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Dictionary English German: Language

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NOUN   a language | languages
language {adj} [attr.]
language {adj} [attr.]
Language!Schön sprechen!
language <lang.>
Sprache {f} <Spr.>
language [style of expression]
Sprache {f} [Ausdrucksweise]
ling. A language
A-Sprache {f} [Muttersprache des Übersetzers]
2 Words: Others
Arabic-language {adj} [attr.]arabischsprachig [z. B. Länder]
ling. philos. psych. by language {adv}sprachlich
ling. cross-language {adj} [attr.]sprachübergreifend
ling. English-language {adj} [attr.]englischsprachig
ling. lit. foreign-language {adj} [attr.]anderssprachig [Literatur]
foreign-language {adj} [attr.]fremdsprachig [Text, Unterricht, etc.]
ling. foreign-language {adj} [attr.]fremdwörtlich
ling. foreign-language {adj} [attr.] [also foreign language]fremdsprachlich
ling. general-language {adj}allgemeinsprachlich
ling. general-language {adj} [attr.]gemeinsprachlich
German-language {adj} [attr.] [e.g. book]deutschsprachig [z. B. Buch]
language proficient {adj}verhandlungssicher [Sprachkenntnis]
language-dependent {adj}sprachabhängig
ling. language-external {adj}sprachextern
comp. language-independent {adj}sprachunabhängig
ling. language-internal {adj}sprachintern
language-neutral {adj}sprachneutral
ling. language-specific {adj}sprachenspezifisch
language-specific {adj}sprachspezifisch
ling. language-theoretic {adj}sprachtheoretisch
Language, Sir!Ich verbitte mir solche Ausdrücke!
multi-language {adj} [attr.] [manual, nation, etc.]vielsprachig [Gebrauchsanweisung, Staat etc.]
multi-language {adj} [manual, nation, etc.]mehrsprachig [Gebrauchsanweisung, Staat etc.]
ling. native-language {adj} [attr.]muttersprachlich
single-language {adj} [attr.]einsprachig
Spanish-language {adj} [attr.]spanischsprachig
ling. standard-language {adj} [attr.]gemeinsprachlich
Swedish-language {adj} [attr.] [song, TV channel, newspaper, etc.]schwedischsprachig
without language {adj} [postpos.]sprachlos
2 Words: Nouns
ling. abbreviated languageAbbreviatursprache {f}
ling. abstand languageAbstandsprache {f}
abusive language {sg}Beleidigungen {pl}
abusive language {sg}Beschimpfungen {pl}
abusive language {sg}Scheltworte {pl} [geh.]
abusive language {sg}Schimpfworte {pl}
abusive language {sg}beleidigende Worte {pl}
acad. academic languageWissenschaftssprache {f}
ling. relig. Adamic languageadamitische Sprache {f}
ling. additional languageZusatzsprache {f}
admin. ling. administrative languageAmtssprache {f} [Verwaltungssprache]
administrative languageVerwaltungssprache {f}
comp. advanced languagehöhere Programmiersprache {f}
market. advertising languageWerbesprache {f}
ling. agglutinating languageagglutinierende Sprache {f}
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A 2024-09-18: Not in everyday language.
Q 2024-08-10: without language?
Q 2024-04-12: language lawyer (programming language)
A 2024-03-16: confidence in one's body language?
Q 2023-11-21: Notarsprache / language of a notary public
A 2023-03-14: Language keeps changing, but who can keep abreast of latest usage without ...
Q 2022-12-16: English language inflections
Q 2022-12-04: What if don’t change one language was enforced?
A 2022-08-28: no the same for all language pairs
Q 2022-07-25: Copy translation pair into a third language
Q 2022-04-12: Good English-language German grammar from pre-WWII?
A 2022-02-02: German Language classes in Pune
A 2022-02-01: German Language classes in Pune
A 2021-10-16: @polarjud: By government decree, the Duden is the authority on German-lang...
A 2020-12-11: ESPK in Großbuchstaben http://www.abkuerzungen.de/result.php?searchterm=E...
Q 2020-12-07: Alternative Language Tool
A 2020-07-20: +WordReference.com Language Forum+ conffirming MichaelK's suggestion
Q 2020-06-05: Between You and I the English Language is Going to the Dogs; Really?
A 2020-01-13: This is the space for language, behaviour, learning as well as sports and games.
A 2019-10-08: German is not a very logical language, sorry!

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