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English-German translation for: Methods
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Dictionary English German: Methods

Translation 1 - 50 of 90  >>

English German
NOUN   a method | methods
Methoden {pl}
methods {pl} [collectively]
Methodik {f}
2 Words: Nouns
abstract methodsabstrakte Methoden {pl}
accounting methodsRechnungslegungsmethode {f}
alternative methodsErsatzmethoden {pl}
antiquated methodsUraltmethoden {pl} [ugs.] [auch: Uralt-Methoden]
business methodsGeschäftsgebaren {n}
math. calculation methodsBerechnungsmethoden {pl}
math. calculation methodsBerechnungsverfahren {pl}
math. calculation methodsRechenmethoden {pl}
math. calculation methodsRechenverfahren {pl}
conventional methodsherkömmliche Methoden {pl}
comp. math. cryptographic methodskryptographische Verfahren {pl}
chem. decomposition methodsAufschlussmethoden {pl}
dubious methodsdubiose Methoden {pl}
educ. educational methodsBildungsmethoden {pl}
educational methodsErziehungsmethoden {pl}
psych. evaluation methodsEvaluationsmethoden {pl}
agr. farming methodsAnbaumethoden {pl}
fighting methodsKampfmethoden {pl}
med. MedTech. imaging methodsbildgebende Verfahren {pl}
industrial methodsArbeitsmethodik {f}
educ. psych. learning methodsLernmethoden {pl}
tech. machining methodsBearbeitungsverfahren {pl} [Methoden]
Mafia methodsMafiamethoden {pl} [verbrecherische Methoden der Mafia]
mafia methods [also fig.]Mafiamethoden {pl} [auch fig.]
management methodsManagementmethoden {pl}
methods engineerVerfahrensingenieur {m}
methods engineeringArbeitsbestgestaltung {f}
acad. engin. tech. methods engineeringVerfahrenstechnik {f}
methods studyArbeitsablaufstudie {f}
methods studyArbeitsmethodenuntersuchung {f}
relig. missionary methodsMissionsmethoden {pl}
new methodsneue Methoden {pl}
econ. production methodsProduktionswege {pl}
quack methodsKurpfuschermethoden {pl}
quicker methodsschnellere Methoden {pl}
scientific methodswissenschaftliche Methoden {pl}
acad. scientific methodswissenschaftliche Verfahren {pl}
statistical methodsstatistische Methoden {pl}
surveillance methodsÜberwachungsmethoden {pl}
chem. synthesis methodsSynthesemethoden {pl}
teaching methodsLehrmethoden {pl}
underhand methodshinterhältige Methoden {pl}
work methodsArbeitsmethoden {pl}
3 Words: Others
using traditional methods {adv}nach (alter) handwerklicher Tradition
3 Words: Verbs
to adopt new methodsneue Methoden einsetzen
3 Words: Nouns
aggressive sales methodsaggressive Verkaufsmethoden {pl}
application of methodsMethodeneinsatz {m}
chem. chemical synthesis methodschemische Synthesemethoden {pl}
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Q 2021-06-16: Innovative open ccience methods of a university
A 2021-01-04: There are two distinct methods of turning wood: spindle turning and bowl o...
A 2020-05-14: methods development
A 2019-06-14: to part with things of the past / with horse-and-buggy methods
A 2018-03-13: @kkava. A statistical comparison of the two methods would be interesting b...
A 2017-10-10: Other methods of braking are +sideslipping+ and +(ski) pole riding+
A 2017-01-31: In year ten of the crisis, states vie with one another using methods pecul...
A 2015-06-02: Standard Test Methods for Characterizing Duplex Grain Sizes
Q 2015-06-02: Standard Test Methods for Characterizing Duplex Grain Sizes
A 2015-02-01: Digestion Methods
A 2014-11-26: training methods
A 2014-11-21: A (case) study of methods employed for ...
A 2014-10-28: or systems, methods etc. ....
A 2014-07-12: My approach to self-studying is (whatever); +self-study+ may also mean +en...
A 2013-04-17: +Fees+ could include methods of payment, when they have to be paid, etc.
Q 2013-03-28: Cleaning methods of a chemical substance (from safety data sheet)
A 2012-07-11: All these methods involve medical examinations
A 2012-03-13: It's about different "Gesetzesvorhaben" that influence certain test methods
A 2012-02-15: Body temperature in pigs - an /evaluation /a comparison / of different m...
A 2012-02-14: Oder: ... A comparison of different methods.

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