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English-German translation for: Minoan civilization
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Dictionary English German: Minoan civilization

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

SYNO   Minoan civilisation ... 
archaeo. hist. Minoan civilizationMinoische Kultur {f}
Partial Matches
hist. Minoan {adj}minoisch
ethn. hist. MinoanMinoer {m}
archaeo. hist. Early Minoan {adj}frühminoisch
geol. hist. Minoan eruptionMinoische Eruption {f}
archaeo. hist. Middle Minoan periodmittelminoische Zeit {f}
archaeo. hist. Minoan palace of Phaistos [Crete]minoischer Palast {m} von Phaestos [Kreta]
bot. T
civilizationKultur {f}
civilizationZivilisation {f}
advanced civilizationHochkultur {f}
ancient civilizationalte Zivilisation {f}
hist. psych. sociol. civilization processZivilisationsprozess {m}
civilization processZivilisationsprozeß {m} [alt]
classical civilizationklassische Zivilisation {f}
hist. contemporary civilizationgegenwärtige Zivilisation {f}
hist. contemporary civilizationheutige Zivilisation {f}
archaeo. hist. Cycladic civilizationKykladenkultur {f}
high civilizationHochkultur {f}
archaeo. hist. Inca civilizationInkakultur {f}
oriental civilizationorientalische Kultur {f}
progressive civilizationfortschrittliche Zivilisation {f}
archaeo. hist. Quimbaya civilizationQuimbaya-Kultur {f}
western civilizationabendländische Kultur {f}
of civilization {adj} [postpos.]zivilisatorisch
tired of civilization {adj}zivilisationsmüde
hist. ancient Greek civilizationalte griechische Zivilisation {f}
hist. ancient Greek civilizationantike griechische Zivilisation {f}
despair of civilizationKulturpessimismus {m}
med. disease of civilizationZivilisationskrankheit {f}
end of civilizationGötterdämmerung {f} [fig.]
fringes of civilizationRandzonen {pl} der Zivilisation
hist. history of civilizationKulturgeschichte {f}
history of civilizationZivilisationsgeschichte {f}
philos. horizon of civilizationMenschheitshorizont {m}
sociol. ills of civilizationZivilisationsschäden {pl} [am Menschen]
archaeo. hist. Indus Valley civilizationIndustalkultur {f}
archaeo. hist. Norte Chico civilizationNorte-Chico-Kultur {f}
hist. present-day civilizationheutige Zivilisation {f}
progress of civilizationFortschritt {m} der Zivilisierung
sociol. ravages of civilizationZivilisationsschäden {pl} [an der Natur]
hist. rupture of civilizationZivilisationsbruch {m}
pol. relig. Western Christian civilizationdas christliche Abendland {n}
archaeo. ethn. Moche civilization [Mochica culture]Moche-Kultur {f}
in terms of civilization {adv}zivilisatorisch
high degree of civilizationhoher Stand {m} der Zivilisation
lit. F Civilization and Its DiscontentsDas Unbehagen in der Kultur [Sigmund Freud]
since the dawn of civilizationseit Anbeginn der Zivilisation
far from any semblance of civilization {adv}fern jeder Zivilisation
concerning the history of civilization {adj} [postpos.] [attr.]kulturhistorisch
oil-daubed civilization [fig.] [rare] [a motorized civilization][eine vom Erdöl geprägte, motorisierte Zivilisation]
hist. sociol. impact {sg} of civilization [clearly felt consequences of the civilization process]Zivilisationsfolgen {pl}
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