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English-German translation for: Martian
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Dictionary English German: Martian

Translation 1 - 24 of 24

English German
ADJ   Martian | - | -
NOUN   a Martian | Martians
astron. Martian {adj}
astron. myth. Martian {adj}marsianisch [ugs.]
Martian {adj}vom Mars
astron. Martian {adj}auf dem Mars [nachgestellt]
Marsianer {m} [ugs.]
Marsmensch {m}
Marsbewohner {m}
2 Words
astron. Martian atmosphereMarsatmosphäre {f}
Martian canalsMarskanäle {pl}
astron. Martian craterMarskrater {m}
astron. Martian landscapeMarslandschaft {f}
astronau Martian missionMarsmission {f}
astron. geol. Martian rocks {pl}Marsgestein {n}
astron. Martian skyMarshimmel {m}
astron. geol. Martian soilMarsboden {m}
astron. Martian surfaceMarsoberfläche {f}
astron. geol. Martian volcanoMarsvulkan {m}
astron. Martian winterMarswinter {m}
astron. Martian yearMarsjahr {n}
3 Words
astronau Martian (space) probeMars-Raumsonde {f}
astronau Martian (space) probeMars-Sonde {f}
astronau Martian landing moduleMars-Landemodul {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F My Favorite MartianMein Onkel vom Mars
lit. F The Martian Chronicles [Ray Bradbury]Die Mars-Chroniken
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A 2009-09-24: A Martian scene from Schwarzenegger's "Total Recall"
A 2008-06-13: The joke is simply that the Martian turns out to be Jewish.
A 2008-06-13: I understood the yiddish Martian was fond of salmon,
A 2008-06-13: So this Martian
Q 2006-07-10: Martian people - non-describable fictional living creatures
A 2005-02-22: Marsyas > a satyr: even more distant these days than a Martian ...

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