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English-German translation for: LAN-Party
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Dictionary English German: LAN Party

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NOUN   a LAN party | LAN parties
NOUN   die LAN-Party | die LAN-Partys/[alt] LAN-Parties
Internet LAN partyNetzwerk-Party {f}
Internet LAN partyLAN-Party {f}
Partial Matches
comp. local area network <LAN>lokales Netzwerk {n} <LAN>
biochem. lanthionine <LAN> [C6H12N2O4S]Lanthionin {n} <LAN>
comp. electr. LAN cableLAN-Kabel {n}
comp. LANörtliche Computervernetzung {f}
comp. wireless LAN <WLAN>Wireless LAN {n} <WLAN>
comp. local area network <LAN>Local Area Network {n} <LAN>
games long algebraic notation <LAN> [chess]Langnotation {f} [Schach]
comp. local area network <LAN>Nahverkehrsnetz {n} [selten] [Local Area Network, LAN]
gastr. party pickers [e.g. toothpicks, toothpick flags]Party-Picker {pl}
to crash a party [coll.]uneingeladen zu einer Party kommen
to gatecrash a party [coll.]in eine Party reinplatzen [ugs.]
to throw sb. a partyfür jdn. eine Party veranstalten
to break away from a partyvon einer Party aufbrechen
to throw a party [coll.]eine Party schmeißen [ugs.]
to go to a partyauf eine Party gehen
gastr. to cater a partyeine Party mit Speisen und Getränken beliefern
tailgate party [Am.]Parkplatz-Party {f} [Picknick auf der Heckklappe eines Autos]
Now we are ready to party!Jetzt steigt die Party! [ugs.]
to ask sb. to (come to) a partyjdn. zu einer Party einladen
to throw a party [coll.]eine Party geben
lit. F Hallowe'en Party [Agatha Christie]Schneewittchen-Party
lit. F The Party at Jack's [Thomas Wolfe]Die Party bei den Jacks
to party [Am.] [coll.]Party machen [ugs.]
terrific party [coll.]tolle Party {f} [ugs.]
at a party {adv}auf einer Party
at the party {adv}auf der Party
to give a partyeine Party geben
to have a partyeine Party feiern
to have a partyeine Party geben
to have a partyParty machen [ugs.]
snug little partygemütliche, kleine Party {f}
This party really rocks! [coll.]Diese Party bringt's! [ugs.] [Es / Hier geht die Post ab.]
Everyone had great fun at the party.Auf der Party ging es hoch her. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
The party became hot and heavy. [Am.] [coll.]Auf der Party ging es heiß her. [ugs.]
gastr. barbecue party <BBQ party>Grillparty {f}
outdoor partyParty {f} im Freien
party rumor [Am.]Party-Gerücht {n}
She's having a party on Saturday. [at her home]Bei ihr steigt am Sonnabend eine Party. [ugs.]
I'm not going to the party full stop. [Br.]Ich gehe nicht auf die Party und damit Schluss.
pol. Tea Party-backed candidatevon der Tea-Party-Bewegung unterstützter Kandidat {m}
party [social gathering]Party {f}
boisterous partyausgelassene Party {f}
boisterous partylaute Party {f}
cloth. party hatParty-Hütchen {n}
rowdy partywilde Party {f}
theme partyMotto-Party {f}
pol. Tea Party-backed candidatesvon der Tea Party unterstützte Kandidaten {pl}
QM first party audit <1st-party audit>First-Party-Audit {n} <1st-Party-Audit> [internes Qualitätsaudit]
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