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English-German translation for: NIB-Therapie
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Dictionary English German: NIB Therapie

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NOUN   die NIB-Therapie | die NIB-Therapien
med. non-invasive ventilation therapy <NIV therapy>nicht-invasive Beatmungstherapie {f} <NIBT, NIB-Therapie>
Partial Matches
conductive education <CE> [Pető's system]Petö-Therapie / Pető-Therapie {f} [konduktive Förderung nach Pető]
tech. nibNase {f}
orn. nibSchnabel {m}
nibSchreibfeder {f}
nibStift {m}
art cutting nibSchneidfeder {f}
nibFeder {f} [an Federhalter]
steel nibStahlfeder {f} [Schreibfeder]
engin. Unverified nib [screwdriving technology]Fräsrippe [Schraubtechnik]
nibSpitze {f} [eines Gegenstands, bes. einer Schreibfeder]
med. anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy <anti-VEGF therapy>anti-vaskuläre endotheliale Wachstumsfaktor-Therapie {f} <Anti-VEGF-Therapie>
med. interferon-alpha therapy <IFNα therapy, IFN-alpha therapy>Interferon-Alpha-Therapie {f} <IFNα-Therapie, IFN-alpha-Therapie>
to nib [a pen, a quill]spitzen [eine Feder]
med. non-invasive ventilation <NIV>nicht-invasive Beatmung {f} <NIB>
med. psych. therapyTherapie {f}
med. physiotherapyphysikalische Therapie {f}
med. adjuvant therapyadjuvante Therapie {f}
med. adjuvant therapyunterstützende Therapie {f}
med. antiandrogenic therapyantiandrogene Therapie {f}
med. antidotal therapyantidotale Therapie {f}
med. antiepileptic therapyantiepileptische Therapie {f}
med. antithrombotic therapyantithrombotische Therapie {f}
biotech. med. pharm. biological therapyBiologika-Therapie {f}
med. chelation therapyChelat-Therapie {f}
med. concomitant therapybegleitende Therapie {f}
med. conservative treatmentkonservative Therapie {f}
med. curative treatmentTherapie {f} [Heilbehandlung]
med. pharm. cytostatic therapyzytostatische Therapie {f}
med. cytotoxic therapyzytotoxische Therapie {f}
med. desensitization therapyDesensibilisierungs-Therapie {f}
med. pharm. drug therapymedikamentöse Therapie {f}
med. pharm. drug treatmentmedikamentöse Therapie {f}
med. psych. effective therapyeffektive Therapie {f}
MedTech. electromagnetic therapyelektromagnetische Therapie {f}
med. endocrine therapyendokrine Therapie {f}
med. helminthic therapyhelminthische Therapie {f}
med. holistic therapyganzheitliche Therapie {f}
psych. spec. initiation therapyinitiatische Therapie {f}
med. interdisciplinary therapyinterdisziplinäre Therapie {f}
med. molecular therapymolekulare Therapie {f}
med. neoadjuvant therapyneoadjuvante Therapie {f}
dent. orthodontic treatmentkieferorthopädische Therapie {f}
med. prophylactic therapyprophylaktische Therapie {f}
dent. prosthetic therapyprothetische Therapie {f}
med. psych. psychological therapypsychologische Therapie {f}
med. surgery therapychirurgische Therapie {f}
med. surgical therapychirurgische Therapie {f}
med. symptomatic therapysymptomatische Therapie {f}
med. symptomatic therapysymptombezogene Therapie {f}
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