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English-German translation for: Much
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Dictionary English German: Much

Translation 1 - 50 of 648  >>


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ADJ   much | more | most
SYNO   a good deal | a great deal | a lot ... 
much {adj} {adv}
much {adv}
much {adj} {adv}
much {adv} [preceding the comparative]
weitaus [vor Komparativ]
much {adv} [nearly]
much {adv} [by far]bei weitem [oder: bei Weitem]
2 Words: Others
as muchsoviel [alt]
as muchso sehr
as muchso viel
how muchwieviel [alt]
how much {adv}wie sehr
how muchwie viel
however much {conj}sosehr
however muchso viel ... (auch)
however muchganz egal wie viel
much as {conj}wiewohl [geh.]
much better {adj} {adv}viel besser
much bigger {adj}viel größer
much celebrated {adj} {past-p}vielgefeiert
much courted {adj}viel umworben
much differentganz anders
much discussed {adj}viel diskutiert
much discussed {adj}viel erörtert
much embarrassed {adj}sehr verlegen
much imitated {adj}oft kopiert
much lessgeschweige denn
much lessviel weniger
much less {adj} {adv}weit weniger
much less ...ganz zu schweigen von ...
much longer {adj}noch länger
Much love!Alles Liebe!
much loved {adj}heißgeliebt
much maligned {adj}viel geschmäht
much more {adj} {adv}viel mehr
much obliged {adj}sehr dankbar
much obliged {adj}zu Dank verpflichtet
Much obliged.Herzlichen Dank.
much prettier {adj}sehr viel hübscher
much purchased {adj}viel gekauft
much rather {adv}viel lieber
much tested {adj}vielgeprüft
much tested {adj}viel geprüft
much thatvieles, das
much traveled {adj} [Am.]viel gereist
much travelled {adj}viel gereist
much-admired {adj}vielbewundert
much-anticipated {adj}lang erwartet
much-cited {adj}vielzitiert
much-cited {adj}viel genannt
much-cited {adj}viel zitiert
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A 2024-11-06: Thank you very much
A 2024-07-20: Thank you very much, aphoenix!
A 2024-07-19: Thank you very much!
A 2024-02-21: Feinkostladen is imo pretty much correct.
Q 2023-11-30: the construction "haben zu" much like a modal verb?
A 2023-09-26: Thank you so much for your replies!
A 2023-08-28: Ah, I see. Thank you very much, MichaelK!
A 2023-03-24: inhibition – much wider
A 2023-03-17: Much as differences are sometimes challenging, nonetheless any and every p...
A 2023-02-05: By contrast, we capitalize much more in titles or headlines
Q 2023-02-05: English sports too much for Dutch neighbours?
A 2022-07-01: Authoritative terminology. There's much to +seersucker+ as suggested by Re...
A 2022-06-20: First, I don't play golf or know much about golf terminology ;-)
A 2022-04-17: Thanks very much
A 2022-04-05: How much was that, I wonder?
A 2021-11-18: The spelling quirks are what is left of Oxford English. The Oxford accent ...
A 2021-11-17: to put one's shoulder much too hard to the wheel / to put too much effort ...
A 2021-11-16: Thank you so much! Both of you! :)
A 2021-10-22: Not sure what you’re talking about, esp. as there very much are funiculars...
A 2021-07-10: Thank you very much...

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