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English-German translation for: Middle East
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Dictionary English German: Middle East

Translation 1 - 50 of 972  >>

NOUN   the Middle East | -
SYNO   Middle East | Mideast | Near East
geogr. Middle EastNaher Osten {m}
geogr. Middle EastVorderasien {n}
geogr. Middle EastVorderer Orient {m}
Keywords contained
ling. East Middle German {adj}ostmitteldeutsch <ostmd.>
geogr. (the) Middle EastNahost {m}
ling. East Middle GermanOstmitteldeutsch {n}
pol. Middle East conflictNahost-Konflikt {m}
pol. Middle East conflictNahostkonflikt {m}
jobs pol. Middle East expertNahostexperte {m}
pol. Middle East QuartetNahost-Quartett {n}
journ. pol. Middle East specialistNahostexperte {m}
geogr. the Middle Eastder Nahe Osten {m}
geogr. in the Middle East {adv}in Nahost
pol. Middle East peace processNahost-Friedensprozess {m}
geogr. the Middle East [Iran to India]der Mittlere Osten {m}
geogr. Middle East and Africa <MEA>Mittlerer Osten und Afrika
pol. conflict in the Middle EastNahostkonflikt {m}
pol. mission to the Middle EastNahostmission {f}
acad. jobs professor of Middle East StudiesOrientalistikprofessor {m}
biol. med. Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus <MERS-CoVs>Nahost-Atemwegssyndrom-Coronavirus {n} <MERS-CoVs>
zool. T
zool. T
Partial Matches
orn. T
east {adv}nach Osten
east {adj}Ost-
east {adj}östlich
eastMorgen {m} [veraltet] [Osten]
EastOrient {m}
geogr. meteo. naut. east <E>Ost <O> [Himmelsrichtung] [ohne Artikel]
geogr. naut. east <E>Osten {m} <O>
due east {adv}genau nach Osten
due east {adv}genau östlich
geogr. East Aegean {adj}ostägäisch
East African {adj}ostafrikanisch
East Asian {adj}ostasiatisch
East Asiatic {adj}ostasiatisch
East Baltic {adj}ostbaltisch
transp. east bound {adv}in östlicher Richtung
transp. east bound {adv}ostwärts
East European {adj}osteuropäisch
hist. East Frankish {adj}ostfränkisch <ostfränk.>
East Frisian {adj}ostfriesisch
East German {adj}ostdeutsch <ostd., ostdt.>
East Germanic {adj}ostgermanisch <ostgerm.>
geogr. hist. East Greek {adj}ostgriechisch
geogr. ling. East Hessian {adj}osthessisch
East Indian {adj}ostindisch
ling. East Nordic {adj}ostnordisch
east oföstlich von
geogr. East Pacific {adj}ostpazifisch
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A 2013-09-04: James Bond is busy giving a hand in Middle Eastern war mongering
Q 2010-11-04: Middle Eastern appearance
Q 2010-04-06: Your gateway to the Middle East and beyond
A 2009-12-03: Middle East = Naher Osten
A 2009-12-03: +Mittlerer Osten+ as against +Middle East+
A 2009-12-03: Der englische "middle east" entspricht dem deutschen "Nahen Osten"
Q 2009-12-03: Middle east
Q 2008-08-31: The wider/greater/great Middle East
A 2008-02-28: person reponsible for a certain area, e. g. Balkan or Middle East
Q 2007-12-15: vast ancient Middle Eastern exterior housing
Q 2007-11-14: middle east
A 2004-09-09: Mittlerer Osten != middle East
A 2004-09-09: Middle East

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