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English-German translation for: Minoan palace of Phaistos
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Dictionary English German: Minoan palace of Phaistos

Translation 1 - 50 of 64382  >>

NOUN   the Minoan palace of Phaistos | -
archaeo. hist. Minoan palace of Phaistos [Crete]minoischer Palast {m} von Phaestos [Kreta]
Partial Matches
Phaistos DiscDiskos {m} von Festos [Rsv.]
archaeo. hist. Phaistos DiscDiskos {m} von Phaestos [Rsv.]
archaeo. hist. Phaistos DiscDiskos {m} von Phaistos
hist. Minoan {adj}minoisch
ethn. hist. MinoanMinoer {m}
archaeo. hist. Early Minoan {adj}frühminoisch
archaeo. hist. Minoan civilizationMinoische Kultur {f}
geol. hist. Minoan eruptionMinoische Eruption {f}
archaeo. hist. Middle Minoan periodmittelminoische Zeit {f}
archi. hist. Palace of AachenAachener Königspfalz {f}
archi. hist. Palace of BlachernaeBlachernen-Palast {m}
archi. EU pol. Palace of EuropeEuropapalast {m}
archi. law palace of justiceGerichtspalast {m}
archi. law palace of justiceJustizpalast {m}
archi. hist. Palace of NestorPalast {m} des Nestor
archi. Palace of VersaillesSchloss {n} Versailles
archi. Palace of WestminsterWestminsterpalast {m} [auch: Westminster-Palast]
archi. chapel of a palaceHofkirche {f} [Kirche eines Schlosses]
archi. chapel of a palaceSchlosskirche {f} [Kirche eines Schlosses]
archi. chapel of the palaceHofkirche {f} [Kirche des Schlosses]
archi. chapel of the palaceSchlosskirche {f} [Kirche des Schlosses]
hist. mayor of the palaceHausmeier {m}
hist. mayor of the palaceMajordomus {m}
archi. law Nuremberg Palace of JusticeJustizpalast {m} (Nürnberg)
palace of a housewahrer Palast {m}
relig. Palace of the VaticanVatikanpalast {m}
archi. Palace of the WindsPalast {m} der Winde [Hawa Mahal, Jaipur]
splendour of a palace [Br.]Prunk {m} eines Palastes
geogr. Kumsusan Palace of the SunKumsusan-Palast {m} [auch: Kumsusan-Palast der Sonne]
walls of a / the palacePalastmauern {pl}
RadioTV F Palace of Pranks [SpongeBob SquarePants]Palast der Streiche [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
bot. T
archi. hist. Palace of Fontainebleau [Château de Fontainebleau]Schloss {n} Fontainebleau
archi. hist. pol. Palace of Culture [e.g. in Dresden]Kulturpalast {m}
archi. art Palace of the Curators [Palazzo dei Conservatori]Konservatorenpalast {m}
relig. Master of the Sacred Palace [Curial official]Magister {m} Sacri Palatii
archi. Palace of Culture and Science in WarsawKultur- und Wissenschaftspalast {m} in Warschau
hist. Yeomen Warders (of Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London)Yeomen Warders {pl} [Wärter im Tower von London]
archi. hist. Palace of the Grand Master (of the Knights of Rhodes)Großmeisterpalast {m} von Rhodos
archi. palacePalais {n}
palacePalast {m}
hist. palacePfalz {f} [Palast]
archi. palaceSchloss {n} [Palast]
archi. relig. abbatial palaceAbtspfalz {f}
relig. Apostolic PalaceApostolischer Palast {m}
archi. relig. archiepiscopal palaceErzbischofspalast {m}
archi. hist. pol. Bellevue PalaceSchloss {n} Bellevue [Sitz des Deutschen Bundespräsidenten in Berlin]
archi. TrVocab. Belvedere PalaceSchloss {n} Belvedere
archi. Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace {m}
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