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| med. sodium-potassium pump | Natrium-Kalium-Pumpe {f} | |
Partial Matches |
| chem. natrium <Na> [archaic, rare] [sodium] | Natrium {n} <Na> | |
| biochem. chem. potassium cyanide [KCN] | blausaures Kalium {n} [Kaliumcyanid] | |
| potassium carbonate [K2CO3] | kohlensaures Kalium {n} [Kaliumkarbonat] | |
| chem. potassium uranate-vanadate | Kalium-Uran-Vanadat {n} | |
| chem. potassium uranium vanadate | Kalium-Uran-Vanadat {n} | |
| pharm. docusate sodium | Docusat-Natrium {n} | |
| soda (ash) | kohlensaures Natrium {n} | |
| chem. FoodInd. potassium persulfate [Am.] [K2S2O8] [E-922] | überschwefelsaures Kalium {n} | |
| chem. silicate of sodium | kieselsaures Natrium {n} | |
| mineral. potassic-ferropargasite [KCa2(Fe4Al)Si6Al2O22(OH)2] | Kalium-Ferropargasit {m} | |
| tech. pump | Pumpe {f} | |
| chem. sodium bicarbonate [NaHCO3] | doppeltkohlensaures Natrium {n} [Natriumhydrogencarbonat] | |
| biol. sodium-hydrogen exchanger | Natrium-Wasserstoff-Austauscher {m} | |
| mineral. potassic-aluminosadanagaite [KCa2(Al2Fe3)(Si5Al3)O22(OH)2] | Kalium-Aluminosadanagait {m} | |
| chem. ecol. sodium dodecylsulphate [Br.] <SDS> | Natrium-Dodecylsulfat {n} <NDS> | |
| pharm. sodium hyaluronate eye drops | Natrium-Hyaluronat-Augentropfen {pl} | |
| mineral. potassic-aluminotaramite [K(CaNa)(Fe3Al2)(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2] | Kalium-Aluminotaramit {m} | |
| immersion pump | Eintauch-Pumpe {f} | |
| submerged pump | Eintauch-Pumpe {f} | |
| electromagnetic pump | elektromagnetische Pumpe {f} | |
| tech. oscillating pump | oszillierende Pumpe {f} | |
| MedTech. peristaltic pump | peristaltische Pumpe {f} | |
| tech. rotodynamic pump | rotodynamische Pumpe {f} | |
| portable pump | tragbare Pumpe {f} | |
| chem. acediasulfone sodium [C14H14N2O4S.Na] | Acediasulfon-Natrium {n} [auch: Acediasulfonnatrium] | |
| electr. sodium-sulfur storage battery [Am.] | Natrium-Schwefel-Akkumulator {m} | |
| drugs machine [sl.] | Pumpe {f} [ugs.] [Heroinspritze] | |
| ticker [coll.] | Pumpe {f} [ugs.] [Herz] | |
| mus. Berlin valve | Berliner Pumpe {f} [Blechblasventil] | |
| direct-acting pump | direktwirkende Pumpe {f} | |
| double-acting pump | doppeltwirkende Pumpe {f} | |
| tech. high-pressure pump | Hochdruck-Pumpe {f} | |
| flexible vane pump | Impeller-Pumpe {f} | |
| constant-delivery pump | nichtverstellbare Pumpe {f} | |
| engin. self-priming pump | selbstansaugende Pumpe {f} | |
| wind-driven pump | windgetriebene Pumpe {f} | |
| pump [coll.] [heart] | Pumpe {f} [salopp] [Herz] | |
| tech. centrifugal pump | zentrifugale Pumpe {f} [selten] [Zentrifugalpumpe] | |
| hydro. Abyssinian well pump | Abessinier-Brunnen-Pumpe {f} | |
| continuously running pump | Pumpe {f} im Dauerbetrieb | |
| pharm. sodium nitroprusside <SNP> [Na2 [Fe(CN)5NO]·2 H2O] | (Natrium-)Nitroprussid {n} | |
| mineral. sodic-ferripedrizite [Na2(Li,Na)2Mg2Fe2 [(OH,F)|Si4O11]2] | Natrium-Ferripedrizit {m} | |
| engine [Am.] [coll.] [heart] | Pumpe {f} [fig.] [Herz] | |
| hot-charge pump | Pumpe {f} für heiße Medien | |
| electr. sodium high-pressure lamp [high-pressure sodium lamp] | Natrium-Hochdrucklampe {f} [Natriumdampf-Hochdrucklampe] | |
| electr. sodium low-pressure lamp [low-pressure sodium lamp] | Natrium-Niederdrucklampe {f} [Natriumdampf-Niederdrucklampe] | |
| tech. while the pump is running {adv} | bei laufender Pumpe | |
| end-suction pump | Pumpe {f} mit axialem Einlauf / Eintritt | |
| chem. pharm. sodium nitroprusside <SNP> [Na2 [Fe(CN)5NO]·2 H2O] | Nitroprussid-Natrium {n} [auch: Nitroprussidnatrium] | |
| cross section of the pump outlet | Austrittsquerschnitt {m} der Pumpe | |
| cross section of the pump inlet | Eintrittsquerschnitt {m} der Pumpe | |
| med. potassium / calcium ratio | Kalium / Calcium-Quotient {m} | |
| biol. sodium-proton exchanger <NHE> | Natrium-Protonen-Austauscher {m} <NHE> | |
| mineral. fluoro-sodic-ferropedrizite [NaLi2 (Fe2Al2Li)(Si6Al2)O22F2] | Fluoro-Natrium-Ferropedrizit {m} | |
| mineral. fluoro-potassic-magnesio-arfvedsonite [KNa2(Mg,Fe)5 [(F,OH)|Si4O11]2] | Fluoro-Kalium-Magnesio-Arfvedsonit {m} | |
| mineral. chloro-potassic-ferro-edenite [[K] [Ca2] [Fe5] [(Cl,OH)2|AlSi7O22]] | Kalium-Chloro-Ferro-Edenit {m} | |
| chem. potassium <K> | Kalium {n} <K> | |
| to choke a pump with sand | eine Pumpe mit Sand verstopfen | |
| med. sb. coded [sl.] [went into cardiac arrest] | bei jdm. hat die Pumpe ausgesetzt [ugs.] [jd. erlitt einen Herzstillstand] | |
| chem. sodium <Na> | Natrium {n} <Na> | |
| mineral. sodic-ferri-clinoferroholmquistite [Na0.5Li2(Fe,Fe,Mg,Li,Al)5Si8O22(OH,F)2] | Natrium-Ferri-Klinoferroholmquistit {m} | |
| tech. Roots pump | Roots-Pumpe {f} | |
| biol. sodium-calcium exchanger <NCX, Na+/Ca2+ exchanger> | Natrium-Calcium-Austauscher {m} <NCX> | |
| med. sodium-potassium pump <Na-K pump, Na/K pump> | Na-K-Pumpe {f} | |
| archaeo. geol. potassium-argon dating <K-Ar dating> | Kalium-Argon-Datierung {f} <K-Ar-Datierung, K/Ar-Datierung> | |
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