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English-German translation for: Monat November
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Dictionary English German: Monat November

Translation 1 - 50 of 94  >>

month of NovemberMonat {m} November
Partial Matches
November <Nov.>November {m} <Nov.>
at the beginning of November {adv}Anfang November
early in November {adv}Anfang November
in early November {adv}Anfang November
at the end of November {adv}Ende November
mid-November {adj} [attr.]Mitte November [nachgestellt]
since mid-November {adv}seit Mitte November
The heating is put on in November.Ab November wird geheizt.
idiom mil. N for November [NATO phonetic alphabet]N wie November [NATO-Buchstabiertafel]
bot. T Unverified November pear [Pyrus communis 'November']November-Birne {f} [auch: Pyrus communis (Novemberbirne)]
lit. F November 1918: A German RevolutionNovember 1918. Eine deutsche Revolution [Alfred Döblin]
this month {adv}diesen Monat
every month {adv}jeden Monat
last month {adv}letzten Monat
next month {adv}nächsten Monat
per month {adv}pro Monat
the month after next {adv}übernächsten Monat
econ. fin. actual monthIst-Monat {m}
last monthletzter Monat {m}
month of AprilMonat {m} April
month of AugustMonat {m} August
month of DecemberMonat {m} Dezember
month of FebruaryMonat {m} Februar
month of JanuaryMonat {m} Januar
month of JulyMonat {m} Juli
month of JuneMonat {m} Juni
month of MayMonat {m} Mai
month of MarchMonat {m} März
month of OctoberMonat {m} Oktober
month of SeptemberMonat {m} September
next monthnächster Monat {m}
econ. fin. budget monthPlan-Monat {m}
astron. synodic monthsynodischer Monat {m}
past monthvergangener Monat {m}
ultimo monthvergangener Monat {m}
preceding monthvorausgegangener Monat {m}
previous monthvoriger Monat {m}
month <mo.>Monat {m} [bayer., österr.: {n}]
a month later {adv}einen Monat danach
a month later {adv}einen Monat darauf
month-long {adj}einen Monat lang
a month later {adv}einen Monat später
a month before {adv}einen Monat vorher
monthly {adv} [once a month]einmal im Monat
once a month {adv}einmal im Monat
monthly {adv} [once a month]einmal pro Monat
once a month {adv}einmal pro Monat
next month {adv}im kommenden Monat
last month {adv}im letzten Monat
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• Monat November
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