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English-German translation for: Lady
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Dictionary English German: Lady

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NOUN   a lady | ladies
SYNO   Lady | noblewoman | peeress | dame ... 
NOUN   die Lady | die Ladys/[alt auch] Ladies
SYNO   Dame | Frau von Stand | Grazie ... 
Dame {f}
Frau {f}
hist. pillion [sidesaddle, lady's saddle]
Damensattel {m}
lady [coll.] [girlfriend]
Braut {f} [ugs.]
lady [obs.] [lover, mistress]
Geliebte {f}
Lady {f}
lady [woman]
Tante {f} [ugs.] [oft Kindersprache] [auch leicht pej.] [Frau]
lady [female companion]Damenbegleitung {f} [geh.] [weibliche Begleitperson]
Lady [title]Lady {f}
2 Words: Nouns
jobs (lady) companionGesellschafterin {f}
law myth. (Lady) JusticeJustitia {f}
accomplished ladyfeine Dame {f}
accomplished ladyperfekte Dame {f}
cloth. afternoon dress [lady's outfit - usually with hat]Gesellschaftskleid {n} [Damenkostüm - gew. mit Hut]
bag lady [coll.]Stadtstreicherin {f}
boss lady [coll.]Chefin {f}
charity patron [female]Charity-Lady {f}
city ladyStädterin {f}
jobs cleaning ladyAufwartefrau {f}
jobs cleaning ladyPutzfrau {f}
jobs cleaning ladyRaumpflegerin {f}
jobs cleaning ladyReinemachefrau {f} [ugs.]
jobs cleaning ladyReinmachefrau {f}
jobs cleaning ladyZugehfrau {f} [österr.] [südd.]
country ladyDame {f} vom Lande
hist. court ladyHofdame {f}
court ladyPalastdame {f}
curvaceous ladykurvenreiche Dame {f}
jobs dinner lady [Br.][Mitarbeiterin einer Schulkantine]
comm. jobs egg ladyEierfrau {f}
elderly ladyältere Dame {f}
English ladyenglische Dame {f}
fancy lady [obs.] [prostitute]Prostituierte {f}
fashion ladyModedame {f}
fine ladyfeine Dame {f}
pol. First LadyPräsidentengattin {f}
pol. First LadyFirst Lady {f}
pol. Iron Lady [Margaret Thatcher]Eiserne Lady {f}
art relig. Lady altarMarienaltar {m}
jobs lady bartenderBarkeeperin {f}
Lady Bountifulgute Fee {f}
archi. relig. Lady chapelMarienkapelle {f}
hist. jobs lady companionGesellschaftsdame {f} [veraltet] [Gesellschafterin]
lady cookKüchenfee {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [Köchin]
lady cork [coll.] [tampon]Stöpsel {m} [ugs.] [Tampon]
bike lady cyclistRadfahrerin {f}
bike lady cyclistRadlerin {f}
relig. Lady Day [chiefly Br.]Mariä Verkündigung {f}
lady dogHundedame {f}
sports lady fistballerFaustballerin {f}
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A 2020-11-10: ... auch der Papst kann in seinen Stuhl fallen, aber dann gewiss nicht "th...
A 2020-11-10: The lady dropped / flopped into a(n arm)chair, fanning herself with a fan
Q 2020-08-22: Lunch lady
A 2019-10-17: blue lady
A 2018-11-07: it's not over until the fat lady drinks
A 2018-04-28: Second Lady (Hum.)
Q 2018-04-27: Second Lady
Q 2018-02-03: lady with good EC
A 2018-01-20: "lady Luck" conveys a double meaning: His wife could also be seen as "Lady Luck"
A 2018-01-19: Well, Lady Luck smiled on me, then
Q 2017-09-01: Music To Make Love To Your Old Lady By
Q 2017-05-09: Our Lady of Remedies
A 2016-11-09: The Donald sounded quite resolute about pressing the case against Lady Mac...
A 2016-08-26: Lost, an umbrella in Victoria by a lady with whalebone ribs
A 2016-04-23: http://wikidiff.com/lady/mistress
A 2016-04-23: Lady / Mistress
A 2016-02-29: Lady Gaga did it in 2013
A 2015-08-20: So, the problem is that he reserved his seat, not that he drove away the o...
A 2014-08-02: I suggest that you duck when complimenting the lady of the house
A 2014-06-17: Lady luck ...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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