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English-German translation for: Me
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Dictionary English German: Me

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PRON  I | me | my [adj]/mine [pron] ... 
SYNO   ME | Maine | Pine Tree State
me {pron} [indirect object]
me {pron} [direct object]
me {pron} [Br.] [coll.] [I] [e.g. John and me went to the cinema]
me {pron} [my] [Br.] [coll.]
me {pron}mi [ugs.] [bayer.] [österr.]
geogr. Montenegro <.me>
Montenegro {n}
chem. methanol [CH3OH]
Methanol {n} <Me.>
electr. phys. magnetoelectronics <ME> [treated as sg.]Magnetoelektronik {f}
geogr. Maine <ME> [Pine Tree State]Maine {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
geogr. Meiz {n}
med. meningoencephalitis <ME>Meningoencephalitis {f} <ME>
2 Words: Others
about me {adv}meinethalben [um mich] [veraltet]
about mezu meiner Person
above me {adv} [fig.]über meinem Horizont [fig.] [Redewendung]
Allow me ...Lass mich ...
Allow me.Gestatten Sie? [formelle Anrede]
Always me!Immer ich!
Answer me!Antworte mir!
Answer me!Geh auf mich ein!
Ay me! [archaic] [poet.]Oh je!
Beats me! [idiom]Da bin ich überfragt. [Redewendung]
Beats me.Keine Ahnung.
Beats me.Keinen Schimmer. [ugs.]
Beats me.Weiß nicht.
behind me {adv} [behind my back] [idiom]hinter meinem Rücken [fig.] [Redewendung]
beneath me {adj} [fig.]unter meiner Würde [Redewendung]
beside meneben mir
Bite me! [Am.] [coll.]Ihr könnt mich mal! [ugs.] [vulg.]
Bite me! [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]Du kannst mich mal! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Bite me! [Am.] [vulg.]Leck mich! [vulg.]
Blame me!Schieb mir die Schuld zu!
Bless me! [idiom]Du lieber Himmel! [Redewendung]
Bring me ...Hole mir ...
Bugger me! [Br.] [coarse]Mi leckst am Arsch! [salopp] [südd.]
Bugger me! [Br.] [coarse] [expression of surprise]Leck mich am Ärmel! <LMA> [salopp] [Leck mich am Arsch!] [Ausruf der Überraschung]
Bugger me! [Br.] [coarse] [expression of surprise]Leck mich am Arsch! [derb] [Ausruf der Überraschung]
Bugger me! [Br.] [coarse] [idiom]Meine Fresse! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
by me {adv} [next to me, by my side]an meiner Seite
Catch me!Fang mich!
Catch me!Hasch mich!
Clumsy me!Ich Tollpatsch!
Clumsy me!Wie ungeschickt von mir!
mil. Cover me! [provide cover fire for me]Gebt / Gib mir Deckung!
Dear me!Wahrhaftig!
Dear me!Du liebe Zeit!
Dear me!Um Himmels willen!
Dear me!Ach du liebe Zeit!
Dear me!Ach du meine Güte!
Eat me! [Am.] [vulg.] [idiom]Du kannst mich mal! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Excuse me!Entschuldige!
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A 2024-07-31: seems wrong to me too, but ...
A 2024-07-19: Michael beat me to it ;-)
Q 2024-06-12: google searches or google books as references are useless and irritating me
A 2024-05-31: "me" ist nicht gleich "sich"
A 2024-04-16: The proposed change to the German sounds more idiomatic to me.
A 2024-02-29: This reminds me of ...
A 2024-01-31: Thank you, parker11! I cannot hear "later", it sounds like "to the ???" to...
Q 2023-11-25: This Honey entry seems wrong to me, but I am not sure.
A 2023-10-31: Interesting to me that the grandest dictionary project in English worked a...
A 2023-10-31: The link works for me, but it is paywalled.
A 2023-10-20: Hmmm,Ok. 'Shaun the Sheep'was new to me,cute characters!
A 2023-09-28: Many thanks Sunfunlili & Sasso. @bxcnch - Your detailed explanation helped...
A 2023-09-20: To me a cable car is in the air, suspended from the cable - Seilbahn in AT.
Q 2023-08-30: Please help me
A 2023-07-25: To me, it seems reasonable to understand preparations for and early manife...
A 2023-07-15: Yes, matter of interpretation. Reminds me of 'Et tu Brute?' 'Naw, I ain't ...
A 2023-05-08: In einer deutschen Wilde-Übers. wurde der Ausdruck anscheinend -- mE sehr...
A 2023-05-03: Sounds to me like the third definition listed in the OED, i.e. pornography.
A 2023-04-18: I wouldn't claim that everyone means it this way, but for me a plain donut...
A 2023-04-02: That sounded very grammatically wrong to me until I realized BE treats tea...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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