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Dictionary English German: Nations

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NOUN   a nation | nations
Nationen {pl}
acad. educ. spec. nations [regional corporations of students at a university]Nationes {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
mil. auxiliary nationsHilfsvölker {pl}
geogr. pol. Baltic nationsbaltische Staaten {pl}
customer nationsKundennationen {pl}
econ. developing nationsEntwicklungsländer {pl}
econ. emerging nationsEntwicklungsländer {pl}
ethn. pol. First Nations [Can.]First Nations {pl} [Ureinwohner Kanadas]
industrial nationsIndustrienationen {pl}
pol. sports participating nationsteilnehmende Nationen {pl}
poor nationsarme Nationen {pl}
pol. rogue nationsSchurkenstaaten {pl}
pol. summit nationsGipfelländer {pl}
United Nations <UN>United Nations {pl} <UN>
pol. United Nations <UN>Vereinte Nationen {pl} <VN>
3 Words: Nouns
pol. affinity between nationsStaatssympathie {f}
hist. pol. Autumn of Nations [1989]Herbst {m} der Völker [1989]
hist. Battle of NationsVölkerschlacht {f}
comity of nationsEinverständnis {n} der Nationen
pol. Commonwealth of NationsCommonwealth of Nations {n}
community of nationsVölkergemeinschaft {f}
family of nationsStaatenfamilie {f}
pol. family of nationsVölkerfamilie {f}
ethn. First Nations peoples [original inhabitants of the land that is now Canada]Ureinwohner {pl} Kanadas
pol. friendship among nationsVölkerfreundschaft {f}
friendship between nationsVölkerfreundschaft {f}
law law of nationsVölkerrecht {n}
hist. pol. League of NationsVölkerbund {m}
more industrialized nationsstärker industrialisierte Nationen {pl}
sports OFC Nations CupOzeanien-Cup {m} [ugs. kurz für: Fußball-Ozeanienmeisterschaft]
oil-producing nationsErdölförderländer {pl}
oil-producing nationsölproduzierende Länder {pl}
hist. Spring of NationsVölkerfrühling {m}
strife of nationsVölkerstreit {m}
strife of nationsVölkerzwist {m}
bibl. table of nations [Genesis 10]Völkertafel {f}
sports UEFA Nations LeagueUEFA-Nationenliga {f}
understanding among nationsVölkerverständigung {f}
United Nations agencyVertretungsstelle {f} der Vereinten Nationen
pol. United Nations Charter <UN Charter>UN-Charta {f} [Charta der Vereinten Nationen]
pol. United Nations Organization <UNO>UNO {f} [auch: Uno] [Kurzwort]
pol. United Nations Organization <UNO>Organisation {f} der Vereinten Nationen <OVN> [UNO]
law United Nations SecretariatUN-Sekretariat {n}
world of nationsVölkerwelt {f}
4 Words: Verbs
to compete with other nationsmit anderen Nationen im Wettbewerb stehen
4 Words: Nouns
pol. (the UK's) devolved nations [Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales][die dezentralisierten Mitgliedsländer Großbritanniens: Nordirland, Schottland, Wales]
pol. (United Nations) Security CouncilWeltsicherheitsrat {m} [Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen]
sports Africa Cup of NationsFußball-Afrikameisterschaft {f}
sports African Cup of Nations <AFCON>Fußball-Afrikameisterschaft {f}
pol. Andean Community of Nations <CAN>Andengemeinschaft {f} <CAN>
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A 2022-01-17: United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs ...
A 2016-04-22: @uffiee Two nations divided by the same language
A 2016-03-08: gated communities > umfriedete und bewachte Wohnanlagen; analog dazu +gate...
Q 2016-03-08: gated nations
Q 2016-03-08: gated nations
Q 2015-04-06: "The nations, not so bless'd as thee, must in their turns to tyrants fall."
A 2015-03-01: Six Nations 2015: France 13-20 Wales
A 2014-09-13: Good point, Lllama - +secretariat+ reminds me of the thoroughly unwieldy U...
A 2013-08-19: different nations cut their cows up differently
A 2013-04-20: Two nations divided by a common language
Q 2012-11-09: united nations information center
A 2010-09-10: PS: legal / law > rechtlich / Recht (law of nations > Völkerrecht); statut...
Q 2010-08-28: "Autumn of Nations"
A 2010-07-15: Cf. +high tea+ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tea_%28meal%29 (Rathe...
A 2010-06-17: It is not only Germany but the also all the nations should change their vi...
A 2009-11-02: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22non-nuclear+nations%2...
Q 2009-09-29: developed nations
A 2009-05-14: The +nations+ of mediaeval universities must not be interpreted in terms o...
Q 2009-04-24: United Nations security team [...] United Nations country team
A 2009-02-06: public international law / law of nations ....

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