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English-German translation for: Mie'sche Theorie
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Mie'sche Theorie in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Mie'sche Theorie

Translation 1 - 50 of 672  >>

phys. Mie's theory [also: Mie theory]Mie'sche Theorie {f}
Partial Matches
phys. Mie theory [also: Mie's theory]Mie-Theorie {f}
psych. Freudian theoryFreud'sche Theorie {f}
Laplace's theoryLaplace'sche Theorie {f}
Kant-Laplace's theoryKant-Laplace'sche Theorie {f}
phys. Weiss theoryWeiss'sche Theorie {f} [auch: weisssche Theorie, Weiß'sche Theorie]
phys. Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory <BCS theory>Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer-Theorie {f} <BCS-Theorie>
phys. Mie resonanceMie-Resonanz {f}
phys. Mie scatteringMie-Streuung {f}
phys. Ginzburg-Landau theoryGinsburg-Landau-Theorie {f} <GLAG-Theorie>
phys. Mie solution [also: Lorenz-Mie solution]Mie-Streuung {f} [auch: Lorenz-Mie-Streuung]
math. Möbius / Lie geometry of circlesMöbius'sche / Lie'sche Geometrie {f} für die Kreisebene
math. Riemann's zeta function <Riemann's ζ-function>Riemann'sche Zetafunktion {f} <Riemann'sche ζ-Funktion>
theoryTheorie {f}
absurd theoryabsurde Theorie {f}
accepted theoryakzeptierte Theorie {f}
accepted theoryanerkannte Theorie {f}
arbitrage pricing theory <APT>Arbitragepreis-Theorie {f}
zool. bilaterogastrea theoryBilaterogastrea-Theorie {f}
biol. chemiosmotic theorychemiosmotische Theorie {f}
chem. chemical theorychemische Theorie {f}
math. Choquet theory [also: Choquet's theory]Choquet-Theorie {f}
hist. mil. domino theoryDomino-Theorie {f}
spec. explanatory theoryerklärende Theorie {f}
math. Floquet theory [also: Floquet's theory]Floquet-Theorie {f}
psych. Freudian theoryfreudsche Theorie {f}
theory based on factsfundierte Theorie {f}
well-established theorygängige Theorie {f}
econ. theory of money demandGeldnachfrage-Theorie {f}
well-founded theorygesicherte Theorie {f}
grand theorygroße Theorie {f}
math. Iwasawa theoryIwasawa-Theorie {f}
math. K-theoryK-Theorie {f}
econ. Keynesian theorykeynessche Theorie {f}
math. KK theory [also: KK-theory]KK-Theorie {f}
philos. constructivist theorykonstruktivistische Theorie {f}
relig. conciliar theorykonziliare Theorie {f}
philos. critical theoryKritische Theorie {f}
Laplace's theorylaplacesche Theorie {f}
phys. M-theoryM-Theorie {f}
chem. phys. Marcus theoryMarcus-Theorie {f}
esot. message theoryMessage-Theorie {f}
spec. normative theorynormative Theorie {f}
hist. lit. Oxfordian theoryOxford-Theorie {f}
zool. phagocytella theoryPhagocytella-Theorie {f}
biol. physiological theoryphysiologische Theorie {f}
phys. piston theoryPiston-Theorie {f}
zool. placula theoryPlacula-Theorie {f}
biol. planula theoryPlanula-Theorie {f}
philos. sociol. queer theoryQueer-Theorie {f}
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