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English-German translation for: Launched
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Dictionary English German: Launched

Translation 1 - 21 of 21

English German
VERB  to launch | launched | launched ... 
launched {adj} {past-p}
launched {adj} {past-p}
sb./sth. launched
jd./etw. lancierte
naut. launched {past-p} [boat, new ship]zu Wasser gelassen
launched {adj} {past-p} [e.g. military offensive]angelaufen [begonnen]
naut. launched {past-p} [new ship]vom Stapel gelassen
2 Words
air-launched {adj}luftgestützt [Flugkörper, Rakete]
mil. helicopter-launched {adj}hubschraubergestützt [Bewaffnung]
mil. sea-launched {adj} [missiles]seegestützt
naut. to be launchedvom Stapel laufen
3 Words
mil. air-launched missileluftgestützte Rakete {f}
mil. ground-launched missilebodengestützte Rakete {f}
helicopter-launched weaponhubschraubergestützte Waffe {f}
weapons helicopter-launched weaponvom Hubschrauber aus eingesetzte Waffe {f}
4 Words
aviat. mil. weapons air-launched cruise missile <ALCM>luftgestützter Marschflugkörper {m}
mil. armored vehicle-launched bridge [Am.] <AVLB>Brückenlegepanzer {m} [Panzer mit Brückenelement]
mil. armoured vehicle-launched bridge [Br.] <AVLB>Brückenlegepanzer {m} [Panzer mit Brückenelement]
mil. weapons ground-launched cruise missile <GLCM>landgestützter Marschflugkörper {m}
mil. weapons sea-launched cruise missile <SLCM>seegestützter Marschflugkörper {m}
mil. submarine-launched ballistic missile <SLBM>U-Boot-gestützte ballistische Rakete {f}
5+ Words
weapons tube-launched optically-tracked wire-guided missile <TOW>Panzerabwehrlenkrakete {f} TOW [rohrgestartete, optisch verfolgte, drahtgelenkte US-amerikanische Panzerabwehrlenkwaffe]
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Q 2021-09-02: For, once launched upon the deep …
A 2015-06-17: launched / ...
A 2014-09-12: The company was launched?
Q 2014-09-12: Allgemeinsprachlicher Text, Abgabe Montag, 15.09.2014 um 8 Uhr: "launched"...
A 2012-05-03: ,,,,,,,,launched onto the Scottish music scene early 2003 hitting the Scot...
A 2011-05-31: has been re-launched
A 2010-06-17: +eingeführt+ could also be "introduced," or, as you said, "launched" (no "...
A 2010-06-02: I don't think the team is launched
A 2008-01-09: Able to be launched - http://www3.dict.cc/?s=launch
Q 2007-11-18: to be launched / oder auch: launch in ... Heading in einem Portal: (Firmen...
A 2007-07-09: http://www.google.de/search?q=newly+launched+product+range&ie=utf-8&oe=utf...
A 2007-07-09: a newly launched product range?
A 2007-04-25: 150 metres square ...... is to be launched
A 2007-04-01: imho a portal is launched or is online
A 2006-11-02: fund was launched in 1989
A 2005-03-18: It just has to be launched
A 2004-03-23: To MO: "PRECIPITOUS" and it should be "that IT has launched"

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