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English-German translation for: Late
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Dictionary English German: Late

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ADJ1   late | later | latest
ADJ2   late [deceased] | - | -
SYNO   late | lately | latterly | of late ... 
late1 {adj} {adv}
late2 {adj} [deceased]
selig [postpos.] [veraltet] [noch regional] [verstorben] [z. B.: meine Mutter selig - statt: meine selige Mutter]
late {adj} {adv}
late {adj} {pres-p} [century]
ausgehend [Jahrhundert]
late {adj} [defunct]
weiland [altertümlich] [indekl. Adj.]
late {adj} {adv}
spat [veraltet] [spät]
late {adj} [deceased]
selig [geh.] [verstorben]
late {adj} [broad] [obs.]
weit [breit]
late {adj} {adv}zu spät
late2 {adj} [deceased](kürzlich) verstorben
late {adj} [deceased]seligen Angedenkens [nachgestellt] [veraltend] [verstorben]
late {adj} {adv} [payment]nicht fristgemäß [Zahlung]
2 Words: Others
[they] were late[sie] verspäteten sich
late adolescent {adj}spätpubertär
late afternoon {adj}spätnachmittäglich
hist. sociol. Late Agrarian {adj}spätagrarisch
hist. late antique {adj}spätantik
hist. late antiquity {adj} [attr.]spätantik
archaeo. art hist. late archaic {adj}spätarchaisch
hist. Late Babylonian {adj}spätbabylonisch
archi. art mus. late baroque {adj}spätbarock
sociol. late bourgeois {adj} [attr.]spätbürgerlich
late Byzantine {adj}spätbyzantinisch
geol. Late Cambrian {adj}spätkambrisch
econ. sociol. late capitalist {adj}spätkapitalistisch
geol. Late Carboniferous {adj} [also: late Carboniferous]spätkarbonisch
archaeo. hist. late Celtic {adj}spätkeltisch
art hist. lit. late classical {adj}spätklassisch
hist. pol. late communist {adj}spätkommunistisch
geol. Late Cretaceous {adj} [also: late Cretaceous]spätkreidezeitlich
geol. hist. Late Cretaceous {adj} [attr.]spätkretazisch
geol. Late Devonian {adj}oberdevonisch
geol. Late Devonian {adj} [also: late Devonian]spätdevonisch
geol. late diagenetic {adj}spätdiagenetisch
biol. late embryonal {adj}spätembryonal
hist. sociol. late feudal {adj}spätfeudal
late fifties {adv} [short for: late in the 1950s]Ende der fünfziger Jahre [spät in den fünfziger Jahren]
bot. hort. late flowering {adj}spätblühend
archaeo. art hist. late geometric {adj}spätgeometrisch
ethn. hist. late Germanic {adj}spätgermanisch
geol. hist. late glacial {adj}späteiszeitlich
geol. late glacial {adj}spätglazial
archi. late Gothic {adj}spätgotisch
art hist. late Hellenistic {adj}späthellenistisch
hist. ling. late Hittite {adj}späthethitisch
med. psych. late infantile {adj}spätinfantil [im späten Kindesalter]
geol. Late Jurassic {adj}spätjurassisch
ling. late Latin {adj}spätlateinisch <spätlat.>
relig. late Meccan {adj}spätmekkanisch
hist. late medieval {adj}spätmittelalterlich <spätma.>
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A 2024-03-09: understatement – your understanding is correct. Only that your variant la...
A 2023-10-17: Some late and random thoughts.
Q 2022-05-26: too little too late
A 2020-11-23: phoney > etymology > late 19th c, origin unknown
A 2020-10-02: As such, +water display+ would not bring to mind late-Renaissance / Baroque art
A 2020-06-25: Better (too) late than never!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A 2020-06-25: I did think I might be too late.
A 2019-08-03: Grammar: What does +the Late Late started+ mean?
A 2019-05-24: Of late / Recently
A 2019-03-12: ups, too late ..... Lllama got a lot
Q 2019-02-05: It isn't too late yet for me to go. — Noch ist es Zeit, dass ich gehe.
A 2019-01-19: too late .....
Q 2019-01-18: It isn't too late yet for me to go. — Noch ist es Zeit, dass ich gehe.
A 2019-01-10: Unless the late bird gets the late worm. .... The late worm IS the one tha...
Q 2019-01-10: https://www.google.de/search?ei=Ous2XIe8O5DcwQKNg4ngCA&q=the+late+bird+cat...
Q 2019-01-05: "It isn't too late yet for me to go."
Q 2018-11-24: "zu spät" = nur "late" oder "too late"?
A 2018-01-02: You are right, Windfall. +nicht gerade jetzt > not just now / not right no...
A 2017-09-14: Thanks timfefe for the correction. (It was quite late.)
A 2017-08-09: Too late to read more than the first para ...

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• Late
late 16th-century BC
late 20th century
late 80's / eighties
late abortion
late adolescent
late adopter
late afternoon
late afternoon light
late afternoon sky
late afternoon sun

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