʌm...
A 2021-03-06: English version: http://www.messner-graz.at/index.php?id=161&L=2
A 2021-02-12: Frappierenderweise: I n t e r k a l a t i o n
A 2020-12-22: Zitat / l.c. 00:13
Q 2020-10-12: Careful with this unusual AE pronunciation: suite by Artists https://www....
Q 2020-08-24: "libelling": Doppeltes l falsch?
A 2020-03-17: @RedRufus: auf die alte Rechtschreibung mit zwei "l"
A 2019-06-12: idyl(l)
Q 2019-05-25: Umdeutung: LMAA = *L ä c h l e m e h r a l s A n d e r e*
A 2019-05-25: Fazit: *M i r i s t n i c h t m e h r z u h e l f e n (grins).*
Q 2019-05-18: DaWozuTa: *S c h o n e i n e k l e i n e g u t e Ta t m a c h t...
Q 2019-05-13: JEDER Mensch ist - *mindestens* teilweise/partiell - ein *t o t a l ...
A 2019-04-27: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkzrSZKA4cM *S I B E L I U S*
A 2019-04-24: Both in AE and BE, +police+ is a l w a y s used with a plural verb
A 2019-04-22: (21:14) Cadwal(l)adr: a Welsh first name as old as the 7th century, meanin...

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