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English-German translation for: Leaves
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Dictionary English German: Leaves

Translation 1 - 50 of 170  >>

English German
NOUN1   a leaf | leaves
NOUN2   a leave [period] | leaves
VERB1  to leave | left | left ... 
VERB2  to leave [put forth leaves] | leaved | leaved ... 
sb. leaves
jd. verlässt
bot. leaves
Blätter {pl}
leaves {pl}
Laub {n}
leaves {pl}
Kraut {n} [das Grüne]
bot. leaves {pl}
Belaubung {f}
leavesLauber {pl} [ugs.] [bayer.] [die Blätter, das Laub]
2 Words: Others
sb./sth. leaves behindjd./etw. hinterlässt
2 Words: Verbs
zool. to browse leavesBlätter fressen
bot. to cast leavesBlätter abwerfen
hort. to rake leavesBlätter rechen
2 Words: Nouns
bot. (foliage) leavesLaubblätter {pl}
MedTech. absorber leavesAbsorberlamellen {pl}
archi. bot. furn. acanthus leavesAkanthusblätter {pl}
bot. alder leavesErlenblätter {pl}
bot. ash leavesEschenblätter {pl}
bot. aspen leavesEspenblätter {pl}
bot. aspen leaves {pl}Espenlaub {n}
autumn leavesHerbstblätter {pl}
autumn leaves {pl}Herbstlaub {n}
banana leavesBananenblätter {pl}
gastr. bay leavesLorbeerblätter {pl}
pharm. bearberry leaves [Folia uvae-ursi, Uvae ursi folium]Bärentraubenblätter {pl}
pharm. bearberry leaves [Folia uvae-ursi, Uvae ursi folium]Moosbeerenblätter {pl}
pharm. bearberry leaves [Folia uvae-ursi, Uvae ursi folium]Sandblätter {pl} [Bärentraubenblätter]
pharm. bearberry leaves [Folia uvae-ursi, Uvae ursi folium]Wolfsbeerenblätter {pl}
bot. beech leavesBuchenblätter {pl}
bot. pharm. belladonna leaves [Folia belladonnae]Blätter {pl} der Schwarzen Tollkirsche [Belladonnablätter]
bot. pharm. birch leaves [Folia Betulae]Birkenblätter {pl}
gastr. celery leavesSellerieblätter {pl}
bot. chestnut leavesKastanienblätter {pl}
bot. coca leavesCocablätter {pl}
MedTech. collimator leavesBlendenlamellen {pl} [Tiefenblende]
bot. pharm. coltsfoot leavesHuflattichblätter {pl} [auch: Huflattich-Blätter]
bot. cordate leavesherzförmige Blätter {pl}
bot. coriander leavesKorianderblätter {pl}
gastr. curry leavesCurryblätter {pl}
dead leavestote Blätter {pl}
bot. elder leavesHolunderblätter {pl}
bot. elm leavesUlmenblätter {pl}
bot. pharm. eucalyptus leaves [Folia eucalypti]Eucalyptusblätter {pl} [auch: Eukalyptusblätter]
bot. fall leaves [Am.]Herbstblätter {pl}
fall leaves {pl} [Am.]Herbstlaub {n}
fallen leavesabgefallene Blätter {pl}
fallen leaves {pl}Falllaub {n}
falling leavesfallende Blätter {pl}
bot. floating leaves [aquatic plants]Schwimmblätter {pl} [Wasserpflanzen]
bot. flower leavesBlumenblätter {pl} [ugs.] [Blätter am Stiel]
bot. foxglove leavesFingerhutblätter {pl}
gastr. gelatin leaves {pl}Blattgelatine {f}
bot. gingko leavesGinkgoblätter {pl}
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A 2020-07-11: The warrior doesn't ask any questions and leaves only few (questions) unanswered
A 2020-07-10: she doesn't ask any questions and that leaves little scope for doubt
Q 2019-04-29: it leaves something to be desired
A 2018-08-30: sun dried and bleached coconut leaves?
Q 2016-03-07: true leaves - Primärblätter [bot] (in der Regel im Plural benutzt)
Q 2015-12-17: Eats shoots and leaves...
A 2015-09-25: Sunlight filtered/shone through the leaves.
A 2015-02-20: Also - My plane departs/leaves/takes off at 8 a.m. (departs is quite formal)
A 2015-02-20: My flight leaves at 8 a.m.
A 2014-12-08: leaf - leaves - leaved
A 2014-10-18: Leaves
A 2014-10-17: I think, "leaves" cuts both ways
A 2014-10-17: I see, leaves in the sense of sheets of paper
Q 2012-12-06: Passage from Walt Whitman's 'Passage to India' (subsection of Leaves of Gr...
A 2012-09-14: Eats, Shoots & Leaves
Q 2012-05-29: liquid "steeped" with tea and leaves
A 2012-01-24: Carbon paper leaves a terrible residue. You want the illustration board to...
A 2011-12-02: http://www.dict.cc/?s=Brombeere -> blackberry leaves
A 2011-11-13: Wiki leaves it in English - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seasteading
A 2011-07-06: thanks, dr campbell, however, this still leaves us with the BE AE differen...

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