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English-German translation for: Milnor conjecture
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Dictionary English German: Milnor conjecture

Translation 1 - 61 of 61

math. Milnor conjecture [also: Milnor's conjecture]Milnor-Vermutung {f}
Partial Matches
to conjectureerahnen
to conjecturekonjizieren [veraltet] [vermuten]
to conjecturemutmaßen
to conjectureMutmaßungen anstellen
to conjecturespekulieren
to conjecturevermuten
to conjectureVermutungen anstellen
conjectureAnnahme {f} [Vermutung, Mutmaßung]
conjectureHypothese {f}
lit. acad. conjectureKonjektur {f}
conjectureMutmaßung {f}
conjectureSpekulation {f}
conjectureVermutung {f}
to conjecture (sth.)(etw.Akk.) konjekturieren [veraltet]
to conjecture sth.sichDat. etw. zusammenreimen [ugs.]
math. abc conjectureabc-Vermutung {f} [auch: ABC-Vermutung]
math. Bieberbach conjectureBieberbach'sche Vermutung {f}
math. Bieberbach conjecturebieberbachsche Vermutung {f}
math. Calabi conjectureCalabi-Vermutung {f}
math. Collatz conjectureCollatz-Problem {n}
math. Kepler conjectureKepler'sche Vermutung {f}
math. Kepler conjecturekeplersche Vermutung {f}
math. Kepler conjectureKeplersche Vermutung {f} [alt]
math. Poincaré ConjecturePoincaré-Vermutung {f}
math. Weil conjectureWeil-Vermutung {f}
math. Beal's conjectureBeal-Vermutung {f}
hist. math. Euler's conjectureEuler'sche Vermutung {f}
math. Euler's conjectureeulersche Vermutung {f}
math. Euler's conjectureEulersche Vermutung {f} [alt]
hist. math. Fermat's conjectureFermat'sche Vermutung {f}
math. Goldbach's conjectureGoldbach'sche Vermutung {f}
math. Goldbach's conjecturegoldbachsche Vermutung {f}
math. Goldbach's conjectureGoldbachsche Vermutung {f} [alt]
math. Legendre's conjectureLegendre'sche Vermutung {f}
math. Legendre's conjectureLegendresche Vermutung {f} [Rsv.]
to make a conjectureeine Mutmaßung anstellen
to make a conjecturemutmaßen
math. Hardy-Littlewood conjectureHardy-Littlewood-Vermutung {f}
math. local Langlands conjecturelokale Langlandsvermutung {f}
math. strong Goldbach conjecturestarke Goldbachsche Vermutung {f}
math. twin prime conjecturePrimzahlzwillings-Vermutung {f}
math. twin-prime conjecturePrimzahlzwillingsvermutung {f}
math. weak Goldbach conjectureschwache Goldbachsche Vermutung {f}
math. four-color conjecture [Am.]Vier-Farben-Vermutung {f}
math. four-colour conjecture [Br.]Vier-Farben-Vermutung {f}
math. Thurston's geometrization conjectureThurstons Geometrisierungsvermutung {f}
math. Taniyama-Shimura-Weil conjectureTaniyama-Shimura-Vermutung {f}
math. tame ends conjecture [Marden conjecture]Zahmheits-Vermutung {f} [von Marden]
math. Catalan's conjecture [Mihăilescu's theorem]Catalan'sche Vermutung {f}
math. Catalan's conjecture [Mihăilescu's theorem]catalansche Vermutung {f}
math. Heawood conjecture [also: conjecture of Heawood]Heawood-Vermutung {f}
math. Hodge conjecture [also: Hodge's conjecture]Vermutung {f} von Hodge
sth. is a matter of conjectureetw. kann man nur vermuten
hist. math. Euler's sum of powers conjectureEuler'sche Vermutung {f}
math. Euler's sum of powers conjectureeulersche Vermutung {f}
math. Euler's sum of powers conjectureEulersche Vermutung {f} [alt]
math. Bachet's conjecture [Lagrange's four-square theorem]Satz {m} von Lagrange [Vier-Quadrate-Satz]
math. Marden's tameness conjecture [also: Marden tameness conjecture]Zahmheits-Vermutung {f} von Marden
math. strong perfect graph conjecture <SPGC> [dated] [strong perfect graph theorem]starker Perfekte-Graphen-Satz {m}
math. weak perfect graph conjecture [dated] [weak perfect graph theorem, Lovász theorem](schwacher) Perfekte-Graphen-Satz {m} [Satz von Lovász]
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