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English-German translation for: Money
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Dictionary English German: Money

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NOUN1   money | moneys/monies
NOUN2   money | -
money {adj} [attr.]
Geld {n}
Schotter {m} [ugs.] [Geld]
Pinke {f} [ugs.]
moneyBimbes {m} {n} [regional]
moneyPatte {f} [ugs.] [westd. regional]
2 Words: Others
for money {adv}für Geld
for money {adv}gegen Entgelt
for money {adv} [in exchange for]gegen Geld
Money ennobles sb./sth.Geld adelt jdn./etw.
Money quote: [coll.] [Am.]O-Ton: [zur Einleitung eines zentralen wörtlichen Zitats]
money swallowing {adj}geldfressend
proverb Money talks.Das Geld macht's.
proverb Money talks.Geld ist Macht.
proverb Money talks. [coll.]Geld regiert die Welt.
proverb Money talks. [coll.]Mit Geld geht alles.
money wise {adj}sparsam im Umgang mit Geld
money-absorbing {adj}geldabsorbierend
money-driven {adj}geldgetrieben
money-grubbing {adj} [coll.]geldgeil [ugs.]
money-grubbing {adj} [coll.]geldgierig
money-grubbing {adj} [coll.]raffend
money-hungry {adj}geldgierig
money-loving {adj}geldverliebt
money-mad {adj}geldgierig
money-mad {adj}geldsüchtig
money-mad {adj}verrückt nach Geld
money-making {adj}gewinnbringend
money-minded {adj}auf Geld fixiert
money-saving {adj}geldsparend
money-saving {adj}sparsam
money-spinning {adj} [esp. Br.]geldbringend
non-money {adj}nicht geldlich
without money {adv}ohne Geld
2 Words: Verbs
to accumulate moneyGeld anhäufen
fin. to accumulate moneyGeld machen
to accumulate moneyGeld scheffeln [ugs.] [oft pej.]
to acquire moneyGeld beschaffen
fin. to advance moneyGeld auslegen [vorschießen]
to advance moneyGeld leihen
to advance moneyGeld vorschießen
to advance moneyVorschuss leisten
to advance sb. moneyjdm. Geld vorschießen [ugs.]
to amass moneyGeld anhäufen
to attach moneyGeld beifügen
fin. to bank moneyGeld bei einer Bank anlegen
to blow money [coll.]Geld verpulvern [ugs.]
to borrow moneyGeld aufnehmen
to borrow moneyGeld entleihen
to borrow moneysichDat. Geld leihen
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Q 2024-08-15: Money lender that give out fast cash
A 2024-03-24: To Elysio – mixing up (1) gifts, from (2) money/assets in the hands of another
A 2023-05-02: SILLY MONEY! https://youtu.be/9z70BKwfSUA
A 2023-04-13: Money and interparty rights, not accounting entries
A 2023-04-12: The fiscal aspect is money
A 2022-11-21: Incentive doesn't mean money,
A 2020-12-26: “Tea money” is a common phrase, akin to small fee
A 2020-12-26: Tea money: bribe / ancient currency / communal kitty
A 2020-12-26: Tea money = Trinkgeld
A 2020-11-26: UK schools. +Dash,+ as you had suggested / 20:01, was right on the money.
A 2020-07-26: I agree that +zu Geld kommen+ is +to come into money,+
Q 2020-07-26: Interessehalber: to run into money (alter Honey-Eintrag von 2002)
Q 2020-05-02: "Pay Me My Money Down"
Q 2019-08-09: make money at the expense of others
A 2019-07-26: Maybe NYC should spend more money
A 2019-05-16: Variant: offset monthly rent against a prepaid sum of money
A 2019-05-16: +abwohnen+ in the sense of the 08:15 query: offset monthly rent against a ...
A 2019-04-25: money-earning issues
A 2019-04-25: income and money
Q 2019-03-25: god‘s money

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