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English-German translation for: Nissl-Substanz
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Dictionary English German: Nissl Substanz

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NOUN   die Nissl-Substanz | die Nissl-Substanzen
biol. Nissl substanceNissl-Substanz {f}
Partial Matches
biol. Nissl bodiesNissl-Schollen {pl} [auch: Nisslschollen]
biol. Nissl granuleNissl-Granulum {n} [auch: Nisslgranulum]
biol. Nissl granuleNissl-Körnchen {n} [auch: Nisslkörnchen]
biochem. Nissl stainNissl-Färbung {f}
biochem. Nissl stainingNissl-Färbung {f}
materialSubstanz {f}
matterSubstanz {f}
substanceSubstanz {f}
contaminantverschmutzende Substanz {f}
chem. fluorescentfluoreszierende Substanz {f}
chem. solutegelöste Substanz {f}
adamantaußerordentlich harte Substanz {f}
biochem. med. antimicrobial agentantimikrobielle Substanz {f}
med. carcinogenic substancekrebserregende Substanz {f}
chem. chemical substancechemische Substanz {f}
compound bodyzusammengesetzte Substanz {f}
concrete substancefeste Substanz {f}
biochem. endocrine disruptorhormonaktive Substanz {f}
drugs sports illicit substanceverbotene Substanz {f}
biol. organic substanceorganische Substanz {f}
prohibited substanceverbotene Substanz {f}
chem. med. psychoactive compoundpsychoaktive Substanz {f}
pharm. psychoactive substancepsychoaktive Substanz {f}
radioactive substanceradioaktive Substanz {f}
solid matterfeste Substanz {f}
solid substancefeste Substanz {f}
zool. subacrosomal substancesubakrosomale Substanz {f}
chem. toxic substancetoxische Substanz {f}
diffusionEindringen {n} in eine Substanz
essence [essential character]Substanz {f} [Wesen]
formulationnach Rezept gefertigte Substanz {f}
meat [fig.]Substanz {f} [Gewicht, Aussagekraft]
philos. absolute substance [Spinoza]unbedingte Substanz {f}
ecol. biodegradable substancebiologisch abbaubare Substanz {f}
philos. extended substance [Descartes]ausgedehnte Substanz {f}
pharm. sports masking agentmaskierende Substanz {f} [Maskierungsmittel]
biochem. endocrine disrupting chemicalhormonaktive Substanz {f}
biochem. endocrine disrupting compoundhormonaktive Substanz {f}
chem. high polymer substancehochpolymere Substanz {f}
biochem. hormonally active agenthormonaktive Substanz {f}
med. muscle-stimulating substancemuskelstimulierende Substanz {f}
chem. non-volatile substancenichtflüchtige Substanz {f}
anat. white matter [Substantia alba]weiße Substanz {f}
to absorb a substanceeine Substanz absorbieren
preservation of substanceErhaltung {f} der Substanz
pharm. product-related substance <PRS>produktbezogene Substanz {f}
anat. gray matter [Am.] [Substantia grisea]graue Substanz {f}
anat. grey matter [Br.] [Substantia grisea]graue Substanz {f}
It lacks substance.Es fehlt an Substanz.
to analyse a substance [Br.]eine Substanz analysieren
med. white matter biopsyBiopsie {f} der weißen Substanz
pharm. over-the-counter substancefrei verkäufliche Substanz {f}
med. gray matter heterotopia [Am.]Heterotopie {f} der grauen Substanz
med. grey matter heterotopia [Br.]Heterotopie {f} der grauen Substanz
to draw on one's resourcesdie Substanz angreifen
med. white matter lesion <WML>Läsion {f} der weißen Substanz [LWS]
chem. to analyse a chemical substance [Br.]eine chemische Substanz analysieren
chem. to analyze a chemical substance [Am.]eine chemische Substanz analysieren
anat. chem. surface active agent [surfactant] [also: surface-active agent]grenzflächenaktive Substanz {f}
chem. surface active agent [surfactant] [also: surface-active agent]oberflächenaktive Substanz {f}
med. white matter disease <WMD>Krankheit {f} der weißen Substanz [des Zentralnervensystems]
chem. one bead - one compoundein Kügelchen - eine Substanz [Split-and-Combine-Technik]
That really takes it out of you. [idiom]Das geht an die Substanz. [Redewendung]
biol. particulate organic matter <POM>partikuläre organische Substanz {f} <POS, POM>
med. normal appearing white matter <NAWM>normal aussehende weiße Substanz {f}
pharm. erythropoietin-stimulating agent <ESA>Erythropoese-stimulierende Substanz {f} <ESA>
publ. new psychoactive substance <NPS>neue psychoaktive Substanz {f} <NPS>
organic matter <OM>organische Substanz {f} <OM, OS>
philos. attribute-substance relationAttribut-Substanz-Relation {f}
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