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English-German translation for: My
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Dictionary English German: My

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PRON  I | me | my [adj]/mine [pron] ... 
NOUN   das My | die Mys
my {pron} [determiner]
my {pron} [determiner] [female or pl]
my {pron}meen [bes. berlinerisch] [mein]
unit myria- {prefix} <my> [10 ^ 4]Myria- <my>
geogr. Malaysia <.my>
Malaysia {n}
mu <Μ, μ> [Greek letter]My {n} <Μ, μ> [griechischer Buchstabe]
2 Words: Others
(my emphasis) [parenthetical reference] [cf. emphasis mine; emphasis added](meine Hervorhebung) [nach einem Zitat] [vgl. Hervorhebung durch Verfasser]
My arse! [Br.] [coll.]So ein Quatsch! [ugs.]
My arse! [Br.] [vulg.] [no way]Von wegen! [ugs.]
idiom My ass! [Am.] [coll.]Von wegen! [ugs.]
idiom My ass! [Am.] [coll.]So ein Quatsch! [ugs.]
My bad! [Am.] [sl.]Mein Fehler!
My bad! [Am.] [sl.]Meine Schuld! [ugs.]
My compliments!(Mein) Kompliment!
My congratulations!Ich gratuliere!
idiom My conscience! [Scot.]Ach du meine Güte!
my equals {pron}meinesgleichen
idiom My eye! [coll.] [dated]Von wegen! [ugs.]
idiom My foot! [coll.]Von wegen! [ugs.]
idiom My foot! [coll.]So ein Quatsch! [ugs.]
My God!Großer Gott!
My God!Mein Gott!
My God!Oh Gott!
Unverified My godfathers!Mein lieber Herr Gesangverein! [ugs.] [hum.] [Redewendung]
My goodness!Jessas! [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.]
My goodness!Jesses! [ugs.] [südd.]
My goodness!Sapperlottchen! [veraltet] [hum.]
My goodness!Alle Wetter! [veraltet]
My goodness!Du meine Güte!
My goodness! [appreciatory]Mein lieber Herr Gesangsverein! [ugs.] [anerkennend] [Redewendung]
My goodness! [coll.]Mein lieber Schwan! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
My goodness! [irritated, angry]Zum Donnerwetter!
My gosh! [esp. Am.] [coll.]Meine Güte!
my italicsHervorhebung von mir [bei Hervorhebung durch Kursivschrift]
my lovemein Geliebter [veraltet] [als Anrede]
My love!Meine Geliebte! [veraltet] [als Anrede]
My man! [coll.]Alter! [ugs.]
My mistake.Mein Fehler.
My pleasure!Gern geschehen!
My pleasure.Ist / war mir ein Vergnügen.
My sugar!Meine Zuckerpuppe! [ugs., veraltet; als Anrede]
my sweetheartmein Geliebter [veraltet] [als Anrede]
My sweetheart!Meine Geliebte! [veraltet] [als Anrede]
My sympathies.Mein Beileid.
My thanks!Mein Dank!
My turn!Jetzt bin ich dran!
my way {adv}auf meine Art
My, my! [used to express surprise]Sieh an, sieh an!
of mymeines / meiner [Genitiv des Possessivpronomens]
Oh my!Meine Güte!
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A 2024-11-16: my solution for the second sentence
A 2024-11-08: no issue on my side
A 2024-11-05: My suggestion
A 2024-11-05: In my neck of the woods,
A 2024-10-10: 2 more truly or correctly • my parents, or rather my mother and stepfather
A 2024-10-02: Thanks, Uffieee. I understand the examples given in the link. Can you expl...
A 2024-09-10: the constitution is (always) my/her/his guiding principle, to be (strict...
Q 2024-09-10: test my temper
A 2024-09-01: From my 1984 print Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Discriminated Synonyms.
A 2024-08-01: Ah, sorry about that. Will try to correct my error.
A 2024-02-06: My inkling – have had the inside of their throat scratched
A 2024-01-31: Thank you, parker11! I cannot hear "later", it sounds like "to the ???" to...
A 2024-01-05: Two typos: it's "none of my business"; it's not slang.
Q 2024-01-05: non of my bussiness
A 2023-12-12: Wegesrand - my joke of the day
A 2023-10-04: fix my grammar please!
A 2023-07-04: my 5 ct
A 2023-06-13: that my brain has already gone gaga
A 2023-06-09: I confirm my earlier interpretation, at 12:44
A 2023-04-11: There we are: MW confirms my suggestion / 11:47, NOT +just a normal thing ...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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