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English-German translation for: Legend – Berstende Sterne
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Legend – Berstende Sterne in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Legend – Berstende Sterne

Translation 1 - 51 of 51

SEE ALSO  legend–berstendesterne
lit. F Champion [Marie Lu]Legend Berstende Sterne
Partial Matches
four-star {adj} [attr.] <4-star>Vier-Sterne- [auch: Viersterne-] <4-Sterne->
sports category three stadium <category 3 stadium> [UEFA]Drei-Sterne-Stadion {n} <3-Sterne-Stadion> [UEFA]
sports category five stadium <category 5 stadium> [UEFA]Fünf-Sterne-Stadion {n} <5-Sterne-Stadion> [UEFA]
sports category four stadium <category 4 stadium> [UEFA]Vier-Sterne-Stadion {n} <4-Sterne-Stadion> [UEFA]
mil. three-star general <3-star general>Drei-Sterne-General {m} <3-Sterne-General>
five-star rating system <5-star rating system>Fünf-Sterne-Bewertungssystem {n} <5-Sterne-Bewertungssystem>
mil. four-star general <4-star general>Vier-Sterne-General {m} <4-Sterne-General>
mil. two-star general <2-star general>Zwei-Sterne-General {m} <2-Sterne-General>
putting {adj} {pres-p}legend
zool. oviparous {adj}Eier legend
snaring {adj}Schlingen legend
lit. F Legend [Marie Lu]Legend Fallender Himmel
lit. F Prodigy [Marie Lu]Legend Schwelender Sturm
laying {adj} {past-p} [producing eggs]legend [attr.] [z. B. legende Hennen]
print asterisksSterne {pl}
starsSterne {pl}
winking starsblinkende Sterne {pl}
scintillating starsfunkelnde Sterne {pl}
sparkling starsfunkelnde Sterne {pl}
sparkling starsglitzernde Sterne {pl}
gastr. star classificationSterne-Klassifizierung {f}
astron. supermassive starssupermassereiche Sterne {pl}
astron. supermassive starssupermassive Sterne {pl}
starless {adj}ohne Sterne [nachgestellt]
starry {adj}voller Sterne [nachgestellt]
curr. rotating stars [numismatics]drehende Sterne {pl} [Numismatik]
esot. to consult the starsdie Sterne befragen
gastr. three-star chefDrei-Sterne-Koch {m}
travel TrVocab. five star hotelFünf-Sterne-Hotel {n}
gastr. five-star chefFünf-Sterne-Koch {m}
stars in the skySterne {pl} am Himmel
travel hotel's star ratingSterne {pl} des Hotels
four-star freezer (compartment)Vier-Sterne-Gefrierfach {n}
film F Star WarsKrieg der Sterne
lit. F Tragic Ground [Erskine Caldwell]Sonnenstadt ohne Sterne
sports five-star stadium <5-star stadium>Fünfsternestadion {n} <5-Sterne-Stadion>
to stargaze [fig.]in die Sterne gucken
comics F The Cyann Cycle [François Bourgeon]Cyann Tochter der Sterne
film lit. F Nights in Rodanthe [novel: Nicholas Sparks, director: George C. Wolfe]Das Lächeln der Sterne
lit. F A Hat Full of Sky [Terry Pratchett]Ein Hut voller Sterne
film F Burnt [John Wells]Im Rausch der Sterne
lit. F Cress [Marissa Meyer]Wie Sterne so golden
travel hotel's star ratingAnzahl {f} der Sterne des Hotels
travel number of hotel starsAnzahl {f} der Sterne des Hotels
film F Sky Without StarsHimmel ohne Sterne [Helmut Käutner]
pol. Five Star Movement [Italian party]Fünf-Sterne-Bewegung {f} [italienische Partei] <M5S>
lit. F A Hand Full of StarsEine Hand voller Sterne [Rafik Schami]
lit. F That's All I Know So FarKein Himmel ohne Sterne [Michelle Schrenk]
idiom to see stars [as the result of concussion]Sterne / Sternchen sehen [nach einem Schlag an den Kopf u. ä.]
lit. quote theatre We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. [Oscar Wilde: Lady Windermere's Fan (Lord Darlington, Act III)]Wir liegen alle in der Gosse, aber einige von uns betrachten die Sterne.
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