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English-German translation for: Nation
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Dictionary English German: Nation

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NOUN   a nation | nations
SYNO   Carry Amelia Moore Nation ... 
NOUN   die Nation | die Nationen
SYNO   Bevölkerung | Nation | Volk | Land ... 
nation [community of people]
Volk {n}
pol. nation
Nation {f}
pol. nation
Staat {m}
France(La) Grande Nation {f} [hum.] [Frankreich]
2 Words: Others
nation-wide {adj}landesweit
2 Words: Nouns
adopted nationWahlheimat {f} [Nation]
backward nationunterentwickeltes Land {n}
hist. philos. sociol. belated nationverspätete Nation {f}
bike bicycle nationVelo-Nation {f} [schweiz.]
brother nation [fig.]Bruderland {n} [fig.] [geh.]
automot. econ. ind. car nationAutonation {f}
geogr. Caribbean nationKaribikstaat {m}
geogr. coastal nationKüstenstaat {m}
cultural nationKulturnation {f}
cultural nationKulturvolk {n}
cycling nationFahrradnation {f}
fin. debtor nationSchuldnerland {n}
fin. debtor nationSchuldnernation {f}
defeated nationbesiegte Nation {f}
econ. pol. developing nationEntwicklungsland {n}
divided nation [fig.]gespaltene Nation {f} [Staat] [fig.]
divided nation [fig.]gespaltenes Land {n} [fig.]
geogr. dominant nation [in a region or alliance]Hauptstaat {m}
econ. emerging nationSchwellenland {n}
enemy nationFeindstaat {m}
comm. econ. exporting nationExportnation {f}
sports football nation [Br.]Fußballnation {f}
friendly nationbefreundete Nation {f}
guest nationGastland {n}
geogr. gulf nationGolfstaat {m}
host nationGastgeberland {n}
hostile nationfeindliche Nation {f}
ind. industrial nationIndustrienation {f}
industrialised nation [Br.]Industriestaat {m}
industrialized nationIndustriestaat {m}
geogr. pol. island nationInselstaat {m}
island nation [people]Inselvolk {n}
mil. lead nationFührungsnation {f}
maritime nationSeefahrernation {f}
maritime nationSeenation {f}
maritime nation [people]Seevolk {n}
miniature nationZwergnation {f}
nation buildingNationenbildung {f}
pol. nation buildingStaatenbildung {f}
pol. nation stateGesamtstaat {m}
pol. nation stateNationalstaat {m}
pol. nation-building [also: nation building]Nationsbildung {f}
meteo. nation's weatherLandeswetter {n}
hist. pol. National Father [of India]Vater {m} der [indischen] Nation
Rainbow NationRegenbogennation {f}
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Q 2021-09-25: Nicht in dict.cc: Crow (nation, tribe)
A 2021-09-06: The homage +nation of shopkeepers,+ paid to the 19th-c. UK, may well have ...
Q 2020-12-29: which the nation-hero espouses
A 2019-10-21: eine Nation in der Zerreißprobe
A 2019-10-21: Zerreißprobe FÜR eine Nation
A 2019-10-19: A nation tried to (the) breaking point
Q 2019-10-19: Zerreißprobe einer Nation
A 2019-08-05: +a nation's birthright+ crops up historically; it refers to what is seen t...
Q 2017-10-24: DLF Die betäubte Nation: Opioid-Krise in den USA [AUDIO]
Q 2016-07-20: Not (yet) in the OED: Boris Johnson - the nation’s political lolmeister-i...
A 2015-12-22: Keine Nation hat soviele Analphabeten wie wir!
A 2015-05-19: Ja, als Frankreich noch die kulturell führende Nation war...
A 2015-03-20: Depends on what nation and tribe you're talking
A 2014-12-11: It is the nation that dwindles in unbelief. Lack of faith brings about shr...
A 2014-12-05: da bin ich aber sehr froh, dass endlich mal jemand das überlegene Potenzia...
A 2014-10-15: "Volk" -- bei "völkisch" im Nazisinn -- hat nichts mit Nation zu tun.
A 2014-09-07: P.S.: Both socially and professionally, my neck of the woods is Europe rat...
A 2012-10-09: Are you familiar with Carrie Nation?
A 2012-02-20: Or else: ... legitimizes one's own desire to force self-justification on t...
A 2012-02-20: ... justifies one's own cause of forcing the nation state and its the obli...

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