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English-German translation for: MS-Erkrankte
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Dictionary English German: MS Erkrankte

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med. multiple sclerosis patients <MS patients>Multiple-Sklerose-Erkrankte {pl} <MS-Erkrankte>
Partial Matches
biochem. tandem mass spectrometry <MS/MS, MS2>Tandem-Massenspektrometrie {f} <MS/MS>
med. mitral valve stenosis <MS, MVS>Mitralklappenstenose {f} <MS, MKS>
med. median sternotomy <MS>mediane Sternotomie {f} <MS>
med. metabolic syndrome <MS>metabolisches Syndrom {n} <MS>
unit millisecond <ms, msec>Millisekunde {f} <ms>
econ. QM management system <MS>Managementsystem {n} <MS>
chem. phys. mass spectrometry <MS>Massenspektrometrie {f} <MS>
biochem. phys. mass spectroscopy <MS>Massenspektroskopie {f} <MS>
biochem. methionine synthase <MS>Methioninsynthase {f} <MS>
med. mitral stenosis <MS>Mitralstenose {f} <MS>
med. myeloid sarcoma <MS>Myeloidsarkom {n} <MS>
med. MS sufferersMS-Kranke {pl}
phys. inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry <ICP-MS>Massenspektrometrie {f} mit induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma <ICP-MS>
med. relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis <RR-MS>schubförmig remittierende Multiple Sklerose {f} <RR-MS>
med. MedTech. mammography screening <MS>Mammographie-Screening {n} <MS>
spec. mobile systems <MS>mobile Systeme {pl} <MS>
med. multiple sclerosis <MS>multiple Sklerose {f} <MS>
med. multiple sclerosis <MS>Multiple Sklerose {f} <MS>
comp. MS Office packageMS-Office-Paket {n}
comp. MS Office programsMS-Office-Programme {pl}
med. Maffucci's / Maffucci syndrome <MS>Maffucci-Syndrom {n} <MS>
ill peopleErkrankte {pl}
sick peopleErkrankte {pl}
ill person [female]Erkrankte {f}
sick person [female]Erkrankte {f}
med. multiple sclerosis patient <MS patient> [female]Multiple-Sklerose-Patientin {f} <MS-Patientin>
sb./sth. sickenedjd./etw. erkrankte
sb./sth. fell illjd./etw. erkrankte
med. terminally ill patient [female]tödlich erkrankte Patientin {f}
bot. MS-zero <MS0> [Murashige and Skoog medium]MS-null {n} <MS0> [Murashige-Skoog-Medium]
med. multiple sclerosis patient <MS patient>Multiple-Sklerose-Patient {m} <MS-Patient>
econ. fin. margin of safety <MS, MoS>Margin of Safety {f} <MS, MoS> [Sicherheitsmarge]
manuscript <ms.>Manuskript {n}
comp. multisampling <MS>Mehrfachabtastung {f}
unit millisecond <ms, msec>Tausendstelsekunde {f}
film photo. medium shot <MS>Halbnahe {f}
film photo. mid shot <MS>Halbnahe {f}
med. mitral stenosis <MS>Mitralklappenstenose {f}
manuscript <ms.>Handschrift {f} <Hs.> [Manuskript]
tech. brass bushingMessingbuchse {f} <MS-Buchse>
econ. QM feasibility study <FS>Machbarkeitsstudie {f} <MS>
electr. MedTech. magnetic shielding <MS>magnetische Abschirmung {f}
electr. medium voltage <MV>Mittelspannung {f} <MS>
naut. motor vessel <MV>Motorschiff {n} <MS>
med. myasthenic syndrome <MS>myasthenes Syndrom {n}
anat. maxillary sinus <MS> [Sinus maxillaris]Kieferhöhle {f}
anat. maxillary sinus <MS> [Sinus maxillaris]Oberkieferhöhle {f}
constr. tech. margin of safety <MS, MoS>Sicherheitsfaktor {m}
Ms. Busy-bodyFrau Wichtig {f} [ugs.]
med. asthma and COPD support groupSelbsthilfegruppe {f} für Asthma- und COPD-Erkrankte
biochem. med. metabolic syndrome <MS>Stoffwechselsyndrom {n} [seltener für: metabolisches Syndrom]
chem. phys. time-of-flight mass spectrometer <TOF-MS, TOFMS>Flugzeitmassenspektrometer {n}
chem. phys. time-of-flight mass spectrometry <TOF-MS, TOFMS>Flugzeitmassenspektrometrie {f}
spec. time-of-flight mass spectrometry <TOF-MS, TOFMS>Laufzeitmassenspektrometrie {f}
econ. professional and managerial staff [usually treated as sg.] <P&MS>Fach- und Führungskräfte {pl}
Ms.[schriftl. Anredeform für Frauen, die nicht zwischen verheiratet (Mrs) und unverheiratet (Miss) unterscheidet]
Dear Ms ... [salutation with name]Sehr geehrte Frau ... [Anrede mit Name]
geogr. Mississippi <MS> [Magnolia State]Mississippi {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
Dear Ms. ...: [Am.] [salutation with name]Sehr geehrte Frau ..., [Anrede mit Name]
Ms [Br.]Frau {f} <Fr.> [Anrede mit Namen; für Frauen, die nicht zwischen verheiratet (Mrs) und unverheiratet (Miss) unterscheidet]
Ms. [Am.]Frau {f} <Fr.> [Anrede mit Namen; für Frauen, die nicht zwischen verheiratet (Mrs) und unverheiratet (Miss) unterscheidet]
film photo. mid shot <MS>Medium Shot {m}
comp. pharm. QM multiple specification <MS>multiple Spezifikation {f}
med. Meigs' syndrome <MS> [also: Meigs syndrome]Meigs-Syndrom {n} [auch: Meigs-Cass-Demons-Syndrom]
geogr. Montserrat <.ms>Montserrat {n} [Insel]
med. MedTech. mammography screening <MS> [EUR 17538]mammographische Früherkennung {f} [EUR 17538]
film photo. medium shot <MS>Medium Shot {m}
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