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Dictionary English German: Movement

Translation 1 - 50 of 829  >>

English German
NOUN   a movement | movements
SYNO   front | movement | social movement ... 
movement [also political, cultural etc.]
Bewegung {f} [auch politisch, kulturell etc.]
mus. movement
Satz {m}
movement [locomotion]
Fortbewegung {f}
movement [in politics, ideas, the arts, etc.]
Strömung {f} [in der Politik, Philosophie, Kunst etc.]
movement [emotion, impulse etc.]
Regung {f}
automot. film movement
Fahrt {f} [Bewegung bei Aufnahme-, Messvorgang, z. B. Kamerafahrt]
watches movement <movt, movt.>
Uhrwerk {n} <UW>
movement [of the hand]
Handgriff {m} [Bewegung]
pol. movement [political]
Gesinnungsgemeinschaft {f}
MedTech. movement
Verfahrung {f}
watches movementKaliber {n}
tech. movement [e.g. of a locking latch]Schiebeweg {m} [z. B. eines Verschlussbolzens]
tech. movement [of a watch or clock]Gehwerk {n} [einer Uhr]
2 Words: Others
mus. four-movement {adj} [attr.]viersätzig
mid-movement {adj} [attr.]mitten in der Bewegung [nachgestellt]
mus. multi-movement {adj} [attr.]mehrsätzig
mus. three-movement {adj} [attr.]dreisätzig
2 Words: Verbs
to generate movementBewegung erzeugen
to prevent movementBewegung verhindern
2 Words: Nouns
fin. account movementKontenbewegung {f}
fin. account movementKontobewegung {f}
aviat. aileron movementQuerruderausschlag {m}
air movementLuftbewegung {f}
aviat. aircraft movementFlugbewegung {f}
relig. Aladura MovementAladurabewegung {f}
hist. pol. sociol. alternative movementAlternativbewegung {f}
biol. ameboid movementAmöboidbewegung {f}
biol. amoeboid movement [Br.]Amöboidbewegung {f}
hist. relig. Anabaptist movementTäuferbewegung {f}
relig. Anabaptist movementWiedertäuferbewegung {f}
hist. pol. anarchist movementanarchistische Bewegung {f}
engin. angular movementWinkelbewegung {f}
zool. antennal movementAntennenbewegung {f}
film phys. apparent movementBewegungstäuschung {f}
film phys. psych. apparent movementScheinbewegung {f}
astron. apsidal movementApsidenbewegung {f}
arm movementArmbewegung {f}
spec. arm movementPositionierzeit {f}
art art movementKunstbewegung {f}
art art movementKunstrichtung {f}
anat. tech. articulated movementGelenkbewegung {f}
art artistic movementKunstbewegung {f}
mil. sports attack movementAngriffsbewegung {f}
mil. sports attacking movementAngriffsbewegung {f}
pol. autonomy movementAutonomiebewegung {f}
tech. axial movementAxialbewegung {f}
backward movementRückbewegung {f}
backward movementRückwärtsbewegung {f}
backward movementrückläufige Bewegung {f}
watches bar movementKloben-Uhrwerk {n}
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A 2021-04-27: noch eine Möglichkeit: the lodestar of the movement
A 2021-01-20: Luftbewegung - ambient air movement
A 2019-12-05: clockwork / movement supports oder support pins (wenn ziemlich klein)
A 2019-12-03: Ich würde nicht "movement" sagen
A 2019-04-16: movement
Q 2019-04-16: movement
Q 2018-05-28: The Imperial Federation Movement
Q 2017-10-06: Sovereign citizen (movement)
A 2017-02-06: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/grammar/british-grammar/adverbs-of-place-a...
A 2016-04-15: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=verbs+of+movement+english+list
Q 2016-04-15: Nachschlagewerk für stative verbs / verbs of movement / oder anderen Klassen
A 2016-02-19: Verbs of Movement
A 2016-01-06: This ultimate goal complies fully with the socialist movement ...
A 2015-05-29: I took sweep to come from the shape made by a sweeping movement, e.g. by t...
Q 2015-02-14: razors of the education movement/encouraging and guiding
A 2014-10-14: The trial of members of the Slovene resistance movement by the People's Court
A 2014-08-25: movement document (eur-lex)
Q 2014-01-27: pusher protectors + propriety movement (watches)
A 2013-11-30: As this is about bike lights, I assume it is an actual movement of the who...
A 2013-09-18: soup kitchen movement

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movement behaviour
movement certificate
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