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English-German translation for: Mineral
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Dictionary English German: Mineral

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ADJ   mineral | - | -
NOUN   a mineral | minerals
NOUN   das Mineral | die Minerale/Mineralien
SYNO   Mineral [österr., schweiz.] ... 
mineral {adj}
Mineral {n}
2 Words: Others
geol. mineral. heavy-mineral {adj} [attr.]Schwermineral-
chem. geol. mineral analytical {adj}mineralanalytisch
chem. mineral-acidic {adj}mineralsauer
chem. material mineral-based {adj}mineralienbasiert
chem. material mineral-based {adj}auf Mineralbasis [nachgestellt]
geol. mineral-bearing {adj}mineralhaltig
mineral-rich {adj}mineralreich
2 Words: Nouns
geol. mineral. mining accessory mineralBegleitmineral {n}
geol. mineral. mining accessory mineralÜbergemengteil {n}
geol. mineral. mining accompanying mineralBegleitmineral {n}
mineral. agaric mineral [CaCO3]Lublinit {m} [faserartiger Calcit]
geol. carbonate mineralKarbonatmineral {n}
geol. clay mineralTonmineral {n}
mineral. pol. conflict mineralKonfliktmineral {n}
geol. contact mineralKontaktgestein {n}
biochem. dietary mineralSpurenelement {n}
geol. mineral. mining gangue mineralGangmineral {n}
geol. mineral. heavy mineralSchwermineral {n}
mining industrial mineralIndustriemineral {n}
mineral. metalliferous mineralErzmineral {n}
mineral. metallogenic mineralErzmineral {n}
chem. mineral acidMineralsäure {f}
chem. mineral acidsMineralsäuren {pl}
chem. mineral. mineral analysisMineralanalyse {f}
acad. chem. geol. mineral analytics [treated as sg. or pl.]Mineralanalytik {f}
geol. mineral assemblageMineralvergesellschaftung {f}
biol. med. mineral balanceMineralhaushalt {m}
mineral balanceMineralstoffhaushalt {m}
material tech. mineral castingMineralguss {m}
chem. mining mineral chemistryMineralchemie {f}
cosmet. mineral clayTonerde {f}
agr. geol. mineral compositionMineralstoffzusammensetzung {f}
geol. med. mineral compositionMineralzusammensetzung {f}
agr. geol. med. mineral compositionmineralische Zusammensetzung {f}
chem. mineral concentrationMineralkonzentration {f}
constr. engin. mineral concreteMineralbeton {m}
mineral contentMineralgehalt {m}
mineral contentMineraliengehalt {m}
agr. gastr. mineral contentMineralstoffgehalt {m}
biol. mineral deficiencyMineralmangel {m}
biol. med. mineral deficiencyMineralstoffmangel {m}
geol. mining mineral depositErzlager {n}
geol. mining mineral depositErzlagerstätte {f}
mineral depositMinerallagerstätte {f}
mineral depositMineralvorkommen {n}
geol. mining mineral depositsBodenschätze {pl}
geol. mining mineral depositsErzlagerstätten {pl}
mineral depositsMineralablagerungen {pl}
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A 2021-04-05: kann auch das *Wasser* einer heißen Mineralquelle sein - hot mineral spr...
Q 2019-05-06: Regelscharen ?=? Regulus ? [mineral.] ? or [math.] ?
A 2017-02-17: mineral rights
A 2016-06-30: https://www.mineralienatlas.de/lexikon/index.php/MineralData?mineral=Thund...
A 2016-01-02: Gypsum (with a u not an o) is used in both BE and AE for the mineral -
A 2012-07-12: I like to drink mineral water.
A 2011-12-31: *Unobtainium* is also the mineral mined by the humans (use Ferengi pronunc...
A 2011-02-15: @ufriend: One possibility is "Miracle Mineral Supplement".
A 2010-04-10: Mineral processing - Klar. Vielen Dank!
A 2010-04-10: mineral processing googles well
A 2009-11-04: light / medium sparkling mineral water ...
A 2009-11-04: Sparkling mineral water ?
A 2009-05-12: alkaline and acidic mineral compounds
A 2009-02-27: As both minerals enter the body from the intestine by the same mechanisms,...
A 2009-01-30: Acqua Panna,the still mineral water from Tuscany, interacts perfectly with...
A 2009-01-30: non-carbonated mineral water
A 2009-01-30: Acqua Panna, the still mineral water from Tuscany,
A 2008-11-25: mineral wool and PUR have rather similar qualities
A 2008-10-27: mineral spring(s) I'd say
A 2008-06-07: The noble surface of the mineral material matches our high quality standa...

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