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English-German translation for: Na na Fräulein Mutti
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Dictionary English German: Na na Fräulein Mutti

Translation 1 - 50 of 173  >>

film F Bundle of Joy [Norman Taurog]Na, na, Fräulein Mutti!
Partial Matches
Now, now! [warning, reprimanding]Na, na, na, na! [warnend, tadelnd]
Now, now! [warning, reprimanding]Na, na, na! [warnend, tadelnd]
Now, now, ... [comforting]Na, na, na, ... [beruhigend]
There, there ... [expression used to comfort sb.]Na, na ... [beruhigend]
Hi there! [coll.]Na du! / Na ihr! [Begrüßung] [ugs.]
Now, now, children, stop fighting!Na, na, Kinder, hört auf zu streiten!
There we are. [exclamation of satisfaction]Na also! [auch: Na, also!] [Da haben wir's ja!]
idiom There we go. [expression of satisfaction]Na also! [auch: Na, also!] [Siehst du wohl! Es geht doch!]
idiom You see? [meant with an air of triumph or satisfaction]Na also! [auch: Na, also!] [Siehst du wohl! Es geht doch!]
mom [Am.] [coll.]Mutti {f}
momma [Am.] [coll.]Mutti {f}
mommy [Am.]Mutti {f}
momy [coll.] [spv.] [Am.]Mutti {f}
mum [Br.] [coll.]Mutti {f}
mummy [Br.]Mutti {f}
hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the signal corps of German Wehrmacht]General {m} der Nachrichtentruppen <G.d.Na.Tr., GdNaTr., Ge..d.Na.Tr.>
amma [Ind.] [coll.]Mutti {f} [Mutter]
ma [coll.]Mutti {f} [ugs.]
mummy [Br.] [coll.]Mutti {f} [ugs.]
bike mamachari [coll.] [portmanteau derived from "mama" and "chariot"]Muttirad / Mutti-Rad {n} [ugs.]
You don't say!Ei verbibbsch! [sächsisch] [Na so etwas!]
There you are! [used to express confirmation or triumph]Da haben Sie es! [Na also!]
Just strike me pink! [idiom]Das gibt's doch gar nicht! [Na so was!]
Fräulein [German title for an unmarried young woman, equivalent to Miss] [dated]Fräulein {n} [veraltet]
signorinaFräulein {n} <Frl.>
relig. English Ladies [Institutum Beatae Mariae Virginis]Englische Fräulein {pl}
missykleines Fräulein {n}
comics F Emily Quackfaster [Disney]Fräulein Garstig
lit. F The Trunchbull [Roald Dahl - Matilda]Fräulein Knüppelkuh
comics F Miss Emily Quackfaster [Disney]Fräulein Rührig
lit. F Becca's Independence [Judith Stafford]Fräulein Unabhängig
damsel [archaic or literary]Fräulein {n} <Frl.> [veraltend]
spinsterälteres Fräulein {n} [veraltet]
madamgnädiges Fräulein {n} [veraltet]
..., young lady...., mein Fräulein. [ermahnend]
gastr. Miss! [Waitress!]Fräulein! [ugs.] [veraltet] [Bedienung!]
jobs girl [pej.] [dated] [female employee]Fräulein {n} [ugs.] [veraltet] [Angestellte]
gastr. jobs waitressFräulein {n} [ugs.] [veraltet] [Kellnerin]
comm. jobs salesgirlFräulein {n} [ugs.] [veraltet] [Verkäuferin]
young ladyFräulein {n} [veraltend, oft hum.]
hist. jobs governessFräulein {n} [veraltet] [Kinderfräulein, Gouvernante]
MissFräulein {n} <Frl.> [veraltete Anrede]
young ladiesFräulein {pl} [veraltend, oft hum.]
hist. jobs telecom. operator [switchboard operator]Fräulein {n} vom Amt [veraltet]
hist. jobs telecom. switchboard operatorFräulein {n} vom Amt [veraltet]
Where is Miss Peacock?Wo ist Fräulein Peacock?
relig. convent of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin MaryKloster {n} der Englischen Fräulein
jobs assistant [female]Fräulein {n} [ugs.] [veraltet] [Büroangestellte, Verkäuferin]
educ. jobs mistress [esp.Br.] [teacher]Fräulein {n} [veraltet] [Lehrerin, auch Anrede]
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