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English-German Dictionary

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Dictionary English German: More

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NOUN   more | -
ADJ1   much | more | most
ADJ2   many | more | most
SYNO   More | Sir Thomas More | Thomas More ... 
more {adv} {pron}
more {adj}
more {adv} [in addition]weiter [weiterhin]
gastr. s'more [traditional campfire treat; roasted marshmallow and chocolate sandwiched between two pieces of graham cracker]
S'more {n} [trad. Lagerfeuer-Snack (Kekssandwich mit Marshmallows und Schokoladestückchen)]
2 Words: Others
any more {adv}weiterhin
any more {adv}noch etwas
Any more?Noch etwas?
Any more?Noch mehr?
Any more?Noch welche?
considerably moreviel mehr
even moresogar mehr
far moreweit mehr
more abhorring {adj}verabscheuender
more abominable {adj}scheußlicher
more abrupt {adj}abrupter
more absentminded {adj}zerfahrener
more absorbent {adj}saugfähiger
more abstinent {adj}enthaltsamer
more abstract {adj}abstrakter
more absurd {adj}absurder
more academic {adj}akademischer
more acceptable {adj}akzeptabler
more acceptable {adj}annehmbarer
more accessible {adj}zugänglicher
more accidental {adj}zufälliger
more accurate {adj}akkurater
more acidic {adj}säurehaltiger
more active {adj}aktiver
more acute {adj}akuter
more adapted {adj}angepasster
more adequate {adj}adäquater
more adequate {adj}auskömmlicher [geh.]
more advantageous {adj}vorteilhafter
more adverse {adj}widriger
more affected {adj}affektierter
more aggressive {adj}aggressiver
more agile {adj}gewandter
more aimless {adj}planloser
more airtight {adj}luftdichter
more alarming {adj}besorgniserregender
more albuminous {adj}eiweißhaltiger
more alcoholic {adj} [of a person]trunksüchtiger
more alert {adj}wacher
more alienated {adj}zweckentfremdeter
more allusive {adj}verblümter
more alternating {adj}wechselhafter
more amateurish {adj}laienhafter
more amazed {adj}verblüffter
more amazing {adj}verblüffender
more ambiguous {adj}mehrdeutiger
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A 2024-11-25: ....some are more equal than others.
A 2024-10-21: Collins gives more connotations while basically bearing out Uffieee's take
A 2024-10-10: 2 more truly or correctly • my parents, or rather my mother and stepfather
A 2024-10-10: More specifically in your case: Berlin, or rather Bern
Q 2024-05-02: oil-burner and more
A 2024-05-02: more context? Could be "highly regarded / widely seen as a (powerful) symbol"
A 2024-04-28: all in: very tired, so you are unable to do anything more
A 2024-04-16: The proposed change to the German sounds more idiomatic to me.
A 2024-02-06: I have another idea, more later
A 2023-12-18: A more detailed history
A 2023-10-18: If these are lines in the play, IMO, technical accuracy and cosistency are...
A 2023-09-20: More context needed
Q 2023-08-15: Which EN term is more common? - pronouncing dictionary? - pronunciation di...
A 2023-07-03: There are lots of idioms that can be used in more formal writing, and othe...
A 2023-06-16: In general, I would always avoid undelete if at all possible. All you're d...
A 2023-05-31: Stichprobe and Warenprobe are more typical translations.
A 2023-05-09: In the Upper Class, Zuchi1, ladies did not wear bonnets in public. What is...
A 2023-05-07: There's a few more similar entries:
A 2023-05-02: The less we can be certain, the more the esoteric is a source of wonder? W...
A 2023-04-19: The word's not any more common in English.

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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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