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English-German translation for: Murder
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Dictionary English German: Murder

Translation 1 - 50 of 228  >>

English German
NOUN1   a murder [an act of deliberate killing of a human or animal] | murders
NOUN2   murder [the crime of deliberate killing of another human; colloquial: a very difficult or unpleasant task or experience] | -
VERB  to murder | murdered | murdered ... 
SYNO   to mangle | to murder | to mutilate ... 
to murder sb.
jdn. ermorden
to murder sb.
jdn. morden
to murder
meucheln [veraltend] [heimtückisch ermorden]
to murder sth. [coll.] [pej.] [spoil: music, a play, a language, etc.]
etw.Akk. verhunzen [ugs.] [pej.] [Musik, ein Theaterstück, eine Sprache etc.]
to murder sb.
jdn. plattmachen [ugs.]
to murder sb.jdn. ums Leben bringen
Mord {m}
Ermordung {f}
2 Words: Verbs
to murder sb. ferociouslyjdn. bestialisch ermorden
2 Words: Nouns
arson murderFeuermord {m}
attempted murderMordanschlag {m}
law attempted murderMordversuch {m}
law attempted murderTötungsversuch {m} [Mordversuch]
law attempted murderversuchter Mord {m}
brutal murderbrutaler Mord {m}
law capital murder [Am.]Mord {n}, auf den die Todesstrafe steht
child murderKindermord {m}
child murderKindesmord {m}
child murderKindsmord {m}
double murderDoppelmord {m}
dowry murderMitgiftmord {m}
law felony murder [U.S. law]Tötung {f} infolge eines anderen Verbrechens [etwa Vergewaltigung, Raub oder Brandstiftung] [hier: Strafrecht der USA]
law holdup murderRaubmord {m}
law insidious murderheimtückischer Mord {m}
law judicial murderJustizmord {m}
knife murderMessermord {m}
lust murderLustmord {m}
mass murderMassenmord {m}
law misdemeanor murder [sl.][keine oder minimale Verurteilung bei dringendem Mordverdacht]
multiple murderMehrfachmord {m}
multiple murdermehrfacher Mord {m}
law murder attemptMordanschlag {m}
murder attemptMordversuch {m}
murder attemptTötungsversuch {m} [Mordversuch]
mus. murder balladMoritat {f} [veraltend] [Bänkellied]
murder caseMordfall {m}
law murder caseMordsache {f} [bes. Rechtssprache]
law murder chargeMordanklage {f}
law murder chargeMordanschuldigung {f}
law murder chargesMordanklagen {pl}
law murder chargesMordklagen {pl}
law murder criterionMordmerkmal {n}
archi. hist. murder hole [also: murder-hole] [here: embrasure]Schießscharte {f} [Befestigungsanlagen]
hist. murder hole [hole cut through the ceiling of a castle / fortification]Mörderloch {n} [Loch in der Decke einer Burg / Befestigung]
murder inquiryMordermittlung {f}
murder inquiryMorduntersuchung {f}
murder investigationMordermittlung {f}
murder machine [fig.]Mordmaschine {f} [fig.]
lit. murder mysteryKriminalroman {m}
lit. murder mysteryMordgeschichte {f}
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A 2023-03-30: And yet again you post no source for your claim of the motive. Typical. Li...
A 2021-09-07: a flock / flight of doves and a murder of crows were passing through each other
A 2018-11-15: https://www.google.de/search?ei=qeTsW4C4MoKXkwX9i6XICw&q=%22what+is+a+defe...
Q 2018-11-14: defense to murder
A 2018-05-02: Is it murder one, if I kill this thing? Or just botslaughter?
A 2017-06-23: Murder or treeslaughter?
Q 2017-04-22: I move to charge Tina with murder.
A 2016-06-19: Regrettably, after JC's murder, MPs holding surgeries have constantly been...
Q 2015-08-24: Place of murder as an Ungluecksort
A 2015-08-01: It's about the murder of former russian spy Litvinenko
A 2015-06-17: We have "murder by fiat"
A 2015-04-08: indicted for murder / indicted on a murder charge
A 2015-04-08: to be charged with murder
A 2015-03-26: Mere suicides??? This case looks like 149-fold murder deliberately underta...
A 2015-03-14: LINX http://www.dict.cc/?s=murder+hole ist wohl richtig; selten und unge...
Q 2015-03-14: ?? murdering hole (bzw. murder hole)
Q 2015-03-04: From the murder capital of the U.S.
A 2013-09-16: The phrase is +to get away with murder+ (not murders),
A 2013-07-03: blue murder
A 2013-07-03: crying blue murder wouldn't / didn't help (at all)

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