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English-German translation for: Legal
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Dictionary English German: Legal

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ADJ   legal | more legal | most legal
SYNO   effectual | legal | sound
ADJ  legal | legaler | am legalsten ... 
SYNO   berechtigt | dem Recht entsprechend ... 
law legal {adj} [according to the law]
law legal {adj}
law legally {adv} [in accordance with law, lawfully]
law legal {adj}
law sports legal {adj}
law legal {adj} <leg.> [matters, affairs, advice, services etc.]
juristisch <jur.>
law legal {adj}
gesetzmäßig [rechtmäßig]
law legal {adj} [lawful]
law legal {adj}
law legal {adj} [judicial]
law legal {adj} [legally valid]
acad. law legal {adj}
law legal {adj} [according to law]
law legal {adj} [permitted by law]gesetzlich zulässig
law legal {adj} [permitted by law]rechtlich zulässig
2 Words: Others
above board {adj}legal
law pol. legal policy {adj} [attr.]rechtspolitisch
law med. medico-legal {adj}gerichtsmedizinisch
more legal {adj}legaler
most legal {adj}legalste
law non-legal {adj}ungesetzlich
law pol. politico-legal {adj}politisch-rechtlich
law pseudo-legal {adj}scheinlegal
automot. traffic road legal {adj} [Br.]für den Straßenverkehr zugelassen
automot. traffic road legal {adj} [Br.]mit Straßenzulassung [nachgestellt]
law semi-legal {adj}halblegal
automot. traffic street-legal {adj}straßenzugelassen
automot. traffic street-legal {adj} [roadworthy]straßentauglich [für den Straßenverkehr zugelassen, verkehrstauglich]
2 Words: Verbs
law to be legalrechtens sein
2 Words: Nouns
law (legal) consequencesTatfolgen {pl}
law (legal) culpabilitySchuldfähigkeit {f}
law (legal) decreeRechtsverordnung {f}
law (legal) disclaimerHaftungsausschluss {m}
law (legal) entityRechtsträger {m}
law (legal) insanityUnzurechnungsfähigkeit {f}
admin. law (legal) standing [e.g. in an environmental impact assessment]Parteistellung {f} [österr.]
law (legal) statuteRechtssatzung {f}
law legal actRechtsakt {m}
law legal actRechtshandlung {f}
law legal actionGerichtsverfahren {n}
law legal actionRechtshandel {m} [geh.]
law legal actionRechtshandeln {n}
law legal actiongerichtliches Vorgehen {n}
law legal actionKlage {f} vor Gericht
law legal action {sg}gerichtliche Schritte {pl}
law pol. legal activism [often pej.]rechtlicher Aktivismus {m} [oft pej.]
law pol. legal activistRechtsaktivist {m} [Aktivist für Recht und Gerechtigkeit]
law legal admissibilityrechtliche Zulässigkeit {f}
law legal adviceRechtsauskunft {f}
law legal adviceRechtsberatung {f}
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A 2024-08-29: Steuersparmodell - tax-saving scheme (entirely legal, sometimes used by ...
A 2023-12-12: That American has no legal or business knowledge. He pretends to have them.
Q 2023-10-02: legal entity – juristische Person {f}
A 2023-09-01: cause of action -- is a legal phrase
A 2023-05-28: Ah yes, in contracts, legal use and the like (the insured), I didn't think...
Q 2023-04-26: #942480 > Legal prohibitions and restrictions discussed at the highest Wes...
A 2023-04-24: Whatever lay usage may be, legal practitioners tend to eschew ambiguity.
A 2023-04-23: Let's face it: UK legal terminology is clear in this respect, its Austrian...
A 2023-01-02: +legal secretary+ defined; they make between 20 and 45 grand a year ...
A 2023-01-02: Rechtsreferent > legal secretary / law clerk at the Court of Justice / leg...
A 2022-11-25: In the legal sphere your query relates to, commonality of interests ALSO b...
A 2022-11-25: In the legal sphere your query relates to, +proximity of interests+ boils ...
A 2022-05-29: Source. Where has our friend +Leop22+ from the +Federated States of Micron...
A 2022-04-16: +sharp dog+ described here in a legal context; it does not necessarily att...
A 2022-02-07: Suggestion: workshops making delegates understand the legal framework with...
A 2021-12-09: Legal doublet.
A 2021-11-17: > Zuchi1, 16-11-2021 Except for the Roman jurists, the legal profession ha...
A 2021-09-16: Not legal phrase. “presents” not Geschenke
A 2021-09-16: Legal phrase.
Q 2021-08-11: legal mambo-jambo

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