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Dictionary English German: Lesson

Translation 1 - 50 of 147  >>

English German
NOUN   a lesson | lessons
SYNO   deterrent example | example | lesson ... 
to lesson sb. [rare] [to rebuke, discipline]
jdn. maßregeln [tadeln, disziplinieren]
educ. to lesson [archaic] [to teach]
to lesson sb. [archaic] [to rebuke]
jdn. rügen
educ. lesson [class]
Unterricht {m} [Unterrichtsstunde]
educ. lesson
Unterrichtsstunde {f}
educ. lesson [also fig.]
Lektion {f} [auch fig.]
educ. lesson
Stunde {f}
educ. lesson
Schulstunde {f}
lesson [fig.]
Lehre {f} [z. B. in: jdm. eine Lehre sein]
educ. lesson
Lehrstunde {f}
Übung {f}
educ. lesson [part of a syllabus]
Pensum {n} [Lehrstoff, Aufgabe]
Übungsstunde {f}
lesson [fig.]
Lehrstück {n} [fig.] [Beispiel, von dem man lernen kann]
lesson [moral]Lehrpunkt {m} [veraltet]
relig. lesson [reading from scripture]Schriftlesung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
additional lessonzusätzliche Übung {f}
educ. math. arithmetic lessonArithmetikstunde {f}
dance educ. ballet lessonBallettstunde {f}
basic lessongrundlegende Lektion {f} [auch fig.]
basics lessonGrundlagenlektion {f}
bike educ. bicycle lessonRadfahrstunde {f} [Unterricht]
biol. educ. biology lessonBiologiestunde {f}
biol. educ. biology lessonBiostunde {f} [Schülersprache]
educ. relig. catechism lessonKatechismusstunde {f}
educ. mus. cello lessonCellostunde {f}
chem. educ. chemistry lessonChemiestunde {f}
educ. mus. clarinet lessonKlarinettenstunde {f}
conversation lessonKonversationsstunde {f}
educ. gastr. cookery lessonKochstunde {f}
educ. cover lesson [for an absent teacher]Supplierstunde {f} [österr.]
daily lessontägliche Lektion {f}
dance educ. dance lessonTanzstunde {f}
dance educ. dancing lessonTanzstunde {f}
educ. demonstration lessonLehrprobe {f}
educ. double lessonDoppelstunde {f}
art educ. drawing lessonZeichenstunde {f}
educ. traffic driving lessonFahrstunde {f}
educ. English lessonLektion {f} in Englisch
educ. mus. flute lessonFlötenstunde {f}
aviat. educ. flying lessonFlugstunde {f} [Unterricht]
educ. French lessonFranzösischunterricht {m}
educ. ling. German lessonDeutschstunde {f}
educ. group lessonGruppenunterrichtsstunde {f}
educ. mus. guitar lessonGitarrenstunde {f}
educ. gym lesson [Am.]Turnstunde {f}
educ. hist. history lessonGeschichtsstunde {f}
educ. individual lessonEinzelstunde {f}
educ. introductory lessonEinführungslektion {f}
educ. lesson contentUnterrichtsinhalt {m}
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A 2022-03-07: British Council lesson
A 2018-10-02: a lesson, a moral lesson, a lesson learned
A 2018-10-02: a lesson learned
Q 2017-05-24: lesson?
A 2014-10-28: ? a lesson learnt in marketing
A 2013-11-06: Please excuse me from this week's lesson due to illness. (Quite formal)
Q 2013-02-11: in a german lesson need help
A 2012-10-09: lesson
A 2012-03-01: And I am happy to see that he has learned the lesson.
A 2012-03-01: OK, Jason, no worries. So, this is just a teenie soldier who still has to ...
A 2012-02-14: But as Tom Paxton sings: "It's a lesson too late for the learning..."
A 2011-06-16: Grammar lesson grabbed of the first ghit that came along:
Q 2011-04-04: I enclose a form for you to complete for this lesson
Q 2011-04-03: There are a few words I hate, like "lesson"
A 2011-02-21: Lesson plan summary? Short lesson plan?
Q 2011-02-21: lesson plan?lesson overview?
Q 2010-05-26: Lesson Report
A 2010-03-30: thnx, lesson taken
A 2010-03-23: Lesson taken.
A 2010-03-22: 'lesson taken' or 'lesson learned'? : )

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