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| tech. laser surface velocimeter <LSV> | Laser-Surface-Velocimeter {n} <LSV> | |
Partial Matches |
| tech. velocimeter | Velozimeter / Velocimeter {m} {n} | |
| electr. phys. tech. continuous-wave laser <cw laser> | cw-Laser {m} [auch: CW-Laser] | |
| tech. carbon monoxide (electric discharge) laser <CO laser, CO-EDL> | Kohlenmonoxid-Laser {m} <CO-Laser> | |
| tech. argon ion laser | Argon-Ionen-Laser {m} <Ar+-Laser> | |
| tech. carbon dioxide laser <CO2 laser> | Kohlendioxidlaser {m} <CO2-Laser> | |
| tech. carbon monoxide laser <CO laser> | Kohlenmonoxidlaser {m} <CO-Laser> | |
| tech. Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser <COIL> | Sauerstoff-Jod-Laser {m} | |
| educ. phys. laser and optical technology | Laser- und Optotechnologie {f} <LOT> | |
| tech. punch and laser combination machine | Stanz-Laser-Kombinationsmaschine {f} | |
| phys. ultrashort pulse laser <USP laser, UPL> | Ultrakurzpulslaser {m} <UKP-Laser, UKPL> | |
| aviat. MedTech. airborne laser weapon <ABL> | luftgestützte Laser-Waffe {f} | |
| laser colour (photo) copier [Br.] | Laser-Farbkopierer {m} | |
| tech. punch / laser combination machine | Stanz-Laser-Kombinationsmaschine {f} | |
| MedTech. confocal laser endomicroscopy <CLE> | konfokale Laser-Endomikroskopie {f} <KFLM, KLE> [auch: konfokale Laserendomikroskopie] | |
| phys. light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation <LASER> | Lichtverstärkung {f} durch induzierte Strahlungsemission <LASER> | |
| tech. pulsed laser <PL> | Laser {m} im Impulsbetrieb | |
| electr. phys. tech. continuous-wave laser <cw laser> | Dauerstrichlaser {m} | |
| tech. titanium-sapphire laser | Titan-Saphir-Laser {m} | |
| tech. gallium arsenide laser <GaL, GaAs laser> | Gallium-Arsenidlaser {m} <GaAs-Laser> | |
| electr. phys. tech. pulsed laser <PL> | gepulster Laser {m} | |
| tech. pulsed laser <PL> | pulsierender Laser {m} | |
| laser machine-tool | Laser-Werkzeugmaschine {f} | |
| electr. laser power supply | Laser-Stromversorgung {f} | |
| MedTech. laser warning sign | Laser-Warnschild {n} | |
| phys. short-pulse laser <SP laser, SPL> [also: shortpulse laser] | Kurzpulslaser {m} <KP-Laser, KPL> | |
| phys. laser [light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation] | Laser {m} [Lichtverstärkung durch stimulierte Emission von Strahlung] | |
| MedTech. laser-assisted subepithelial / sub-epithelial keratectomy <LASEK> | Laser-epitheliale Keratomileusis {f} <LASEK> | |
| tech. laser boresight | Laser-Schussprüfer {m} | |
| tech. laser boresighter | Laser-Schussprüfer {m} | |
| laser rangefinder | Laser-Entfernungsmesser {m} | |
| med. laser stapedotomy | Laser-Stapedotomie {f} | |
| optics phys. laser scanning confocal microscopy <LSCM> | konfokale Laser-Scanning-Mikroskopie {f} | |
| tech. free-electron laser <FEL> | Freie-Elektronen-Laser {m} <FEL> | |
| selective-laser-sintering <SLS> | Selective-Laser-Sintern {n} | |
| tech. distributed feedback laser [DFB laser] <DFB> | Laser {m} mit verteilter Rückkopplung [DFB-Laser] | |
| tech. helium-neon laser <HeNe laser> | Helium-Neon-Laser {m} | |
| laser {adj} [attr.] | Laser- | |
| phys. Fabry-Pérot laser <FP laser> | Fabry-Pérot-Laser {m} <FP-Laser> | |
| optics phys. laser scan microscopy | Laser-Scan-Mikroskopie {f} | |
| optics phys. laser scanning microscopy | Laser-Scanning-Mikroskopie {f} | |
| games laser tag [spv.] [also: lazer tag, lasertag, laser-tag] | Laser-Tag {n} [Rsv.] [Lasertag] | |
| optics phys. confocal laser scanning microscope <CLSM, confocal LSM> | konfokales Laser-Scanning-Mikroskop {n} <konfokales LSM> | |
| RadioTV F Surface | Surface - Unheimliche Tiefe | |
| phys. laser Doppler anemometry <LDA> | Laser-Doppler-Anemometrie {f} <LDA> | |
| phys. laser Doppler velocimetry <LDV> | Laser-Doppler-Velocimetrie {f} <LDV> | |
| phys. laser Doppler velocimetry <LDV> | Laser-Doppler-Velozimetrie {f} <LDV> | |
| chem. laser Raman spectroscopy <LRS> | Laser-Raman-Spektroskopie {f} <LRS> | |
| optics phys. laser scanning microscope <LSM> | Laser-Scanning-Mikroskop {n} <LSM> | |
| optics phys. scanning laser microscope <SLM> | Scanning-Laser-Mikroskop {n} <SLM> | |
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More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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