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English-German translation for: Mother
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Dictionary English German: Mother

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NOUN   a mother | mothers
VERB  to mother | mothered | mothered ... 
SYNO   female parent | mother | to fuss ... 
mother {adj} [attr.] [e.g. animal, goddess, cell, church, company]
Mutter- [z. B. Tier, Gottheit, Zelle, Kirche, Firma]
to mother sb.
jdn. bemuttern
Mutter {f}
motherMater {f} [Latein]
zool. motherMuttertier {n}
mother [address to elderly lady]Mütterchen {n} [ugs.]
zool. mother [non-human]Tiermutter {f}
2 Words: Others
mother-naked {adj}splitterfasernackt [ugs.]
mother-naked {adj}splitternackt [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
adoptive motherAdoptivmutter {f}
adoring motherliebevolle Mutter {f}
zool. baboon motherPavianmutter {f} [auch: Pavian-Mutter]
bad motherRabenmutter {f}
bad motherschlechte Mutter {f}
biological motherbiologische Mutter {f}
biological motherleibliche Mutter {f}
birth motherbiologische Mutter {f}
birth motherleibliche Mutter {f}
birth mothernatürliche Mutter {f}
orn. blackbird motherAmselmutter {f}
relig. Blessed Mother [Mary]Gottesmutter {f} [Maria]
zool. bonobo motherBonobomutter {f} [auch: Bonobo-Mutter]
sociol. breadwinner motherweibliches Ernährermodell {n}
breastfeeding motherstillende Mutter {f}
bride's motherBrautmutter {f}
brutal motherbrutale Mutter {f}
callous motherRabenmutter {f}
child's motherKindesmutter {f}
child's motherKindsmutter {f}
zool. chimp mother [coll.]Schimpansenmutter {f} [auch: Schimpansen-Mutter]
zool. chimpanzee motherSchimpansenmutter {f} [auch: Schimpansen-Mutter]
cruel motherRabenmutter {f}
cruel mothergefühllose Mutter {f}
dear motherliebe Mutter {f}
deceased motherverstorbene Mutter {f}
den motherHerbergsmutter {f}
hist. relig. desert mother [also: Desert Mother]Wüstenmutter {f}
myth. earth motherErdmutter {f}
earth mother [sl.]Vollweib {n} [ugs.]
zool. elephant motherElefantenmutter {f}
expectant motherSchwangere {f}
expectant motherwerdende Mutter {f}
expecting motherwerdende Mutter {f}
family's motherFamilienmutter {f}
foster motherNährmutter {f}
foster motherPflegemutter {f}
foster mother [archaic]Amme {f}
foster-motherPflegemutter {f}
foster-motherZiehmutter {f}
zool. fox motherFuchsmutter {f}
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A 2024-10-10: 2 more truly or correctly • my parents, or rather my mother and stepfather
A 2021-08-15: sister company, mother tongue etc
A 2021-02-05: translation "I meet my mother"
Q 2018-06-12: second-time mother
A 2018-05-25: Memory is THE mother of all wisdom.
A 2017-04-16: [17:00] ... was eben auch für +mother of all bombs+ stehen könnte
A 2017-04-16: Die kindische Bezeichnung +Mutter aller Bomber+ kommt von der Abkürzung +M...
Q 2017-01-10: history is a powerful mother
A 2017-01-03: Aber es gibt +mother-of-pearl-coloured leather+
A 2016-11-28: Careful, Gene0000 — +timfefe+ is entirely uneducated and relies on what he...
A 2016-10-25: 02:27 - what guff. Who on earth is fed a language with +with his/her mothe...
Q 2016-08-23: Tiger mother
A 2016-06-01: I agree, Catesse. I've known it all along, my mother is to blame. Poor me,...
Q 2016-04-17: Thuggish Baby’s Hilarious Reaction To Mother Trying To Eat His Birthday Cake
Q 2016-02-24: Hard sentence even in my mother tongue
Q 2016-01-27: His mother gave the man a gift
A 2015-11-23: The child had her / his mother in tow (to show her something)
A 2015-10-20: How did your mother's birthday dinner go?
Q 2015-09-30: Wonders never cease;-) You need to be able to speak/understand English to ...
Q 2015-09-05: a mother's progeny

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