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English-German translation for: Minoan eruption
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Dictionary English German: Minoan eruption

Translation 1 - 64 of 64

geol. hist. Minoan eruptionMinoische Eruption {f}
Partial Matches
hist. Minoan {adj}minoisch
ethn. hist. MinoanMinoer {m}
archaeo. hist. Early Minoan {adj}frühminoisch
archaeo. hist. Minoan civilizationMinoische Kultur {f}
archaeo. hist. Middle Minoan periodmittelminoische Zeit {f}
archaeo. hist. Minoan palace of Phaistos [Crete]minoischer Palast {m} von Phaestos [Kreta]
bot. T
eruptionAusbruch {m}
med. eruptionAusschlag {m}
eruptionEruption {f}
med. (skin) eruptionHautausschlag {m}
dent. arrested eruptionunvollständiger Durchbruch {m}
dent. dental eruptionZahndurchbruch {m}
med. pharm. Unverified drug eruptionArzneimittelexanthem {n}
geol. effusive eruptionEffusion {f}
geol. effusive eruptioneffusive Vulkantätigkeit {f}
geol. eruption cloudAusbruchswolke {f} [Eruptionswolke]
geol. eruption cloudEruptionswolke {f}
dent. eruption cystDurchbruchzyste {f} [Eruptionszyste]
dent. eruption cystEruptionszyste {f}
geol. eruption parameterEruptionsparameter {m}
geol. eruption rateEruptionsrate {f}
geol. eruption typeEruptionstyp {m}
geol. explosive eruptionEjektion {f}
dent. partial eruptionunvollständiger Durchbruch {m}
geol. phreatic eruptionhydromagmatische Dampfexplosion {f}
geol. phreatic eruptionhydrovulkanische Dampfexplosion {f}
geol. phreatic eruptionphreatische Eruption {f}
geol. phreatic eruptionphreatischer Ausbruch {m}
geol. phreatomagmatic eruptionphreatomagmatische Eruption {f}
geol. Plinian eruptionplinianische Eruption {f}
geol. Strombolian eruptionstrombolianische Eruption {f}
geol. ultravulcanian eruptionphreatische Eruption {f}
geol. volcanic eruptionVulkanausbruch {m}
geol. volcanic eruptionVulkaneruption {f}
geol. volcanic eruptionvulkanische Ausbruchstätigkeit {f} [Vulkanausbruch]
geol. volcano eruptionVulkanausbruch {m}
geol. Vulcanian eruptionvulkanianische Eruption {f}
dent. ectopic eruption [tooth]ektopischer Durchbruch {m} [Zahn]
dent. eruption haematoma [Br.]Eruptionshämatom {n}
dent. eruption hematoma [Am.]Eruptionshämatom {n}
geol. danger of eruptionEruptionsgefahr {f}
eruption of hatredHassausbruch {m}
eruption of hatredHaßausbruch {m} [alt]
eruption of violenceGewaltausbruch {m}
med. localized skin eruptionlokalisierte Hauteruption {f}
geol. steam-blast eruptionphreatische Eruption {f}
geol. type of eruptionEruptionstyp {m}
dent. eruption of a toothZahndurchbruch {m} [Durchbruch eines Zahns]
dent. eruption of secondary teethNachrücken {n} bleibender Zähne
dent. eruption of the toothZahndurchbruch {m} [Durchbruch des Zahns]
dent. faulty eruption of teethZahndurchbruchsstörung {f}
geol. Peléan eruption [also: Pelean eruption]peléanische Eruption {f} [auch: peleanische Eruption]
med. polymorphic light eruption <PLE, PMLE>polymorphe Lichtdermatose {f} <PLD>
med. polymorphous light eruption <PLE, PMLE>polymorphe Lichtdermatose {f} <PLD>
dent. premature tooth eruption [Dentia praecox]vorzeitiges Zahnen {n} [selten] [embryonales Zahnen]
dent. eruption of the wisdom toothDurchbruch {m} des Weisheitszahnes / Weisheitszahns
dent. eruption of the wisdom toothWeisheitszahndurchbruch {m}
geol. progression of an / the eruptionEruptionsverlauf {m}
med. creeping eruption [coll.] [cutaneous larva migrans]Hautmaulwurf {m} [Ankylostomiasis]
FoodInd. Mentos eruption [mint candy and Diet Coke]Mentosfontäne {f}
med. Unverified generalized skin eruption due to drugs and medicamentsgeneralisierte Hauteruption {f} durch Drogen oder Arzneimittel
volcanic eruption of the surface of the sunSonneneruption {f}
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