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English-German translation for: Morris Glacier
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Dictionary English German: Morris Glacier

Translation 1 - 50 of 666  >>

NOUN   the Morris Glacier | -
geogr. Morris GlacierMorris-Gletscher {m}
Partial Matches
games to play morrisMühle spielen
furn. Morris chairMorris-Sessel {m} [Kippsessel mit einer relativ einfachen Mechanik zum Neigen der Rückenlehne]
dance morris danceMoriskentanz {m}
morris danceMorris Dance {m}
dance Morris dancersMoriskentänzer {pl}
med. Morris' pointMorris-Punkt {m}
psych. zool. Morris water mazeMorris-Wasserlabyrinth {n}
games Nine Man MorrisMühle {f} [Brettspiel]
games (nine men's) morrisMühlespiel {n} [Brettspiel]
games nine men's morrisMühle {f} [Mühlespiel]
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
games morris [also: mill, merels, morelles, merelles, marelles]Mühle {f} [Mühlespiel (Brettspiel)]
games nine men's morris [also: Nine Men's Morris]Nünistei {n} [schweiz.] [Mühle, Mühlespiel]
entom. T
entom. T
comp. Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm <KMP algorithm>Knuth-Morris-Pratt-Algorithmus {m}
geogr. hydro. glacierFerner {m} [österr.] [südd.]
glacierGletscher {m}
glacierKees {n} [österr.] [regional]
geogr. Aagaard GlacierAagaard-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Aaron GlacierAaron-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Academy GlacierAcademy-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Adams GlacierAdams-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Aeronaut GlacierAeronaut-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Ahern GlacierAhern-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Aialik GlacierAialik-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Aiken GlacierAiken-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Alberich GlacierAlberich-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Algie GlacierAlgie-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Alice GlacierAlice-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Alley GlacierAlley-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Allison GlacierAllison-Gletscher {m}
geogr. hydro. Alpine glacierAlpengletscher {m}
hydro. alpine glacierGebirgsgletscher {m}
geogr. Alt GlacierAlt-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Alvarez GlacierAlvárez-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Amos GlacierAmos-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Amundsen GlacierAmundsen-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Anderton GlacierAnderton-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Argo GlacierArgo-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Argonaut GlacierArgonaut-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Argosy GlacierArgosy-Gletscher {m}
geogr. Arneb GlacierArneb-Gletscher {m}
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