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English-German translation for: Leonore (Overture) No. 3
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Dictionary English German: Leonore Overture No 3

Translation 1 - 50 of 2429  >>

mus. Leonore (Overture) No. 3Große Leonoren-Ouvertüre {f} [L. van Beethoven, op. 72 a]
Partial Matches
sheet (no.) 1, 2, 3 ... [e.g. of a guideline]Richtlinienblatt {n} (Nr.) 1, 2, 3 ...
Spain is Europe's No. 3 car-making country after Germany and France.Spanien ist nach Deutschland und Frankreich der drittgrößte Autoproduzent in Europa.
biochem. 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A <HMG-CoA> [C27H44N7O20P3S]3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl-Coenzym A {n} <HMG-CoA>
biol. human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 3 <HTLV-3>humanes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ 3 {n} <HTLV-3>
biol. simian T-cell lymphotropic virus type 3 <STLV-3>simianes T-Zell-lymphotropes Virus Typ 3 {n} <STLV-3>
med. human herpesvirus type 3 <HHV-3>humanes Herpesvirus {n} 3 <HSV-3, HHV3, HHV-3> [ugs. auch: humaner Herpesvirus 3 {m}]
biochem. 14-3-3 domain14-3-3-Domäne {f}
biochem. 14-3-3 ligand14-3-3-Ligand {m}
biochem. 14-3-3 protein14-3-3-Protein {n}
overtureEinleitung {f}
mus. overtureOuvertüre {f}
overtureVorschlag {m}
overtureVorspiel {n}
overture [proposal]Angebot {n}
overture [proposal]Antrag {m} [Angebot, Vorschlag]
mus. concert overtureKonzert-Ouvertüre {f}
mus. concert overtureKonzertouvertüre {f}
mus. French overturefranzösische Ouvertüre {f}
pol. peace overtureFriedensangebot {n}
mus. F Academic Festival OvertureAkademische Festouvertüre, op. 80 [J. Brahms]
electr. three-phase symbol <3-phase symbol, ③>Dreiphasensymbol {n} <3-Phasen-Symbol, 3-Phasensymbol, ③>
biochem. 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate <2,3-BPG>2,3-Bisphosphoglycerat {n} <2,3-BPG>
special volume 3 <special vol. 3>Sonderband {m} 3 <SB 3>
electr. three-phase three-wire system <3-phase three-wire system, 3-phase 3-wire system>Drehstrom-Dreileitersystem {n} [auch: Drehstromdreileitersystem]
numero symbol <№, Nº, No, No., no.>Numero-Zeichen {n} <No, No., №> [z. B. Zimmer №1, №2 usw. oder „xyz-Straße №16“]
math. three-dimensional manifold <3-dimensional manifold, 3-manifold>dreidimensionale Mannigfaltigkeit {f} <3-dimensionale Mannigfaltigkeit, 3-Mannigfaltigkeit>
sports four-three-three system <4-3-3 system>Vier-drei-drei-System {n} <4-3-3-System>
electr. three-phase four-wire system <3-phase four-wire system, 3-phase 4-wire system>Drehstrom-Vierleitersystem {n} [auch: Drehstromvierleitersystem]
med. no-needle, no-scalpel method [a vasectomy method]No-Needle-No-Scalpel-Methode {f}
idiom sth. is an absolute no-no [coll.]etw. geht gar nicht [ugs.]
That's a no-no. [coll.]Das ist tabu.
med. no-needle, no-scalpel vasectomy <NNNSV>No-Needle-No-Scalpel-Vasektomie {f} <NNNSV>
3 pin {adj}dreipolig
comm. 3 pack3er-Pack {n} {m}
sports 3 iron [golf]Eisen {n} 3 [Golf]
3,000 souls3.000 Seelen {pl}
comp. 3 GB barrier3-GB-Grenze {f}
3 series BMW3er BMW {m} [ugs.]
fish 3-alpha identifierAlpha-3-Fischcode {m}
3-D effect3-D-Effekt {m}
film 3-D film3D-Film {m}
optics 3-D glasses {pl}Drei-D-Brille {f} <3-D-Brille>
RadioTV 3-episode seriesDreiteiler {m}
electr. MedTech. 3-field chamber3-Feld-Kammer {f}
dent. 3-function syringe3-Funktion-Spritze {f}
electr. 3-phase currentDrehstrom {m}
3-ply veneerdreilagiges Furnier {n}
MedTech. 3-point technique3-Punkt-Technik {f} [Röntgengenerator]
mil. 3-round burst3-Schuss {m}
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