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English-German translation for: Megohm M 937
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Dictionary English German: Megohm M 937

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electr. unit megohm <MΩ>Megohm {n} <MΩ>
Partial Matches
electr. unit megaohm <MΩ>Megaohm {n} <MΩ>
electr. unit milliohm <mΩ>Milliohm {n} <mΩ>
mus. metronome marking <M.M.>Metronomzahl {f} <M.M.> [Mälzels Metronom]
spec. omega loop loop>Omega-Schleife {f} <Ω-Schleife>
geogr. spec. metres above sea level [Br.] <m ASL / m a.s.l.>Meter {pl} über Adria <m ü. Adria> [Österreich] [m ü. Meeresspiegel]
jobs orientation and mobility <O&M> [instruction for the blind]Orientierung und Mobilität <O&M, O+M> [Training für Blinde]
metres above sea level <M AMSL / M ASL / m a.s.l.> [official height in Great Britain]Meter {pl} über dem Meeresspiegel <M AMSL / M ASL / m a.s.l.> [amtliche Höhenangabe in Großbritannien]
chem. phys. unit molar mass <M>Molmasse {f} <M> [veraltet für: molare Masse]
phys. moment of force <M>Drehmoment {n} <M> [Größe der Drehkraft]
film F MM - eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder [Fritz Lang]
unit metre <m> [Br.]Meter {m} [früher fachspr. auch {n}] <m>
mutatis mutandis {adv} <m.m.>mit den nötigen Abänderungen
anat. M-line [middle disc]M-Scheibe {f} [Sarkomer, Muskulatur]
anat. M-line [middle disc]M-Streifen {m} [Sarkomer, Muskulatur]
med. metastasis status <M>Metastasenstatus {m} <M> [auch: Metastasen-Status]
idiom M as in Mike [Am.]M wie Martha
film F MM [auch: M Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder] [Fritz Lang]
mineral. johnbaumite-M [(Ca,Sr)5(AsO4,PO4)3(OH)]Johnbaumit-M {m}
in my opinion {adv} <IMO>meiner Meinung nach <mMn, m.M.n.>
mineral. mimetesite-M [Pb5(AsO4)3Cl]Mimetesit-M {m}
idiom M for Mary [Br.]M wie Martha
unit metre of water <mH2O, m H2O> [Br.]Meter {m} Wassersäule <mWS, m WS>
mineral. hydroxylapatite-M [(Ca,Na)5 [(P,S)O4]3(OH,Cl)]Hydroxylapatit-M {m}
the way I see it {adv} [coll.]meiner Meinung nach <mMn, m.M.n.>
astron. astronau mean anomaly <M>mittlere Anomalie {f} <M>
chem. phys. unit molar mass <M>molare Masse {f} <M>
chem. pharm. m-coumaric acid [C9H8O3]m-Cumarsäure {f}
zool. M-shaped forehead marking [of an animal, e.g. tabby cats]M-förmige Stirnzeichnung {f}
unit meters <m> [Am.]Meter {pl} <m>
unit metres <m> [Br.]Meter {pl} <m>
astron. unit solar mass <M☉>Sonnenmasse {f} <M☉>
acad. educ. law Master of Laws <M.L., LL.M> [Magister Legum, Legum Magister]Legum Magister {m} <LL.M.> [auch: Magister Legum]
mutatis mutandis {adv} <m. m.>mutatis mutandis [geh.] <m. m.>
med. postmortem {adj} {adv} <p.m., PM> [after death]post mortem <p. m.> [geh.] [nach dem Tode]
acad. educ. Master of Arts <M.A.>Magister {m} Artium <M. A., Mag. art. [österr.]>
unit meter of water <mH2O, m H2O> [Am.]Meter {m} Wassersäule <mWS, m WS>
unit metre per second <m/s, mps> [Br.]Meter {m} {n} pro Sekunde <m/s>
naut. to set depth to 500 mauf 500 m gehen [U-Boot]
ling. print m [letter]m {n} [Buchstabe]
ling. print M [letter]M {n} [Buchstabe]
biol. M-lineM-Linie {f}
phys. M-theoryM-Theorie {f}
RadioTV F M SquadDezernat M
mus. main droite {adv} <M.D., m.d.> [used as a direction in keyboard music]mit der rechten Hand
mus. main gauche {adv} <M.G., m.g.> [used as a direction in keyboard music]mit der linken Hand
jobs male / female {adj} <m/f> [e.g. in job advertisements]männlich / weiblich <m/w> [z. B. in Stellenanzeigen]
mud and snow tyre <M+S> [Br.]M+S-Reifen {m}
at a distance of 1 m {adv}in 1 m Abstand
water-resistant to 50 m {adj}bis zu 50 m wasserdicht
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