| English | German | |
| hist. mil. Legion Wallonie [WW II, unit of Wallonien volunteers of the German Armed Forces] | Wallonische Legion {f} [2. WK, Verband wallonischer Freiwilliger der dt. Wehrmacht] | |
Partial Matches |
| legion {adj} | zahlreich | |
| mil. legion | Legion {f} | |
| American Legion | Amerikanische Legion {f} | |
| hist. mil. Melitenian Legion | melitenische Legion {f} | |
| mil. (French) Foreign Legion | (französische) Fremdenlegion {f} | |
| (Royal) British Legion | [Veteranvereinigung der britischen Streitkräfte] | |
| mil. Foreign Legion man | Fremdenlegionär {m} | |
| legion of fans | Anhängerschaft {f} | |
| mil. legion of veterans | Veteranenlegion {f} | |
| hist. Academic Legion [Vienna 1848] | Akademische Legion {f} | |
| med. legion fever [Legionnaires' disease] | Legionärsfieber {n} [Legionärskrankheit] | |
| Legion of Honour [Br.] | Ehrenlegion {f} | |
| Royal Canadian Legion <RCL> | [Veteranenvereinigung der kanadischen Streitkräfte und Polizeien] | |
| His fans are legion. | Er hat unzählige Fans. | |
| hist. relig. Theban Legion [Martyrs of Agaunum] | Thebäische / Thebaische Legion {f} | |
| film F The Last Legion [Doug Lefler] | Die letzte Legion | |
| to be legion [fig.] [to be very numerous] | Legion sein [fig.] [sehr zahlreich sein] | |
| hist. mil. Condor Legion [WW II, German Forces] | Legion {f} Condor [2. WK, deutsche Wehrmacht] | |
| film F Legion of the Dead [Olaf Ittenbach] | Legion of the Dead | |
| hist. mil. Armenian Legion [WW II, German Armed Forces] | Armenische Legion {f} [2. WK, dt. Wehrmacht] | |
| hist. mil. Georgian Legion [WW II, German Armed Forces] | Georgische Legion {f} [2. WK, dt. Wehrmacht] | |
| Knight of the Legion of Honour [Br.] | Ritter {m} der Ehrenlegion | |
| lit. F My Name Is Legion [António Lobo Antunes] | Mein Name ist Legion | |
| hist. mil. Caucasian-Mohammedan Legion [WW II, German Armed Forces] | Kaukasisch-Mohammedanische Legion {f} [2. WK, dt. Wehrmacht] | |
| hist. mil. Mountain-Caucasian Legion [WW II, German Armed Forces] | Bergkaukasische Legion {f} [2. WK, dt. Wehrmacht] | |
| hist. mil. North Caucasian Legion [WW II, German Armed Forces] | Nordkaukasische Legion {f} [2. WK, dt. Wehrmacht] | |
| chevalier of the Legion of Honour [Br.] [France] | Ritter {m} der Ehrenlegion | |
| National Order of the Legion of Honour [Br.] [France] | Ehrenlegion {f} [Frankreich] | |
| hist. mil. Turkestani Legion [also: Turkestan Legion] [WW II, German Armed Forces] | Turkestanische Legion {f} [2. WK, dt. Wehrmacht] | |
| film F Follow That Camel / Carry on in the Legion [Gerald Thomas] | Ist ja irre – In der Wüste fließt kein Wasser | |
| hist. mil. Legion Idel-Ural [Volga-Tartar Legion] [WW II, German Armed Forces] | Legion {f} Idel-Ural [auch: Wolga-Tartarische Legion] [2. WK, dt. Wehrmacht] | |
| hist. pol. French Anti-bolshevik Volunteer Legion [collaborationist French militia founded on July 8, 1941] | Französische Freiwilligen-Legion {f} gegen den Bolschewismus | |
| hist. mil. Legion Condor tank badge [for service in Spanish Civil War by German Armed Forces] | Panzertruppenabzeichen {n} der Legion Condor [dt. Wehrmacht] | |
| bibl. quote My name is Legion, because there are many of us inside this man. [Mk 5:9; NLT] | Mein Name ist Legion, denn nicht nur ich, sondern viele von uns beherrschen diesen Menschen. [Mk. 5,9; DLB/HFA] | |
| Free Indian Legion [WWII, German Armed Forces] [also: Indian Legion, Infantry Regiment 950 or Azad Hind Legion] | Legion Freies Indien {f} [2. WK, dt. Wehrmacht] [auch: Indische Legion, Infanterie-Regiment 950 oder Azad Hind Legion] | |
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