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English-German translation for: Leibermuster (camouflage)
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Leibermuster (camouflage) in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Leibermuster camouflage

Translation 1 - 67 of 67

cloth. mil. Leibermuster (camouflage) [a six-color military camouflage pattern]Leibermuster {n} [Buntfarbenaufdruck 45]
Partial Matches
camouflage {adj}Tarn-
constr. to camouflageblenden [abdecken]
to camouflagecamouflieren [veraltet]
to camouflagevertuschen
camouflageAblenkungsversuch {m}
camouflageCamouflage {f} [geh.]
camouflageIrreführung {f}
camouflageTarnanstrich {m}
cloth. mil. camouflageTarnanzug {m}
camouflageTarnfarbe {f} [eines Tieres]
cloth. mil. camouflageTarnkleidung {f}
camouflageTarnung {f}
camouflageTäuschung {f} [Irreführung]
camouflageUnkenntlichmachung {f}
to camouflage sth.etw. verschleiern [fig.] [Identität, Wahrheit, Beziehung etc.]
for camouflage {adv}zur Tarnung
mil. camouflage anorakTarnanorak {m}
camouflage blindTarnblende {f}
cloth. camouflage coatTarnmantel {m} [ugs.] [selten]
mil. camouflage coatingTarnanstrich {m}
camouflage coverTarnüberzug {m}
cloth. mil. camouflage fatigues {pl}Tarnanzug {m}
mil. camouflage jacketTarnjacke {f}
camouflage markings {pl}Tarnanstrich {m}
mil. camouflage materialTarnmaterial {n}
mil. camouflage materialTarnstoff {m}
mil. camouflage netTarnnetz {n}
mil. camouflage nettingTarnnetz {n}
camouflage paintTarnanstrich {m}
camouflage paintTarnfarbe {f} [Material]
mil. camouflage paintingTarnanstrich {m}
mil. camouflage parkaTarnparka {m}
mil. camouflage patternTarnmuster {n}
mil. camouflage ponchoTarnponcho {m}
zool. camouflage postureTarnhaltung {f}
mil. camouflage shirtTarnhemd {n}
cloth. mil. camouflage suitTarnanzug {m}
camouflage tacticVerschleierungstaktik {f}
camouflage tentTarnzelt {n}
cloth. mil. camouflage uniformTarnuniform {f}
cloth. mil. camouflage uniformVierfrucht-Pyjama {n} [schweiz.] [ugs.] [Kampfanzug]
cloth. mil. travel desert camouflageWüstentarn {m}
mil. Flecktarn CamouflageFlecktarn {m}
mottled camouflageFlecktarnung {f}
electr. mil. radar camouflageRadartarnung {f}
winter camouflageWintertarnung {f}
to camouflage sb./sth.jdn./etw. tarnen
camouflage color [Am.]Tarnfarbe {f}
camouflage colour [Br.]Tarnfarbe {f}
mil. camouflage face paintTarnschminke {f}
mil. camouflage helmet coverTarnüberzug {m} für Helm
cloth. snow camouflage suitSchneetarnanzug {m}
film F Camouflage [James Keach]Camouflage (– Alles nur Tarnung)
camouflage [done with paint]Tarnbemalung {f}
cloth. camouflage trousers {pl} [one pair]Camouflagehose {f}
cloth. mil. camouflage trousers {pl} [one pair]Tarnhose {f}
fish T
cloth. mil. camouflage pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.]Tarnhose {f}
mil. dazzle camouflage [esp. WW I]Dazzle-Tarnanstrich {m} [bes. 1. WK]
mil. universal camouflage pattern <UCP> [Am.]Universaltarnmuster {n}
mycol. T
cloth. mil. tropical camouflage pattern [German armed forces three-color camouflage pattern]Tropentarn {n} [ugs.] [Bundeswehr 3-Farb-Tarndruckmotiv]
mycol. T
mycol. T
cloth. mil. camouflage [here: flecktarn or any other fleck or spot pattern camouflage]Tarnfleck {m} {n} [ugs.] [Flecktarn oder jede andere gefleckte Tarnkleidung]
mil. raindrop camouflage pattern [WW II German Forces and East German Forces]Ein-Strich-kein-Strich-Tarnmuster {n} [ugs.] [Wehrmacht und Nationale Volksarmee]
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