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English-German translation for: Mg
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Dictionary English German: Mg

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SYNO   mg | milligram | Mg ... 
SYNO   Magnesium | Mg | MG | Maschinengewehr
agr. unit morgen <Mg> [dated] [unit of area, 2,500 m²]
Morgen {m} <Mg> [veraltend] [Flächenmaß, 2.500 m²]
unit milligram <mg>
Milligramm {n} <mg>
unit milligramme <mg> [Br.]
Milligramm {n} <mg>
chem. magnesium <Mg>
Magnesium {n} <Mg>
geogr. Madagascar <.mg>
Madagaskar {n}
mil. gunnerMG-Schütze {m}
publ. RadioTV makegood <MG>Ersatz {m} [Anzeige, Inserat, Sendung]
unit megagram <Mg>Megagramm {n} <Mg>
2 Words: Others
FoodInd. mineral. high-magnesium {adj} [attr.]magnesiumreich <Mg-reich>
weapons machine-gun {adj} <MG> [attr.]Maschinengewehr- <MG>
2 Words: Nouns
mineral. axinite-(Mg) [Ca2MgAl2BO3Si4O12(OH)]Axinit-(Mg) {m}
hist. weapons Bren gunBren-Maschinengewehr {n} <Bren-MG>
mineral. chabasite-Mg [(Mg0.7K0.5Ca0.5Na0.1) [Al3Si9O24]·10H2O]Chabasit-Mg {m}
mineral. columbite-(Mg) [(Mg,Fe,Mn)(Nb,Ta)2O6]Columbit-(Mg) {m}
mineral. faujasite-Mg [(Mg,Na,K,Ca)5(Si,Al)12O24·15H2O]Faujasit-Mg {m}
mineral. julgoldite-(Mg) [Ca2MgFe2(Si2O7)(SiO4)(OH)2·H2O]Julgoldit-(Mg) {m}
mineral. labuntsovite-Mg [K2Na2(Ba,K)0-1(Mg,Fe)(Ti,Nb)4 [(O,OH)2|Si4O12]2·5-6H2O]Labuntsovit-Mg {m}
weapons machine gun <MG>Maschinengewehr {n} <MG>
mil. machine gunnerMG-Schütze {m}
mil. major general <Maj Gen, MG, Maj. Gen., maj. gen.>Divisionär {m} <Div> [Schweiz]
publ. RadioTV make-good <MG>Ersatz {m} [Anzeige, Inserat, Sendung]
publ. market. makegood advertisement <MG> [replacement]Ersatzinserat {n} [z. B. Zeitung]
RadioTV market. makegood spot <MG spot>Ersatzspot {m}
phys. unit Marangoni number <Ma, Mg>Marangoni-Zahl {f} <Ma, Mg>
maternity allowance <MA>Mutterschaftsgeld {n} <MSG, MG>
maternity benefit <MB>Mutterschaftsgeld {n} <MSG, MG>
phys. Maxwell equations <MEs>Maxwellgleichungen / Maxwell-Gleichungen {pl} <MG>
mineral. mazzite-Mg [(Mg,K,Ca)6(Si26Al10)O72·30H2O]Mazzit-Mg {m}
med. medical guideline <MG>medizinische Leitlinie {f}
educ. hist. medieval historymittelalterliche Geschichte {f} <MG>
pharm. menopausal gonadotropin <MG>Menopausengonadotropin {n} <MG>
mil. MG nestMG-Nest {n}
med. mixed glioma <MG>Mischgliom {n}
chem. molecular weight <MW>Molekulargewicht {n} <MG>
med. monoclonal gammopathy <MG>monoklonale Gammopathie {f} <MG>
med. myasthenia gravis <MG>Myasthenia gravis {f} <MG>
mineral. osumilite-(Mg) [KMg2Al3(Al2Si10)O30]Osumilit-(Mg) {m}
mineral. osumilite-(Mg) [KMg2Al3(Al2Si10)O30]Osumilith-(Mg) {m}
mineral. paralabuntsovite-Mg [K2(K,Ba)0-1Na2MgTi4 [(O,OH)2|Si4O12]2·5-6H2O]Paralabuntsovit-Mg {m}
mineral. tantalite-(Mg) [(Mg,Fe)(Ta,Nb)2O6]Tantalit-(Mg) {m}
3 Words: Nouns
mineral. ferrierite-Mg [[Mg2(K,Na)2Ca0.5](Si29Al7)O72·18H2O]Ferrierit-Mg {m}
mil. weapons machine-gun burstMG-Feuerstoß {m}
RadioTV market. make-good spot <MG spot>Ersatzspot {m}
med. Marcus Gunn pupil <MGP, MG pupil>Marcus-Gunn-Pupille {f} <MGP>
geogr. pol. Republic of Madagascar <.mg>Republik {f} Madagaskar
mil. weapons turret machine gun [tank] <turret MG>Turmmaschinengewehr {n} [auch: Turm-Maschinengewehr] [Panzer] <Turm-MG>
4 Words: Nouns
weapons anti-aircraft machine gun <AA MG>Flugabwehrmaschinengewehr {n} <FlaMG>
weapons machine gun reflex sight <MGRS>Maschinengewehr-Reflexvisier {n} <MG-Reflexvisier>
mil. nest of machine gunsMaschinengewehr-Nest {n} <MG-Nest> [mehrere Waffen]
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Q 2019-05-15: eine Dosis von 40 mg
A 2013-04-17: Ein "großer starker Espresso" mit 400 mg Koffein?!!
A 2011-08-12: But here it means €160 per milligram(me) - so on Wenz's recommendations pe...
A 2011-08-12: Do you mean it should be €160 / mg?
A 2011-08-12: 160 €/mg - must be stardust from a very, very distant galaxy
A 2011-03-22: Einfach mal "LD50 of product, species & route" googeln. Da findest du beis...
A 2010-11-23: In the toy inspected, the levels were found to be between 0.9 and 3.6 mg per kg.
Q 2008-11-05: Do I use the space bar between 100 ml or 100 mg in English?
A 2008-08-14: 'Leichtmetalle' for machinery: Alumin(i)um, Titanium and Magnesium alloys ...
Q 2008-05-14: exposure limit for cobalt (0,02 mg/m3)
A 2007-11-14: The tablets (each) contain x mg active ingredient.
A 2006-02-18: up to 20 mg or more???
Q 2005-12-09: I.E./mg
Q 2005-12-06: MG-Platten

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