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Dictionary English German: Left

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ADJ   left | - | -
NOUN   a left | lefts
VERB  to leave | left | left ... 
SYNO   left | left over | leftover | odd ... 
left {adj}
left {adv} <l.>
links <l.>
left {adj} {past-p} [alone]
verlassen [allein gelassen, aufgegeben]
sb. left
jd. verließ
left {past-p} [caused to remain]
gelassen [liegen oder übrig gelassen etc.]
left {adj}
left {past-p}
left {past-p} [the country]
left {adj} {past-p}
übriggelassen [alt für wörtliche Bedeutung]
left {adv}nach links
left {adj} {past-p}übrig gelassen
left {adj} [e.g. arrow, click, liberalism, module, rotation, turn]Links- [z. B. Pfeil, Klick, Liberalismus, Modul, Rotation, Kurve]
left [left hand]
Linke {f} [linke Hand]
pol. the leftdie Linke {f} [nicht die Partei]
2 Words: Others
bottom left {adv}unten links
pol. center-left {adj} [Am.]Mitte-links- / Mittelinks-
pol. centre-left {adj} [Br.]Mitte-links-
curved left {adj} {past-p}nach links gebogen [z. B. medizinische Instrumente]
mil. Eyes left!Die Augen links!
pol. far left {adj}linksaußen
tech. flush left {adj}linksbündig
tech. flush-left {adj}linksbündig
front left {adv}vorn links
front left {adv}vorne links [ugs.]
He left.Er ist weg.
traffic Keep left [traffic sign] [Br.]Links halten
left (over) {adj}über [ugs.] [übrig]
math. left Artinian {adj}linksartinsch
left behind {adj} {past-p}abgehängt [ugs.] [fig.] [zurückgelassen, chancenlos]
left behind {past-p}hinterlassen
left blank [e.g. page]unbeschrieben gelassen [z. B. Seite]
mil. Left face!Links um!
hist. philos. Left Hegelian {adj}linkshegelianisch
math. left identity {adj}linksneutral
math. left inverse {adj}linksinvers
left open {past-p}aufgelassen [ugs.] [Türen, Fenster etc.]
left out {past-p}ausgelassen [weggelassen]
left over {adj}übrig
left over {adj} {past-p}übrig gelassen
left standing {past-p}stehen gelassen
med. left ventricular {adj}linksventrikulär
mil. Left wheel!Links schwenk marsch!
mil. Left wheel!Links schwenkt marsch!
left-adjusted {adj}linksbündig
left-aligned {adj}linksbündig
math. left-associative {adj}linksassoziativ [auch: links-assoziativ]
left-behind {adj}zurückgelassen
pol. left-conservative {adj}linkskonservativ
math. left-continuous {adj}linksstetig
math. left-continuous {adj}linksseitig stetig
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A 2024-12-06: Right, Fleischhauer is entertaining. A couple of years ago, he left "DER S...
A 2024-01-23: Ausstieg in Fahrtrichtung links. - Exit on the left.
Q 2023-04-16: Am. left off once again
A 2023-01-02: Rechtsreferent > legal secretary / law clerk at the Court of Justice / leg...
A 2021-11-18: The spelling quirks are what is left of Oxford English. The Oxford accent ...
A 2021-11-05: Have a look at this, at 0:08 you see a perfect Quersteher in the left turn.
A 2020-03-15: LINX; perhaps +left-contorted+
A 2019-09-20: Extreme Left Axis Deviation
A 2019-09-20: hier ist: marked left axis deviation / überdrehter ...
A 2019-08-01: Paraphrased but left untranslated on ppg. 42 & 239 of this English book
A 2019-07-23: skewed left / (attributively) left-skewed
A 2019-03-23: The hyphen in those typefaces looked like this: = (but slanted upwards fro...
Q 2019-02-14: Left on touch
A 2018-11-28: Sometimes he left without telling me.
A 2018-09-26: In the UK: +"BY THE RIGHT, QUICK MARCH"+ or +"BY THE LEFT, QUICK MARCH"+
Q 2018-09-17: "by the left"?
Q 2018-07-24: Since he has left the company, can you please help?
A 2018-06-13: ganz kurz: Any questions (left)? Just ask!
A 2017-12-28: The big cameras are usually on wheels, so they drive/move left and right /...
A 2017-12-28: supposedly, none is left

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