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English-German translation for: Mare
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Dictionary English German: Mare

Translation 1 - 38 of 38


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NOUN   a mare | mares
SYNO   mare | maria | female horse | mare
NOUN   das Mare | die Mare/Maria
zool. mare
Stute {f}
astron. mare
Mare {n}
2 Words: Nouns
equest. black mareRappstute {f}
zool. boss mareLeitstute {f}
breed mareZuchtstute {f}
breeding mareZuchtstute {f}
brood mareZuchtstute {f}
equest. zool. chestnut mareFuchsstute {f}
zool. dominant mareLeitstute {f}
zool. foaling mareMutterstute {f}
zool. lead mareLeitstute {f}
astron. geogr. Mare Imbrium [lunar basin]Mare {n} Imbrium
gastr. zool. mare milkStutenmilch {f}
gastr. mare's milkStutenmilch {f}
mare's nestSchwindel {m}
journ. mare's nest [coll.]Ente {f} [fig.]
mare's nest [coll.]Reinfall {m} [ugs.]
journ. mare's nest [coll.]Zeitungsente {f} [ugs.]
equest. VetMed. pregnant mareträchtige Stute {f}
zool. stud mareZuchtstute {f}
equest. zool. thoroughbred mareVollblutstute {f}
zool. trakehner mareTrakehnerstute {f}
zool. zebra mareZebrastute {f}
3 Words: Nouns
equest. zool. foal-proud mare[Stute, die es niemandem erlaubt, in die Nähe ihres Fohlens zu kommen]
4 Words: Verbs
equest. to have a mare coveredeine Stute decken lassen
5+ Words: Others
proverb Money will make the mare go.Geld regiert die Welt.
idiom To win the mare or lose the halter.Alles oder nichts.
5+ Words: Verbs
agr. zool. to bring the mare to the stalliondie Stute dem Hengst zuführen
idiom to go by shank's / Shank's mare [coll.] [to go on foot]auf Schusters Rappen reisen [hum.] [zu Fuß gehen]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
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Q 2012-11-14: Coram iudice et in alto mare in manu dei soli sumus.
Q 2012-07-05: blue roan mare
A 2011-08-01: If the prize was given by an association representing the mare's breed, it...
A 2009-10-29: thanks *wenz*, I was thinking of the flared nostrils and exposed teeth of ...
A 2009-02-02: I agree with you - I'm sure most people know what a mare is.
A 2009-02-02: But how can it be that people don't know what a mare is?
Q 2009-02-02: pillow talk: "Stute" - da nimmt man wohl eher nicht "mare", oder?
A 2008-09-02: To take shank's mare. This also means to go per pedes.
Q 2007-06-16: Is a Fuchstute a chestnut mare?
A 2007-04-22: spooked mare
Q 2007-04-22: spooked mare
A 2006-11-29: to mount the mare
A 2005-04-22: Mare Red Note ???
A 2004-04-13: old mare fit for the knacker's yard, glue factory
A 2004-04-13: old grey mare?

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