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English-German translation for: Mary
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Dictionary English German: Mary

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NOUN   mary | marys
SYNO   Blessed Virgin | Madonna | Mary ... 
bibl. name Mary
Maria {f}
name MaryMarie {f} [Maria]
name MaryMitzi {f} [kurz für: Maria]
2 Words: Others
relig. Hail MaryGegrüßet seist du, Maria
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. Bloody Mary [cocktail]Bloody Mary {f} [Cocktail]
hist. Bloody Mary [Mary I of England]Maria {f} die Blutige
relig. Hail MaryAve Maria {n}
drugs Mary Jane [coll.]Marihuana {n}
cloth. Mary Jane [esp. Am.] [shoe][klassischer Spangenschuh, ursprünglich flach und für Kinder]
drugs Mary Jane [sl.]Gras {n} [ugs.] [Marihuana]
bibl. Mary MagdaleneMaria Magdalena {f}
idiom Typhoid Mary [Am.] [fig.] [female] [someone who you avoid]Aussätzige {f} [fig.] [jd., den man meidet]
idiom Typhoid Mary [Am.] [fig.] [male] [someone who you avoid]Aussätziger {m} [fig.] [jd., den man meidet]
Typhoid Mary [Mary Mallon, identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the pathogen associated with typhoid fever]Typhus-Mary {f} [Dauerausscheiderin von Typhus-Erregern]
3 Words: Others
relig. Jesus, Mary, Joseph <JMJ>Jesus, Maria, Joseph <JMJ>
idiom M for Mary [Br.]M wie Martha
3 Words: Nouns
bibl. (Saint) Mary Magdalene(heilige) Maria {f} aus Magdala
bibl. (Saint) Mary Magdalene(heilige) Maria {f} von Magdala
relig. altar of MaryMarienaltar {m}
art relig. Assumption (of Mary)Aufnahme {f} Marias
relig. Assumption of MaryMariä Himmelfahrt {f} [auch: Mariae Himmelfahrt]
relig. Assumption of MaryMariä Aufnahme {f} in den Himmel
relig. coronation of MaryMarienkrönung {f}
relig. Gospel of MaryEvangelium {n} der Maria
sports Hail Mary pass [Am.] [in American football] [also: Hail Mary play, Hail Mary route][American Football: Der letzte Wurf aus großer Entfernung, um das Spiel noch zu gewinnen]
sports Hail Mary shot [Am.] [in basketball] [also: Hail Mary throw][Basketball: Der letzte Wurf aus großer Entfernung, um das Spiel noch zu gewinnen]
relig. Legion of Mary [Legio Mariae] <LOM>Legion {f} Mariens [Legio Mariae]
hist. Mary of TeckMaria {f} von Teck
gastr. Mary Pickford (cocktail)Mary Pickford {m} [auch: Mary-Pickford-Cocktail]
relig. Saint Mary Magdalene(heilige) Maria Magdalena {f}
St. Mary MajorMaria Schneen {f}
archi. St. Mary Major [basilica in Rome]Maria Schnee {f} [Santa Maria Maggiorem, Rom]
archi. relig. St. Mary Major [Papal major basilica]Santa Maria Maggiore {f} [auch: Unsere Liebe Frau vom Schnee]
archi. relig. St. Mary's ChapelMarienkapelle {f} [auch: Marien-Kapelle]
relig. St. Mary's ChurchMarienkirche {f}
archi. St. Mary's fountainMarienbrunnen {m}
relig. veneration of MaryMarienkult {f}
4 Words: Others
Jesus, Mary and Joseph! [coll.]Jesus, Maria und Joseph! [ugs.] [Ausruf des Erstaunens]
4 Words: Nouns
archi. relig. Blessed Virgin Mary grottoMariengrotte {f}
relig. Church of St. MaryMarienkirche {f}
art relig. depiction of (St.) MaryMariendarstellung {f}
Mary (Duchess) of BurgundyMaria {f} (Herzogin) von Burgund
relig. Mary, Mother of GraceMaria {f}, Mutter der Gnaden
hist. Mary, Queen of ScotsMaria Stuart {f}
relig. Mary, the holy virginMaria {f}, die reine Magd
relig. Mary, Undoer of KnotsMaria Knotenlöserin {f}
relig. perpetual virginity (of Mary)Immerjungfrauschaft {f} (Marias)
relig. perpetual virginity of Maryimmerwährende Jungfräulichkeit {f} Marias
relig. Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbeheiliger Pater {m} Maximilian Kolbe
relig. Seven Dolors of MarySieben Schmerzen {pl} Mariens
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Q 2021-12-29: Mary, Mary, quite contrary — pronunciation of +contrary+ in the sense of +...
A 2016-01-13: Mary Kittel
A 2015-08-26: (The) Holy Virgin Mary is very common,
Q 2015-08-26: Mary the holy virgin - Maria die heilige Magd
A 2015-06-18: +The American Sublime+ By Mary Arensberg, pages 120 to 122
Q 2014-03-29: They meet again at Peter and Mary Holmes'.
Q 2014-03-27: Mary ist zur Stelle!
A 2014-03-09: Now this, Mary thought, was very funny.
A 2014-01-30: For three hours, Mary has been sitting in a taxi being driven around in town
A 2013-12-23: Mary Christmess/Fröliche Wheinachten to all you dict.ators!
A 2013-06-24: Mary Francis
A 2013-06-23: @Catesse: it's a poem by Mother Mary Francis (1921-2006).
A 2012-11-25: Mary's aunt
Q 2012-02-18: Princess Mary
A 2011-09-30: @ anonymous Mary Washington Student in Fredericksburg Virginia
Q 2010-12-24: Hail Mary appeal
A 2009-11-04: kids have your answer straight from sister mary elephant----
A 2009-08-31: No, not neccesarily, Mary.
A 2009-05-19: Lord, I can't go a-home this-a-way... Now, I've got a Peter, Paul and Mary...
A 2009-04-29: Wobei Mary Shelleys "Frankenstein" schon immer ein Schauerroman war, aber,...

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