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Dictionary English German: Life

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NOUN   a life | lives
SYNO   biography | life | life history ... 
life {adj} [attr.] [e.g. crisis, cycle, expectancy, insurance, span]
Lebens- [z. B. Krise, Zyklus, Erwartung, Versicherung, Spanne]
naut. life {adj} [attr.] [e.g. belt, buoy, jacket, raft]Rettungs- [z. B. Ring, Boje, Weste, Insel]
Leben {n}
life [journey through life]
Lebensweg {m}
fin. life [of a loan]
Laufzeit {f} [eines Kredits]
Lebenslauf {m} [Verlauf eines Lebens]
life [lifespan]
Lebensdauer {f}
Existenz {f} [Leben]
life [service life]
Betriebsdauer {f}
life [biography]
Biografie {f}
lit. relig. life [short biography, e.g. of a saint]
Vita {f}
hist. [“wellspring of life” or “fountain of life”, SS-supported association during the Third Reich]
Lebensborn {m} [von der SS getragener und staatlich geförderter Verein während des 3. Reiches]
life [biography]
Lebensbeschreibung {f}
life [biography]
Biographie {f}
law life [coll.]lebenslange Haftstrafe {f}
2 Words: Others
for life {adj} {adv}lebenslänglich
for life {adv}auf Lebenszeit
for life {adv} [handicapped, fit, happily married, etc.]ein Leben lang [behindert, fit, glücklich verheiratet etc.]
for life {adv} [imprisoned, handicapped, etc.]lebenslang [im Gefängnis, behindert etc.]
in life {adv}zu Lebzeiten
Life sucks. [Am.] [coll.]Das Leben ist scheiße. [vulg.]
life-affirming {adj}lebenbejahend [Rsv.]
life-affirming {adj}lebensbejahend
life-affirming {adj}lebensbewahrend
life-altering {adj}lebensverändernd
life-changing {adj}lebensverändernd
life-cycle {adj} [attr.]lebenszyklisch
life-destructive {adj}lebenszerstörend
life-determining {adj} {pres-p}lebensbestimmend
life-endangering {adj}lebensgefährlich
life-enriching {adj}lebensbereichernd
life-extending {adj}lebensverlängernd
life-giving {adj}lebenspendend [geh.]
life-giving {adj}lebensspendend [geh.] [Rsv.] [Leben spendend, lebenspendend]
life-giving {adj}Leben spendend [geh.]
life-historical {adj}lebensgeschichtlich
life-hostile {adj}lebensfeindlich
life-limiting {adj}lebensverkürzend
life-long {adj}lebenslang
life-long {adj}lebenslänglich
life-negating {adj}lebensverneinend
med. life-prolonging {adj}lebensverlängernd
life-saving {adj}lebensrettend
acad. life-science {adj} [attr.]lebenswissenschaftlich
life-shortening {adj}lebensverkürzend
life-size {adj}lebensgroß
life-size {adj}in Lebensgröße [nachgestellt]
life-size {adj}in Originalgröße [nachgestellt]
life-sized {adj}lebensgroß
life-sized {adj}in Lebensgröße [nachgestellt]
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A 2023-11-17: “Intimsphäre” is not privacy in general, nor private life as a whole.
A 2023-10-04: In another life ...
A 2023-07-18: A variant: Past its shelf life.
A 2023-05-14: Boring boudoir secrets? Would they have matched the scullery maid's love life?
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Q 2021-09-30: whole-life order
A 2021-09-19: Ich glaube, da fehlt +life.+
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A 2021-06-04: ergänzend zu #928928 campaign life (= Ofenreise)
A 2021-06-03: campaign (-life) - Betriebsdauer / -zeit
Q 2020-09-28: life's Ace People
A 2020-05-02: "I have been living here all my life" versus "I have lived here all my life"
A 2020-04-17: His life. (His journey.) His portrait.
A 2020-04-08: Dynamics in Circle Rituals: Daily Life at a German Reform Pedagogic School
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A 2020-01-11: fideicommissary substitution \ fiduciary heir, provisional heir; life tena...
A 2019-12-17: ... this turning away from a way of life he no longer adhered and subscrib...

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