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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Millionen Unzen
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Millionen Unzen

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

mining unit Million Ounces <MOZ>Millionen Unzen {pl} <Moz>
Partial Matches
unit ouncesUnzen {pl}
millionsMillionen {pl}
film lit. F Millions [novel: Frank Cottrell Boyce, film: Danny Boyle]Millionen
million {pl}Millionen {pl} <Mio.>
millions of times {adv}Millionen Mal
several millionmehrere Millionen {pl}
crore {sg} [Ind.] [ten million]zehn Millionen {pl}
gazillion {sg} [Am.] [coll.]zig Millionen {pl}
jillions [coll.]zig Millionen {pl}
tens of millionszig Millionen {pl}
millions of payment transactionsMillionen {pl} von Zahlungsgeschäften
unit million tons per annum <MTPA>Millionen Tonnen {pl} jährlich
million dollar giftMillionen-Dollar-Geschenk {n}
million-dollar question [fig.]Millionen-Dollar-Frage {f} [fig.]
population of 7 millionBevölkerung {f} von 7 Millionen
several hundreds of millions of dollarsmehrere hundert Millionen Dollar {pl}
unit million tons per annum <MTPA>Millionen Tonnen {pl} pro Jahr
film F It Could Happen to You [Andrew Bergman]2 Millionen Dollar Trinkgeld
film F The Italian Job [Peter Collinson]Charlie staubt Millionen ab
film F The Million Dollar Duck / The $1,000,000 Duck [Vincent McEveety]Die Millionen-Dollar-Ente
just about 1.7 milliongerade einmal 1,7 Millionen
comp. unit million instructions per second <MIPS>Millionen Anweisungen {pl} pro Sekunde <MIPS>
in the three-digit million euro range {adv}im dreistelligen Millionen-Euro-Bereich
a population of 3 millioneine Bevölkerung {f} von 3 Millionen
RadioTV F The Six Million Dollar ManDer Sechs-Millionen-Dollar-Mann
RadioTV F Bionic SixDie Sechs-Millionen-Dollar-Familie
RadioTV F The Bionic WomanDie Sieben-Millionen-Dollar-Frau
film F For Richer or Poorer [Bryan Spicer]Zum Teufel mit den Millionen
sb. is worth ... millionjd. ist ... Millionen schwer [ugs.] [Redewendung]
sb. is worth ten million [coll.]jd. ist zehn Millionen schwer [ugs.]
40 million tons (of X) per annum40 Millionen Tonnen {pl} (X) pro Jahr
film F The Italian Job [Felix Gary Gray]The Italian Job - Jagd auf Millionen
There were trillions of them there. [coll.]Es waren Millionen und Abermillionen da. [ugs.]
at a cost of several million euros {adv}mit einem Aufwand von mehreren Millionen Euro
lit. F Koba the Dread: Laughter and the Twenty Million [Martin Amis]Koba der Schrecklichedie zwanzig Millionen und das Gelächter
Eight million cattle have been slaughtered in recent months.Acht Millionen Rinder sind in den letzten Monaten geschlachtet worden.
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Millionen Tonnen jährlich
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• Millionen Unzen

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