| English | German |  |
 | Are you on welfare? [German benefit system] | Lebst du von Hartz IV? |  |
Partial Matches |
 | Are you on welfare? | Lebst du von Sozialhilfe? |  |
 | [German unemployment benefit paid after the first 12-18 months of unemployment] | Hartz IV {n} [ugs.] [Arbeitslosengeld II] |  |
 | lit. F You Live Once [John D. MacDonald] | Du lebst nur einmal |  |
 | Are you still in the land of the living? [coll.] [hum.] | Lebst du noch? [ugs.] [hum.] |  |
 | film F Sorry, Wrong Number [Anatole Litvak] | Du lebst noch 105 Minuten |  |
 | Have you been living under a rock? [idiom] | Lebst du hinter dem Mond? [Redewendung] |  |
 | while you are under my roof | solange du in meinem Haus lebst |  |
 | lit. F You Only Live Twice [Ian Fleming] | 007 James Bond reitet den Tiger / [später] James Bond, du lebst nur zweimal |  |
 | hist. King Frederick William IV of Prussia | König {m} Friedrich Wilhelm IV. von Preußen |  |
 | med. congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis <CIPA> | hereditäre sensorische und autonome Neuropathie {f} Typ IV <HSAN IV> |  |
 | med. cerebelloparenchymal disorder IV <CPD IV> | Cerebello-Parenchymale Störung IV {f} <CPD IV> |  |
 | econ. (German) Hartz concept | Hartz-Konzept {n} |  |
 | RadioTV trash TV [coll.] [pej.] | Hartz-4-TV {n} [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | hist. Frederick William IV, King of Prussia 1840–1861 [called the romanticist on the throne] | Friedrich Wilhelm IV. {m} König von Preußen 1840–1861 [genannt der Romantiker auf dem Thron] |  |
 | Where are you from? | Von wo bist du? |  |
 | What do you think about ...? | Was hältst du von ...? |  |
 | How did you know about the ...? | Woher wusstest du von ...? |  |
 | jobs What is your profession? [informal] | Was bist du von Beruf? |  |
 | idiom What do you want with me? | Was willst du von mir? |  |
 | as you leave home | wenn du von daheim weggehst |  |
 | Count your blessings. [idiom] | Du kannst von Glück reden! [Redewendung] |  |
 | You ask too much of me! | Du verlangst zu viel von mir! |  |
 | idiom A little of him goes a long way! | Von ihm hast du bald genug! |  |
 | lit. F What's Bred in the Bone [Robertson Davies] | Was du ererbt von deinen Vätern |  |
 | You hinder me from work. | Du hältst mich von der Arbeit ab. |  |
 | You become more beautiful every day. | Du wirst von Tag zu Tag hübscher. |  |
 | Did you ever hear about ...? | Hast du je was von ... gehört? [ugs.] |  |
 | Where do you come from? | Von wo bist du? [ugs.] [Wo kommst du her?] |  |
 | You know as much about it as the man in the moon. [idiom] | Du hast von Tuten und Blasen keine Ahnung. [Redewendung] |  |
 | You don't seriously expect me to ...! | Du erwartest doch nicht im Ernst (von mir), dass ich ...! |  |
 | Money? Now that's something I wanted to talk about. | Du sprichst von Geld? Damit lieferst du mir das Stichwort. |  |
 | From now on that's how you drive. [coll.] | Von nun an fährst du nur noch so, klar? [ugs.] |  |
 | film F You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah [Sammi Cohen] | Du bist sowas von nicht zu meiner Bat-Mizwa eingeladen |  |
 | You don't seriously expect me to ..., do you? | Du erwartest doch nicht im Ernst (von mir), dass ich ..., oder? |  |
 | quote In Vienna you first 've to die, before they celebrate you. But then you're living long. | In Wien musst' erst sterben, damit sie dich hochleben lassen. Aber dann lebst' lang. [Helmut Qualtinger] |  |
 | mus. F Take away from us, Lord, faithful God | Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott [J. S. Bach, BWV 101] |  |
 | You know as much about it as the man in the moon. [idiom] | Du hast keine Ahnung von Tuten und Blasen. [Redewendung] [seltenere Wortstellung] [meist: Du hast von Tuten und Blasen keine Ahnung.] |  |
 | quote Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me! [Oscar Wilde] | Täuschst du mich einmal: Schäm dich. Tust du's zweimal, muss ich mich schämen. |  |
 | insur. disability insurance <DI> | Invaliditätsversicherung {f} <IV> |  |
 | chem. potassium hexafluoronickelate(IV) [K2NiF6] | Kaliumhexafluoronickelat(IV) {n} |  |
 | mineral. andorite IV [Ag15Pb18Sb47S96] | Andorit IV {m} |  |
 | lit. F King Henry IV [William Shakespeare] | Heinrich IV. |  |
 | games Emperor <IV> [also: emperor] [Tarot card] | Herrscher {m} <IV> [Tarotkarte] |  |
 | econ. Federation of Austrian Industry | Industriellenvereinigung {f} <IV> [Österreich] |  |
 | chem. americium(IV) fluoride [AmF4] | Americium(IV)-fluorid {n} |  |
 | chem. americium(IV) oxide [AmO2] | Americium(IV)-oxid {n} |  |
 | chem. berkelium(IV) fluoride [BkF4] | Berkelium(IV)-fluorid {n} |  |
 | chem. berkelium(IV) oxide [BkO2] | Berkelium(IV)-oxid {n} |  |
 | chem. lead(IV) acetate [C8H12O8Pb, Pb(C2H3O2)4, Pb(CH3COO)4] | Blei(IV)-acetat {n} |  |
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