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English-German translation for: Majesty
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Dictionary English German: Majesty

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
NOUN1   Majesty [Your/His/Her Majesty] | Majesties [Your/Their Majesties]
NOUN2   a majesty | majesties
SYNO   loftiness | majesty | stateliness
Würde {f}
Majestät {f}
Erhabenheit {f}
bibl. majesty [esp. as title]
Hoheit {f} [bes. als Titel]
Exzellenz {f}
2 Words: Others
Your MajestyEuer Majestät <Ew. M.>
Your MajestyEure Majestät <Ew. M.>
Your MajestyIhro Majestät [veraltet]
2 Words: Nouns
Her Majesty <HM>Ihre Majestät {f} <I. M.>
His Majesty <HM>Seine Majestät {f} <S. M.>
lese majestyMajestätsbeleidigung {f}
hist. lese majestyMajestätsverbrechen {n}
3 Words: Nouns
relig. attributes of majestyMajestätseigenschaften {pl}
mil. Her Majesty's Ship <HMS> [Br.]Ihrer Majestät Schiff {n}
hist. pol. relig. letter of majesty [Holy Roman Empire, Rudolph II]Majestätsbrief {m}
4 Words: Nouns
(Her Majesty's) Land Registry [Br.] <(HM) Land Registry>Grundbuchamt {n} [in England und Wales]
law Her / His Majesty's Advocate[Chef-Justitiar der schottischen Exekutive und der Krone in Schottland für Zivil- und Strafrecht]
mil. Her Majesty's Armed Forces [less frequent than: British Armed Forces]Streitkräfte {pl} Ihrer Majestät [seltener für: Streitkräfte des Vereinigten Königreichs]
Her Majesty's Stationery Office [Br.] <HMSO>Staatsdruckerei {f} [GB]
His (Most) Catholic MajestySeine Allerkatholischste Majestät {f} [Ehrentitel der spanischen Könige]
His / Her Britannic Majesty <HBM>Seine / Ihre Britannische Majestät {f}
pol. His / Her Majesty's Cabinet [Br.]Regierung {f} Seiner / Ihrer Majestät
pol. His / Her Majesty's Opposition [Br.]Seiner / Ihrer Majestät Opposition {f}
5+ Words: Others
law detained at Her Majesty's pleasure {adj} [Great Britain][zu einer Freiheitsstrafe unbestimmter Dauer verurteilt]
On His / Her Majesty's Service <OHMS>im Dienst Seiner / Ihrer Majestät
5+ Words: Nouns
Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office [Br.]Urheberrechtsprüfer {m} der Staatsdruckerei
law detention at Her Majesty's pleasure <detention at HMP> [UK law since 2000]lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe {f} [UK-spez. Besonderheit: «HMP»]
edict of His Majesty King Henry VIIIErlass {m} Seiner Majestät des Königs Heinrich des Achten
Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs <HMRC>(britische) Steuer- und Zollbehörde {f} [auch: das HMRC]
pol. majesty of a / the peopleVolksmajestät {f}
purveyor to Her Majesty the QueenHoflieferant {m} Ihrer Majestät der Königin
purveyor to Her Majesty the Queen [female]Hoflieferantin {f} Ihrer Majestät der Königin
hist. Yeomen Warders (of Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London)Yeomen Warders {pl} [Wärter im Tower von London]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Her Majesty's Servants / Servants of the Queen [Rudyard Kipling]Dienst Ihrer Majestät
lit. F His Majesty's Dragon [Naomi Novik]Drachenbrut
lit. F On Her Majesty's Secret Service [Ian Fleming]007 James Bond und sein gefährlichster Auftrag / [später] James Bond, im Dienst ihrer Majestät
film F On Her Majesty's Secret Service [James Bond] [Peter R. Hunt]Im Geheimdienst Ihrer Majestät
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A 2021-01-05: > 20:50 --- The idea of popular majesty has hardly caught on yet, has it?
Q 2018-05-29: Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs
A 2016-11-22: Her Majesty
Q 2012-10-19: Sacred Caesarian Catholic Majesty
Q 2012-08-16: Her majesty forces
Q 2012-06-02: Her Majesty, bleiben Sie, wie Sie sind! (wie man auf stern.de das Thronjub...
A 2011-11-14: Hint (11:02) Bess is a queen, referred to as +her majesty+ - she was a +ro...
A 2010-11-13: Britannia is either an Ancient Roman province or Her Royal Majesty's yacht.
Q 2009-09-08: Be it enacted by the Queen's msot Excellent Majesty ... (Companies Act 2006)
A 2009-07-14: Majesty
A 2009-07-10: Majesty
A 2009-07-09: +Majestät / majesty+ is a crass anachronism if it refers to a mediaeval king
A 2009-05-17: Her Majesty
A 2009-05-10: So the teaching of his majesty is a truth towards mankind
A 2008-08-03: You address the Queen, after she has started the conversation, once as +Yo...
A 2008-08-03: Oh, and only now I notice: Her "Anrede" is "Her Majesty", of course, not "...
A 2006-10-08: A subject of Her Majesty, true,
A 2006-08-29: Good night, Your Majesty! Sleep well, Ma'am!
A 2005-02-10: Her Majesty

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