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English-German translation for: Lachmann manoeuvre
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Dictionary English German: Lachmann manoeuvre

Translation 1 - 75 of 75

med. Lachmann manoeuvre [Br.] [lungs]Lachmann-Manöver {n} [Recruitment-Manöver der Lunge]
Partial Matches
med. Lachmann maneuver [Am.] [lungs]Lachmann-Manöver {n} [Recruitment-Manöver der Lunge]
to manoeuvre [Br.]manövrieren
manoeuvre [Br.]Manöver {n}
mil. manoeuvre [Br.]Truppenübung {f}
to manoeuvre oneself [Br.]sich lavieren
to out-manoeuvre [Br.]ins Abseits drängen
aerial manoeuvre [Br.]Flugmanöver {n}
aviat. mil. sports aerobatic manoeuvre [Br.]Kunstflugmanöver {n}
mil. autumn manoeuvre [Br.]Herbstmanöver {n}
naut. berthing manoeuvre [Br.]Anlegemanöver {n}
clever manoeuvre [Br.]geschicktes Manöver {n}
mil. combat manoeuvre [Br.]Kampfmanöver {n}
diversionary manoeuvre [Br.]Ablenkungsmanöver {n}
astronau traffic docking manoeuvre [Br.]Andockmanöver {n}
astronau traffic docking manoeuvre [Br.]Ankoppelungsmanöver {n}
astronau traffic docking manoeuvre [Br.]Ankopplungsmanöver {n}
naut. docking manoeuvre [Br.]Anlegemanöver {n}
docking manoeuvre [Br.]Kopplungsmanöver {n}
automot. driving manoeuvre [Br.]Fahrmanöver {n}
med. Epley manoeuvre [Br.]Epley-Manöver {n}
naut. evasion manoeuvre [Br.]Ausweichmanöver {n}
evasive manoeuvre [Br.]Ausweichmanöver {n}
flight manoeuvre [Br.]Flugmanöver {n}
med. Gaskin manoeuvre [Br.]Gaskin-Manöver {n}
med. Gaskin manoeuvre [Br.]Manöver {n} nach Gaskin
med. Heimlich manoeuvre [Br.]Heimlich-Handgriff {m}
med. Heimlich manoeuvre [Br.]Heimlich-Manöver {n}
astronau aviat. landing manoeuvre [Br.]Landemanöver {n}
med. McRoberts manoeuvre [Br.]McRoberts-Manöver {n}
mil. naut. naval manoeuvre [Br.]Flottenmanöver {n}
traffic overtaking manoeuvre [Br.]Überholmanöver {n}
turning manoeuvre [Br.]Wendemanöver {n}
naut. unberthing manoeuvre [Br.]Ablegemanöver {n}
audio med. Valsalva manoeuvre [Br.]Valsalva-Manöver {n}
to manoeuvre through sth. [Br.]durch etw. durchmanövrieren
med. Fritsch's manoeuvre [Br.]Fritsch-Handgriff {m}
med. Gaenslen's manoeuvre [Br.]Gaenslen-Handgriff {m}
med. Leopold's manoeuvre [Br.]Leopold-Handgriff {m}
freedom of manoeuvre [Br.]Handlungsfreiheit {f}
freedom to manoeuvre [Br.]Manövrierfreiheit {f}
med. jaw thrust manoeuvre [Br.]Esmarch-Handgriff {m}
med. jaw thrust manoeuvre [Br.]Esmarch-Manöver {n} [seltener] [Esmarch-Handgriff]
manoeuvre in flight [Br.]Flugmanöver {n}
room for manoeuvre [Br.]Handlungsspielraum {m}
room for manoeuvre [Br.]Manövrierraum {m}
med. probe manoeuvre [Br.] [ultrasound examination]Sondenmanöver {n} [Ultraschalluntersuchung]
room to manoeuvre [Br.] [fig.]Gestaltungsspielraum {m} [fig.]
mil. critique of a manoeuvre [Br.]Manöverkritik {f}
to manoeuvre sth. [+adverbial of direction] [Br.]etw. bugsieren [+Richtungsangabe] [ugs.] [z. B. Möbelstück durch die Tür]
idiom to manoeuvre oneself out of sth. [Br.]sich aus etw. herauslavieren
med. Barlow's manoeuvre [Br.] [also: Barlow manoeuvre]Barlow-Test {m}
med. Kocher's manoeuvre [Am.] [also: Kocher manoeuvre]Kocher-Manöver {n}
med. Ortolani manoeuvre [Br.] [also: Ortolani's manoeuvre]Ortolani-Manöver {n} [Ortolani-Test]
med. Phalen's manoeuvre [Br.] [also: Phalen manoeuvre]Phalen-Manöver {n}
med. Pringle's manoeuvre [Br.] [also: Pringle manoeuvre]Pringle-Manöver {n}
med. Rashkind manoeuvre [Br.] [Rashkind balloon atrial septostomy]Rashkind-Manöver {n} [Ballonseptostomie]
med. Sellick's manoeuvre [Br.] [also: Sellick manoeuvre]Krikoiddruck {m} [Sellick-Handgriff]
med. Sellick's manoeuvre [Br.] [also: Sellick manoeuvre]Sellick-Handgriff {m}
med. Spurling's manoeuvre [Br.] [also: Spurling manoeuvre]Spurling-Manöver {n} [Spurling-Test]
med. Dix-Hallpike manoeuvre [Br.] [Dix-Hallpike test]Dix-Hallpike-Manöver {n}
med. lung recruitment manoeuvre [Br.] <LRM> [Lachmann manoeuvre]Recruitment-Manöver {n} (der Lunge)
to manoeuvre oneself / sb. out of sth. [Br.]sich / jdn. aus etw.Dat. manövrieren
idiom to manoeuvre oneself into a favourable position [Br.]sichDat. eine günstige Position verschaffen
FireResc med. head-tilt and chin-lift manoeuvre [Br.]lebensrettender Handgriff {m} [Überstrecken des Kopfes]
med. Hubscher's manoeuvre [Br.] [also: Hübscher's manoeuvre]Hübscher-Manöver {n} [Podologie]
med. Jendrassik manoeuvre <JM> [Br.] [also: Jendrassik's manoeuvre]Jendrassik-Handgriff {m}
med. Jendrassik manoeuvre <JM> [Br.] [also: Jendrassik's manoeuvre]Jendrassik'scher Handgriff {m}
med. Kristeller manoeuvre <KM> [Br.] [also: Kristeller's manoeuvre]Kristeller-Handgriff {m} [Handgriff nach Samuel Kristeller]
med. Kristeller manoeuvre <KM> [Br.] [also: Kristeller's manoeuvre]Kristeller-Manöver {n} [Kristeller-Handgriff]
med. Osler's manoeuvre [Br.] [Osler's pseudohypertension sign]Osler-Manöver {n}
med. Lachman manoeuvre [Br.] [less common for: Lachman test] [orthopaedics]Lachman-Test {m} [Orthopädie]
med. Queckenstedt's manoeuvre [Br.] [also: Queckenstedt manoeuvre] [Queckenstedt test]Queckenstedt-Versuch {m}
med. Müller's manoeuvre [Br.] [also: Müller manoeuvre, Mueller's manoeuvre, Mueller manoeuvre]Müller-Handgriff {m}
med. Müller's manoeuvre [Br.] [also: Müller manoeuvre, Mueller's manoeuvre, Mueller manoeuvre]Müller-Manöver {n}
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